>>56633081Guessing I found it. The "feature list" is in myth 6 page 5, myth 7 page 4 and myth 7.1イアエア page 5. There's some changes sometimes but they're all basically the same. Doesn't feature swapping diamonds into pearls though.
>■What Ia/Ea symbolizes>Ia: Light, Stability, Sun, Farming, Yayoi People, Man, Drought, Human Work, Anger, Diamond>Ea: Time, Change, Moon(and stars), Hunting, Ainu, Woman, Cold, Nature, Sadness, PearlSo yeah the only notable confusing thing is it seems like Palkia and Dialgas powerset just swapped last minute.
Extra stray fun note that most of these docs have.
>In order to incorporate "Time Stop" as a characteristic, Ea's type has been changed from Dragon/Water to Dragon/Ice.>>56633237Originally Palkia seems to be implied to be some sort of human god, then they decided to make it a cover legend which is probably where the "arceus fucks a man" revision came from.