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217KiB, 1000x1600, deqpn2w-1628310a-bda1-473c-896c-fa806bd6bce7.png
Quoted By: >>56634851 >>56634892
Why are people complaining about the southern Kalos cut as if the game was cut in half? When the region is already one of the largest in all of the games. Here are the number of cities per region:
Alola - 9
Galar - 12
Hoenn - 16
Johto - 12 (including Frontier Access and Safari Zone Gate)
Kalos - 16
Kanto - 10
Sevii Islands - 7 islands
Sinnoh - 17
Unova - 20 (including Black City and White Forest)
Paldea - 12
Alola - 9
Galar - 12
Hoenn - 16
Johto - 12 (including Frontier Access and Safari Zone Gate)
Kalos - 16
Kanto - 10
Sevii Islands - 7 islands
Sinnoh - 17
Unova - 20 (including Black City and White Forest)
Paldea - 12