>>56787818>To this day I still don't get why some people shit on Swish for having bad graphics.Switch hardware issues aside, the main line Pokemon games really drop the ball in this regard. Not only there're plenty of switch games that look much better, but even other pokemon games that also do.
>It's as close as we'd get to get that cartoon look.That's actually a really good point, because if they trully tried emulating the cartoon/anime look, the game would look and peform much better too. Zelda Windwaker on the fucking gamecube looks infinitely better than SV and it actually looks like a cartoon too.
The reality is that the main line pokemon games have always been extremelly lazy. 1st and 2nd gen were alright for GB/GBC hardware, but the following gens had only minimal effort put in in their game engines. And as the hardware keeps getting better, the laziness gets more obvious.