>>56688382Gen 5 really wants to be like 4, but it's closer to 6, Sinnoh had some design rot, but it was mainly messy evolutionary lines [the best way I know how to explain it is imagine if Taillow evolved into Staravia and Staravia evolved into Unfezant. That's the problem with a few of Gen4's lines in a nutshell.] and a few bad designs. It's got solid writing hat focused really hard on doing the classic formula well, and just taking the lessons of Gen 3 [Having real characters with an illusion of agency is cool and apocalypse plots make for an easy way to make both the legendary and the evil team plot mesh easily] and expand on them.
Gen 5 wants to double down further, causes a 40 car pile up with Plasma, and then smears it with shit due to bad pokemon designs that abandon most of the key design language of the series entirely and it's legendary/evil team plot doesn't click well due to its legendaries being a vague, uninteresting mess and its team, again, sucking dick due to like 4 competing concepts at last count, being PETA, with a King Arthur Messianic cult, with internal power struggles, Ninjas, refugees from a depressing AU, and also a JRPG Big Bad running a giant scam.
It's definitely the Gen where the rivals fell out the bottom. Barry is friendly, but he's also willing to be kind of a dick in tone, you can tell he's legitimately competing with you and wants to see you lose, IE a real rival, rather than just hoping he'll win. Plus, he's also willing to talk some shit. Gen 5 had Cheren, who's just a cardboard cutout with a poorly drawn Brendan/May on it with a scowly face and Bianca who's narrative arc is accepting she sucks.
Small aside, more Bianca porn, please. It's something she'll always be good for.