Quoted By:
>remaking the timeline however you want
>you still give us 3rd versions and shit remakes
>you still make GameFreak rush for annual releases, the biggest reason the games have sucked
whipped & retarded.
the real kino timeline:
>2010: BW
>2012: B2W2
>2013: Emerald remake in Gen 5
>2015: XY (the one they wanted to make)
>2017: Outsourced but unique Pokemon game, like Orre games, on 3DS Gen 6
>2018: Kanto remake with early Johto postgame on Switch, last traditional games
>2020: Gen 7, starts with the new open world formula but better than SV, Alola/SM never exist
>2021: Sequel to the 2017 game on Switch, Gen 7
>2022: Platinum gets a direct upscaled Switch port with new content & features, not a full remake
>2023: Sequel to Gen 7 base games with new pokemon retroactively added to the base with free dlc
>2024: BW get direct upscaled port to Switch with new content and features, not full remake
Looks good to me, Hoennbros get an actually good not-Minecraft remake, Sinnohbros get to have an improved version of Platinum on current hardware (it holds up well enough), Unovabros would be getting the same this year. Kanto and Johto fans both should be satisfied. I propose the direct ports cost less than typical Switch MSRP too.
Then on the mainline side of things, 3rd version BS truly ended with Platinum, SM never existed, SwSh never existed, they actually innovated instead of taking "steps in the right direction", DLC BS never existed, it's still Gen 7 and there's still less than 1000 Pokemon. Oh and Megas stayed btw, Ultra Beasts/Dynamax/Regional forms/Paradox mons all never existed.
You're welcome.