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No.56892157 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Was always intrigued by Pokemon as a kid but never got into it because never had a GBA or DS
>Fast forward to today, have GBA SP (the tribal silver one, managed to get it for dirt cheap before the retro gaming boom) and my wife got me hooked on Pokemon
>Been playing FR (sadly not a real copy but a pretty decent bootleg, only difference is it pauses when saving and booting up says "The save file is OK") and really enjoying it
>My wife still has her copy of Sapphire and a GBA SP of her own
>Go to retro game shop in city today, we manage to snag loose but fully functional legit copies of Ruby and Emerald
I'm gonna try and finish Fire Red before I start on Hoenn, but what am I in for? Plan is I'm gonna play Ruby, she's thinking of transferring her 'mons from Sapphire onto our copy of Colosseum and starting again, and then we're going to "co-play" Emerald. IIRC Ruby and Sapphire lack some QOL features they added in Emerald and FRLG, but I wanna play it regardless.