>>56606381I'm so confused by this babble what are you so mad about? The united states is 1000x the size of your euro country none of these sweeping generalizations are accurate.
>can't name other countriesSure we can, but why should we care about your country when it's 1000s of miles away? That's like you caring about some random african country. It's more important for us to know which states are which, since those are like small countries (and sometimes huge countries, like texas)
> you barely travel the world and are xenophobic and unculturedwhy would we travel? I can travel 1000 miles and see the grand canyon, deserts, beautiful oceans and pine barrens. Or I can go to Hawaii which is far more beautiful than anywhere else.
> and shout racial slurs at people and act like its some profound statement to do sowe have an extremely diverse population of naturalized immigrants, so who are you talking about specifically?
> like the right to rape women and force them to give birth to babiesother countries also have abortion bans, or incredibly strict and early abortion laws. It's also based on state.
>your food is awful and just better recipes stolen from other real culturesDo you mean the food brought here by immigrants looking for a better life? How is that stealing?
>your country has suffered no real hardships and forced to develop on its ownNo real hardships? What do you mean by this statement? What is a "real" hardship to you? Because the people in Appalachia would beg to differ.
>you genocided and enslaved millions of people and practiced obscene imperialism upon othersdidn't the brits also do this? and worse?
>you're obsessed with cars and destroy the environment just so you can jerk yourself about not having to use public transportationSorry, when you have a gigantic country muh no cars walkability matters less than being able to take one highway from the east of the united states to the west
>I hate you.You are ignorant and it's sad.