>>56824208>Giratina yeah, that's pretty cool. I thought they gave one of these away in an event though?
>Reshiramthat's really subtle. bit it is better
>Kyuremwrong, we can't agree on this one
>>56824221>Raikou/EnteiMac-n-Cheese Raikou is lame
Entei is pretty cool. Black and Gold is a good look
>Ho-OhSorry, again, the original is better. It's a rainbow bird. Not supposed to be a gold bird.
>Latiasnope. Red is better.
>FugYeah, that's pretty bad-ass, but it stops looking like shenron. I'd say they're equal. I mean it looks cooler? But it also looks wrong at the same time.
>YveltalAgain, disagree. Black and red for the death wyvern is just better.
good showing though. I didn't realize how many legendaries had decent shinies.
but is it worth playing through SM AGAIN in order to get them?