>>56871475I've been outside recently so I don't know that much about that particular schizo's lore but there's just liking a pokemon and then there's being so obsessed with it that you shoehorn it everywhere you can, actual relevance to a thread/subject be damned
Anyone remember aurorusschizo who went into pretty much every thread where rock or ice types were mentioned and bitched about his badly typed rightfully extinct shitmon getting rekt while trying to derail threads into explaining why it needs 382 gajillion buffs
Over 20 of my favorite pokemon have quad weaknesses and I don't go into literally every thread to bitch about them
>>56871564>I don’t get why it dissolved into shitflingingA sizeable chunk of /vp/'s persistent userbase is people obsessed with arguing over games for kids and which installment is better
Whether or not they're genuinely invested into these retarded arguments or just trolls changing the gens they shill/bash with every post is irrelevant
The only true rule of genwarring is that it's every man for himself