>>56917631>Banned because it saves timeThis has always been the dumbest argument. Not because making your team from scratch doesn't take time but because the amount of time gained from it in negligable in actually making a difference in tournament performance. Getting better at the game is measured in months to years, and it isn't like a player is going to spend every waking minute they gain from genning relentlessely practicing. Time advantage argument also becomes less and less valid the higher the level of competition. Put it this way, a person could in theory in older generations gain 50 hours to practice, a pro player is expected however to have thousands of hours of reasearch and practice, those 50 hours are just a drop in the bucket for them compared to what their already expected to have. And the fact if it was about time using traded mons would be banned because there is nothing stopping a player from hiring someone else to build there team for them, we even have direct video evidence people have done this yet there is no rules against it.
It is not about and has never been about time. And never has VGC ever said it is about time. Its always has been Nintendo Japanese company mindset of being extremely anti-modding and altering of there hardware and games.