>>57004234While I'm thinking about it, a friend of mine actually gave me a translation of this image! Here are his notes.
感情がしっぽに出やすい。(Emotions tend to show in the tail.)
三白眼 (Sanpaku.) What Sanpaku means three wishes or a folk belief, according to which the visibility of the sclera above or under the irises has various meanings, such as an omen or symptom in alternative medicine according to Wikipedia.
ふんわり ヘアスタイル (Fluffy hairstyle.)
Note referring to the hair that's probably carried over when she was a human.
きようなリボン (Fancy ribbon.)
ポケモンフーズはまだ 少し抵抗がある。 (Pokemon Foods is still a bit resistant.) What that means is that she is still not used to eating Pokemon Foods.
マズくはない。(It's unappetizing.)
コルクめし (Cork Meal)
ベベチィ(Basically onomatopoeia for beating or something.)
Sっ気が強い (Has a strong sense of sadism.)
ソファリナ (name, Sophia)
アイドルチックな女の子。(An Idol girl. [Not sure if it's literal idol as in pop star or just popular girl, those are two different things]
よくカワイコぶる。(She often acts cute.)
可愛いと言うと喜ぶ。(She's happy when you call her cute).
わるいカオする (Making a poor impression.) [By making look like she's some evil person.]
腹黒。 (Black-hearted.)