>>56985316>I think you did mean it. Immediately celebrating at the prospect of White extinction was your instinct getting the best of you.I only said that because it's such a common talking point and insecurity amongst /pol/types like OP, I only want the extinction of the intolerant. It's all just fearmongering anyways, comparing declining birthrates in "first world" countries and immigration through legal channels to a genocide is a massive insult and bastardization of the gravity of what that word means, especially to the real victims of it throughout history. What Israel is currently doing to the poor people in Gaza... THAT's a genocide...
>Regardless, we still think you're animals evidently incompatible with (our) civilization and you will have to be removed eventually.African American's were brought to America in chains and forced to be a part of and build "your" civilization. When they were segregated out of white society and built up thriving communities for themselves white people burned them to the ground (the Tulsa and Wilmington massacres immediately come to mind).
The Civil Rights Act outlawing legal segregation in America was only 60 years ago... both my grandparents were alive and well then.
How can you expect black people to properly integrate into society when you deny them every right, and build up obstacles at every turn? Denied of generational wealth and reparations, even though slave owners were given reparations for the loss of their human capital and a blind-eye was turned to their crimes against humanity. Black people have had a massive cultural impact on the world, proven themselves capable of any job or position in spite of eugenics propaganda, and yet even in your comment you dehumanize us... calling for a complete displacement, or worse...
I can only pray people like you are cured of your hatred and ignorance one day. You should do some reading on the evils listed in picrel and educate yourself. I'm done arguing in this shit thread.