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GADZOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ar-arceus-sama, you've been WATCHING all my SEXUAL EXPLOITS with my WIFE......and you were ENTERTAINED!??!?!! So much so that you're making a NEW UNIVERSE where the LAWS OF REALITY revolve around MY KEKOLDRY?!?!!!?!? Causality will be contingent upon ANDROID 18's ORGASMS!?!!??!! Even down to the ATOMIC LEVEL.....PROTONS will be BIG BEEFY BULLS, attracted to the ELECTRONS of HER SLOPPY PUSSY, and I'll have to OBSERVE PASSIVELY as the NEUTRONS!?!?!!?? And sometimes WE'LL SWAP THE PARTICLES of THEIR CUMSHOTS!??!!??! The OBSERVABLE UNIVERSE will be nothing more than a CELESTIAL ORGY!!?!?!!!?! After BILLIONS OF YEARS of INTERGALACTIC BUKKAKE, the EXACT CONDITIONS for CARBON-BASED LIFE will align in a solar system MUCH LIKE OUR OWN!!?!?!!! From a PRIMORDIAL SOUP of SPERMATOZOA, they will RISE to inhabit a CUMDUMP of a PLANET!?!??!!! Slowly, these ORGASMIC ORGANISMS will undergo EROTIC EVOLUTION until eventually SAPIENT HUMANOIDS roam the SPEARMTH!?!?!?!?! And just as WE do, THEY will exhibit PARALLELS between the MICRO and the MACRO!?!?!?!? Their LANGUAGE, their CULTURE, and SOCIETY AT LARGE will revolve around 18 GETTING POUNDED LIKE YESTERDAY'S BEEF!?!?!?!!?? She will TRANSCEND into the very CONCEPT of LOVE, JOY, and SUCCESS, while I will represent LOSS, PAIN, HUMILIATION, and SO MUCH MORE!?!?!!!!? And as the METAPHYSICAL UNDERPINNINGS of YIN AND YANG, we will bring about an UNPRECEDENTED UNIFICATION of RELIGION AND IDEOLOGY!?!?!!?!? Humanity.......NO, KUCKLINITY will become a HIGHLY ADVANCED UTOPIA capable of RIVALING THE GODS through TECHNOLOGY, with their ONE GOAL being to SPREAD THEIR DOCTRINE?!??!?!?!! Y-You think their POWER will become SO GREAT that they'll affect REALITIES that ARE EVEN ABOVE OUR OWN!?!?!????! By harnessing OUTERVERSAL METANARRATIVE ENERGY , they'll be able to TRANSFORM my cuckoldry into a MEMETIC AGENT that SPREADS through their STORIES!?!??!!!!!?!!?........YABBA DABBA DOO, I'll be real to YOU, TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!