>>56940417>I would argue Diamond and Pearl have the best spritesDP must be the most overrated games; hard-carried by people who are blinded by nostalgia for the GTS and DS Wifi.
It's apparently a "golden-era" game despite having one of the least enjoyable campaigns, locking off most Pokemon to postgame gimmicks like Pokeradar, Swarms, Safari Zone rotations, etc., with an engine that is slow as molasses, terrible type distribution in its regional dex, etc.
After playing through it again, DP are honestly less enjoyable than even XY and arguably even SwSh.
Now I see people claiming that DP has the best sprites even though several of its sprites look almost unfinished, like Gliscor (what's going on with those teeth?).
Platinum is also overrated, but at least it fixes the most obvious faults in DP and overall I tend to prefer the Platinum sprites for most Pokemon (NOT Quagsire) over the sprites in DP, RS/FRLG/E or HGSS.
Crystal sprites (for the first 251) are my favorite, though that may just be nostalgia speaking.
I also think BW/BW2 animations are also mostly decent apart from a few examples like Deoxys, Soodowoodo, and Aerodactyl.