>my journey through SLLDE continues >trainer gauntlets using bullshit weather teams with busted fakemon that have all of their overpowered abilities at once, how fun >RG plays slowpoke's shack, a decent game that descends into schizo time travel bullshit for some reason >bunken continues suffering in reborn allgen >orevald finishes C&C, liking it with some reservations, then tries (and fails) to start the shitty postscriptum pre-prequel that looks terrible >ashime goes through realidea, enjoying the sexo girls and the pleasant 4chan shitpost atmosphere >musk gives up the roblox fangame after it becomes repetitive walkingsim snoy moviegame dogshit >tiramisu gets to the midgame of clover >What is this? This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.
>How do I join? Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images.
>Archive >Fangame Bingo Card Generator
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
first for foreshadowing what i'll play next after a rare two thread wonder
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Somehow I knew that'd be the thread image kek. Rate/10
>>57021658 >dragurve oh cool, i could go for a Double Dragon let's play
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
>>57021662 hug/10
>>57021675 nope, playing pokemon wack and this time i'll use a real or imagined audience to gaslight myself into actually completing it without doing something stupid that bricks the save like trying to toggle insanity mode mid-run like my first real LP of it
first let me see if this even lets you dox yourself or not
>Couldn't retrieve the location information oh
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
Sizable if factual.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
first trainer was nothing to write home about, the second trainer actually doesn't seem too bad. Whiteouts: 289 doe from the first
this mon is funny though
>Moody now boosts a random stat by 2 stages each turn, and resets the previous boost. so basically, it just picks a new stat to set at +4 each turn
shouldn't be that hard to deal with thoughver
>>57021662 of course, haha..
>>57021662 how could it be anything else, with the game being played, haha..
>>57021711 with how frequently you pick up and drop games, might be a better idea and wait until we do bizarre rather than replay wack for the millionth time desu
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>whirlpool + toxic + protect + raindish + swift swim + wonder skin cool mon bro.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
Motrannies... it's so over.
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
>>57021770 in my defense it only displays as pure dragon ingame
and also i'm not getting it until much, much later and this isn't a solorun
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>the first time i made it past alomomola's retarded cousin (by getting a lucky poison proc with poison jab) i won epic
Whiteouts: 294
>>57021760 crazy what happens when a real non-fujo woman works on one of these games kek
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>>57021789 Yeah that makes sense, have fun
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
I'll give the regional Drifblim a try.
>>57021770 I'm surprised Gamefreak hasn't experimented with any mons doubling down on their strengths and weaknesses yet.
>>57021792 >crazy what happens when a real non-fujo woman works on one of these games kek It's a shame for the artistic medium that the english 'cords only attract fujos and men, but it's also perfectly understandable given the kinds of "people" in them.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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yeah, i was wondering when this part was going to become shit, it's been overall a bit too easy so far Whiteouts: 292
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
I was bored so I went back to trying to learn the ropes with modding and file editing, I'm still having a ton of issues making Iron Thorns work, do I need a specific text editing software to insert a new Pokemon into a game like Desolation or Rejuvenation's codebase? I'll keep trying to see if I can figure out specifically what's causing the error, otherwise I'm going back to Yang for a bit.
>>57021662 Stepdaughter/10.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
This is the first one so far that isn't really doing it for me and she's not even badly designed I'm just deathly allergic to the uwu :3 catgirl vibe.
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>Interactive mechanic for a dancefloor field >The player can get buffs too if they do well enough on the DDR minigame 'CORDXISTERS, OUR RESPONSE????
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
Quoted By:
gotta love when the only dragon type left to get at this point is duraludon which is a 1% encounter rate Whiteout counter: 2 (2 optional)
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
Taking a break for a little bit. This game is very charming.>captcha: W1F4U >wife 4 u
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>the zebranigger could trace swift swim and is also just faster than all of my non-swift swim faggots with perfect coverage + forewarn now for some reason acts like a defense version of download >mermaid is super fast swift swimmer with liquid voice hyper voice in rainspam >lots of priority and unfavorable matchups in general for me like water/poison bulkyniggers and a water absorb superfast mon wasn't fun kek, i really should have thrown on some water absorb or electric pokemon
ah well. again, not a hard fight, just that if i want to rearrange my team, i'd need to redo the last 3 rainbossfaggots as well
Whiteouts: 301 >>57021905 GG
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>57021930 Thanks and GG to you too.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
no, i'm playing a shitty game. don't worry i'm very aware of that
let's see how retarded this one is
>>57021932 thanks bro
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
>>57021930 what was your whiteout counter before you entered this section
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
uhmmmm....LOTS to unpack here sweaty>Midnight Terrain: Permanent >For five turns, Dark type moves are boosted in power by 50%, and all non-Dark or Ghost type Pokémon's Accuracy are lowered by 10% upon entering the field. Non-grounded Pokémon are unaffected. >Midnight Terrain has a new effect: in addition to boosting Dark moves, it also makes Ghost and Dark types neutral against eachother. and then the mons InternalName=TARATERROR Type1=BUG Type2=DARK BaseStats=90,110,85,80,50,70 Abilities=UNNERVE,INTIMIDATE HiddenAbility=TERRIFY>TERRIFY: Lowers the opposing team's speed by 1 on switchin the other fat retard is the no guard hypnosis spammer from before, now 10x more annoying with the bullshit flying around
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>>57021963 217 kek
it will probably have doubled by the time i'm done
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57021905 gg. is that mid battle dialogue that isn't just for setting up sticky web? NYAAAAAAA I CAN'T BELIEVE IT
>>57021930 gg. everytime I see this game I forget it's pokemon and not a steam indie game
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
I'll keep the rest of my codding experiments for tomorrow, I'll go make some spaghetti and then it's Yang time again, at least for a bit.
>>57021905 >>57021930 GG.
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
Quoted By:
and that's the snowdoge challenge completed>The Snowdoge Challenge, as well as the Pokemon Snowdoge, are a possible reference to the fake Gabe Newell interview done by YouTube channel Silvermania. When asked why he chose J.J Abrams to direct the Half Life movie, "Gabe" replied that "he was ready to take the snow dog challenge" and then went on to explain that a snow dog is a "cocaine covered turd". This possibility is further cemented by the fact that Snowdoge's evolution's name is "Cocaiturd" and the trainer who gives the Snowdoge Challenge's name is Gabe. snowdoge lore>possible reference yeah because surely it's all just coincidental and not blatantly obviously done on purpose
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
if this was an appletun i'd ask someone to post that copypasta involving it right now
Average kaizocreator
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
apparently this nigger is supposed to be the easiest of the admins, and he pretty much was kek
i didn't get sneeded by the accuracy debuff bullshit, at least, not for now
Whiteouts: 306, the last rain faggot was way harder. for some reason he didn't use rain himself in that fight despite the rest of the retards using rain teams >>57021983 >>57022033 thanks niggas
>and then it's Yang time again, h-haha..
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>this is the TM for trick room ohshitniggerthingsjustgotreallyseriousiftheyrehandingthisoutnow.png
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
and i'm FINALLY done with the 'haha no PC for you' sections it looks like
>the rain on this route abruptly turns into sand halfway up before the first grunt haha...
>primal dialga theme remixed with one of the mountain themes from PMD rescue team hahahaha....
>>57022092 thanks
just a bit more before the end now
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>it turns back into hail and then the first grunt sets up infinite electric terrain as well okay....? well fuck this, if i'm allowed to use the PC i'm counterteaming the shit out of these fights
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
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time for the ice gym with my only relevant pokemon being dreepy and flapple
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
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or I could just get my dreepy crit turn 1 and OHKOed epic Whiteout counter: 3
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
Quoted By:
oh my fauci i heckin love sub-5% encounter rates
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
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caught what will later become a dragon type once it fully evolves
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>first they could control the weather >now this cunt is crying that the weather (which just so happened to be perfectly optimized for his team) fucked him over kill yourself. not much to say, igloo is strong into hailshit teams, and i could actually use my brickbreak mon this time for his screenspam Whiteouts: 311
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
oh my fauci i love blatant fucking cheating and doubleshart fights>the leadup to this fight was sun >now strong winds yeah that's a 'legit' weather if he removed your PC access this place would be fucking atrocious jesus christ
>>57022044 Which copypasta?
>>57022048 To be fair isn't the point of these hacks to be obscenely difficult yet still winnable? I don't comprehend the seethe especially with most games being 2 easy.
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
Quoted By:
>>57022223 >off by 1 no drawfag summon to give us reborncord contraband/pictures of tomboy boobies out of pity
it's over
>>57022231 the appletun plushie one involving some soiboy cuck getting well, cucked idk
it's probably on the sharty's wiki, idk which copypasta list page it's on
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
Quoted By:
>>57022231 You see the issue in your idea is in the still winnable part, just looking at the lawds example you will see them remove anything that wins against their fights in a way that isn't the exact way they want and seethe about shit like crested ice castform
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>game decided to have a melty and crash as soon as i won this retarded fight >>57022223 not only are the fights horrible but the modder himself is trying to make this as painful as possible
just took a break, time to go all the way to the end this time. fuck this shit's draining
>>57022231 it's a combination of
>the kaizoniggers themselves being less than pleasant people as evidenced by how they behave in their little shitholes >the fact that they nerf any strategy people use to win fights with >the absolutely insane and cheaty design decisions they have to go through to make this game difficult it's not just 'give a team 6 competitive pokemon with decent movesets' it's shit like
>>57020820 if your game just boils down to 'reset the fight a billion times until you work out the dev intended solution to win' it's not even very hard, just very tedious and patience testing. i'll eventually win if i figure out the counter to each of the 6 broken sharty mons, figuring out that process is not organic or fun to do at all
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
could say this of this entire mod d e s u nii. Whiteouts: 318, it's just a flyingspam team on strong winds, thankfully no tailwind this time but i basically had to use all the fast mons in the dex because the nigger was using shit that outsped 90% of my own
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By: gauntlet time?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>the darknigger terrain again ACK
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
>>57022426 new kaizoshit mod idea
OHKO moves are buffed in to crash your game
and you can't obtain them
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Back, I wished my seaside spaghetti eased the absolute fucking misery that is the meteor gauntlet, fucking everything has illegal movesets, focus sashes, teams perfectly built to abuse terrains to disgusting degrees, the whole shabang.
On a less shit note, holy fuck slowed down Area Zero's theme being slightly slowed and bass boosted in the tanzan cave section is actually pure kino.
>>57022426 I feel your pain.....I had to counterteam the absolute faggots who spawn frozen field and electric terrain in over 20 minutes of slow methodical attempts by figuring out exactly what they were running.
Fuckle the Shuckle and TYRONE the buckbreaker TAVROS have been blessings in this run so far.
>>57022446 GG.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
Internal Name=HUMBREECH
HP: 155
ATK: 50
SPA: 55
SPD: 75
SPE: 75
waiLORDS....i kneel.
>>57022464 that's just empyrean
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>57022474 thanks bro. i don't look forward to ever going back to the yang meteornigger gauntlets myself, but at least they won't ever (probably) be as bad as this shit kek
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
hahahahhaaha.... i will admit, on some level, it is pretty kino to be just BTFOing an entire army of overpowered faggots
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>The GigaSteelix fight is now a full on gauntlet >>57022488 I don't think much of anything can be worse than the absolute hell you're going through, but these fucking gauntlets are so mentally taxing and draining to get through.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>>57022527 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the second fight immediately opens with a shadow tag nigger + a volcanize (aerilate for fire types) boosted explosion that also doesn't hurt the enemy partner i take back everything good i said
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>sun >grassy terrain >now it has hustle + the retarded fucking pre-status paralysis quick feet combo to double its speed SAVE ME L*E-SAMA
>>57022529 gl for the retarded yangrocky field bro
>but these fucking gauntlets yeah, this might be harder than any individual part of yang, but at least there's only one of this section, yang has like 5 or 6 nigger gauntlets which make it more of a slog overall kek
Quoted By:
>>57022426 Fair enough. I kneel and agree that cheating is cringe.
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>>57021770 DOUBLE DRAGON
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
Quoted By:
yay now I have a lapsy
just need to get a wave incense and I can have a 600 BST dragon/ice Laprageddon
>>57022426 also I should mention
sure some people may claim smogonshit in fangames is autistic but at least with smogon formats, everything that the enemy can use/have is usable by you as well
whereas kaizoshit just outright gives the enemy stuff you're not allowed to have, and usually doesn't follow the rules that you have to follow too
an example is the latest get rich quick scheme by Wagie's therapist
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
Quoted By:
oops maybe i should have paid a bit more attention when starting this save
Quoted By:
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
BOY, I SURE DO LOVE REPLAYING THE SAME FUCKING FIGHT ONLY TO GET A TEASER OF A SECOND, EVEN HARDER FIGHT at least you get healed between them, and it's not the gay multiple 12v12 shit like in yang, but this is really miserable kek hell at least in yang i could look at the trainer teams in the PBS and save between them
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Stealth Rocks literally kill everything that switches in >NOTHING does damage against the opposing Pokemon >Dugtrio has 552 speed EVs, it's outspeed everything in existence even after getting hit by Sticky Web >GigaSteelix doesn't take any damage, the AI for is absolutely nigger tier but it doesn't have to think and just clicks STAB moves to one shot everything anyway >The tranny who made this mod is petty enough to EV the Steelix to always outslow Yakub, BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT ALLOWING TO CHEESE LE HECKING AWESOME KAIZORENO FIGHT CHUD >Have to sack a bunch of mons in a desperate attempt at getting any progress or set >I'm getting desperate enough to consider unironically spamming Flash on my Shuckle and hoping for the best despite my abysmal luck >>57022548 Thanks bro.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>57022628 if your mod has people having to resort to evasion hax then you fucked up with balancing
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Every single Pokemon in this gauntlet is immune to both Grass and Water WHY?! FUCKING WHY?!>Then there's paralysis spam from Sandaconda Please fucking stop.......>The AI got a 5 crit string ...............siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh........
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
>>57022710 >uses a full restore Jagi !!vAq/4B8tWXO
Final dungeon time it seems lets go
>>57022682 dont you know super effective hits are transphobic do better chud
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
I literally have to do the most complex inputs ever just for this first fucking fight just for a chance to see what the second fight is
man this fucking sucks
>spider that lowers attack and speed on switchin >ghost that activates unburden instantly, has 100% accurate hypnosis, takes neutral damage from dark moves >the fucking whale >fucking toxapex, except it's now a really powerful special attacker >the stupid fucking hustle strong jaw wolf with STAB crunch and always active sucker punch >some lobster with iron fist + tough claws that kills anything with jet punch eyes are beginning to glaze over kek
>>57022710 don't give up bro
Jagi !!vAq/4B8tWXO
Quoted By:
Guy looks like lance
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>The AI was getting so fucking afraid of CHADily's immortality after it got an Ancient Power boost that it sacked Dugtrio via Memento in a futile attempt to stop it AAAAAAAAAAAH.....YES.....I CAN TASTE THE SUFFERING AND FEAR..........
>>57022724 Best of luck, the big nog and D.E.U.S. can be shite.
>>57022760 I don't blame you, holy shit this crap is awful.
I won't, thanks bro.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
I made it bros.....
I made it to the last two fucking mons on the second team....
If there's another one after this I might scream kek
>>57022784 GG
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Jagi !!vAq/4B8tWXO
Respect to the sand team, if I had known I would've brought hail though >>57022784 GG
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
Another thing I never really thought about from Reborn.
>Electrorape joins the meteorniggers simply because a woman named Linn was working for them despite it not being the most uncommon name or anything >>57022794 >>57022808 >>57022815 >>57022826 Thanks bros and GG as well.
>>57022816 Oh fuck no......
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57022815 gg
>>57022816 please please let it be moto self inserting
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>you can stop and save between the 2nd battle in the gauntlet and the third oh my god
oh my god i'm fucking taking it
Whiteouts: >1 hour of solid attempts
let's just say Whiteouts: 350 for a nice even number, it's probably more i mean it doesn't mean I'M DONE, it just means i don't get to repeat those three fucking shartyniggers ever again
>>57022815 gg
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>57022837 yeah
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
I'm really fucking tired, I'll give Noel a few tries and see if I can figure something out before hitting the haysack.
>>57022841 GG.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>57022841 gg, and godspeed kek
>>57022848 very cringe, but not unexpected
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>>>>permanent sand and misty terrain over this entire battle >shell armor >sand veil HP: 100
ATK: 70
DEF: 150
SPE: 20
SPA: 50
SPD: 105
>Sand Veil now boosts Defense by 50% instead of boosting Evasion. >>57022850 thanks...the real fun begins now, though, haha...
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>>57022858 >>57022861 thanks lads, haha...
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
>Noel doesn't have a recharge turn on using the busted as fuck seed effect on New World >Meteor Beam bullshit Oh joy.......
>>57022860 H-haha......
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
>He also gets a move that is both Cosmic Power and Wish FUN.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>14 attempts lost because Rock moves literally never hit anything I am so fucking tempted to open up movetext right now to change this.
Quoted By:
>>57022911 harden the fuck up
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
This fight is still bullshit by most means, by the advantages Noel gets are mostly manageable. I love how he'll do nothing but spam his stupid obnoxious signature move without a single care in the world his Pokemon are been sucked dry by Leech Seed or wittled down by Toxic, what I loathed about this fight however is that you have to tame and manipulate the AI to do your bidding, otherwise Noel will fire a nuclear Black Hole Eclipse that will delete nearly everything.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
My literacy is going to shit, I'm calling it a night.
Quoted By:
>>57022958 Hi calling it a night, I'm dad!
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
the TOP KEK is down
>stall recoveryshit sets >water absorb bug/ground coil sand rush worm >lead sets up a bunch of hazards >lion with strong jaw, sand rush for 388 speed, some custom OC bullshit rock move that's 110 BP 100 accurate that also raises its defense and i think gets the strong jaw buff i'm too tired to list it all out. basically for this last section moto decided to take gym leader teams and give them an endgame difficulty bump, this is the sand leader's team. rough, but whatever, the previous gauntlet was worse and i assume in future versions this will get grafted onto it properly
Whiteouts: 361 >>57022952 GG
Jagi !!vAq/4B8tWXO
I suspect the bullshit starts soon though >>57022841 GG
>>57022860 >permanent sand >sand veil boosting defense instead of evasion >...base 150 def honestly an evasion boost would do far more for it than a def boost but i guess it's a double edged sword to keep the player from having fun
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>57022966 GG as well.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>>57022966 >>57022971 thanks bros, and GG jagi.
>hidden power that's from the thing in the academy now, they just moved it way back
>evasion you missed
>>57021966 , he already has a weather that cuts your accuracy to 90% kek
also don't worry, the bullshit doesn't really start until the end of the dungeon
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>the fucking rejuv sappy piano music starts playing this joke wasn't funny before but at least it wasn't offensive
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>>more rejuv music, specifically now the 'foreboding theme' oh fucking christ stop bros....this is it. the autism incarnate lies just ahead....
Jagi !!vAq/4B8tWXO
Quoted By:
>>57023001 how dare you insult glitchxcity's amazing soundtrack you fucking nazi
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>if CURIE's so good, why isn't there a CURIE 2.0? >>57023002 thanks
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
ONE (mega), NOTHING WRONG WITH ME>TARATERROR: [90,151,95,94,50,105] (PBAbilities,:STRONGJAW) >procs intimidate and terrify (lowers speed on entry) twice, once when it comes out and another when it mega evolves >has an eject button so it can come back in and do it again
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
InternalName=BANSCREAM Type1=GHOST HP: 65 ATK: 74 DEF: 50 SPA: 140 SPD: 89 SPE: 77 Abilities=SOUNDPROOF,SHADOWTAG HiddenAbility=PUNKROCK>Ghastly Wail: 100 BP ghost special sound move >Midnight Terrain: boosts all ghost and dark moves by 1.5x >also makes ghost and dark types neutral to each other >the spider is pretty much guaranteed to set up sticky web first turn due to lowering your speed twice
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
ELESTOMP: [131,105,125,40,90,109] (PBAbilities,:IRRELEPHANT) (PBTypes,:GROUND) (PBTypes,:GHOST)
>kasib berry >>>>>>>>>>>>last respects >>57023026 thanks
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
THREE (megas), NOTHING WRONG WITH ME Type1=ICE Type2=WATER Abilities=SNIPER,MOLDBREAKER HiddenAbility=SWIFTSWIM Mega Ability= DRIZZLE HP: 90 ATK: 175 (!) DEF: 100 SPA: 80 SPD: 80 SPE: 95>has clear amulet, to prevent all stat drops
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
InternalName=SWAMPHEAP Type1=GRASS Type2=DARK Abilities=STALL,INSECTIVORE HiddenAbility=POISONHEAL STALL: causes an extra turn to pass at the end of each turn INSECTIVORE: absorbs all bug type moves POISONHEAL: absorbs all poison moves, it's pre-poisoned and heals 1/8th HP per turn has ability shield, to prevent ability changing Shadow Sky: This entire battle takes place under a new weather called Shadow Sky, which damages all player-owned Pokemon by 1/16th per turn
Jagi !!vAq/4B8tWXO
Not even worth posting a video for it was just torterra sneeding off all damage
Jagi !!vAq/4B8tWXO
Quoted By:
>>57023096 It is cool how he looks like an escaped prisoner himself thobeit, maybe he was a rowdy one but they gave him a super fusion so he turned loyal
Quoted By:
>>57023096 another victory for TorterraGODS
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
PURIFYINGSALT = exactly the same as garganacl's ability, cuts the power of ghost moves, prevents status
Midnight Seed = grants +1 def on entry
>>57023096 gg
Jagi !!vAq/4B8tWXO
Quoted By:
>each of hal's mons gets a separate cell damn theyre scared
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YOU CAN'T JUST HAVE A TEAM WITH 6 POKEMON InternalName=LUNARO Type1=DARK Type2=GHOST Abilities=LUNARDIFFUSE,DARKAURA HiddenAbility=MAGICBOUNCE LUNARDIFFUSE = grants immunity to dark and ghost attacks DARKAURA = powers up moves by 5% for every mon knocked out in the player's party, grants 1.33x boost to dark moves on top of the buff from the midnight terrain HP: 110 ATK: 100 DEF: 130 SPA: 150 SPD: 110 SPE: 110>has covert cloak, which prevents it from being affected by the secondary effects of moves
Jagi !!vAq/4B8tWXO
Quoted By:
Nice moment Damn we're dealing with some big guns here though>WT is zineom's ancestor and has 1/1000th of his power >Willie is WT's ancestor and has also 1/1000th of his power >Crow tried to whack willey because WT is still that bad (instead of just rolling his sleeves up and using leech sneed)
Jagi !!vAq/4B8tWXO
>>57023117 >710 bst good luck bro jesus
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>57023117 >>57023108 >>57023091 >>57023074 >>57023063 >>57023040 >>57023023 so to sum up
>entire fight takes place under bullshit weather and terrain that massively buffs dark and ghost types >3 absolutely broken megas (i'll give him credit he didn't add more, but i guess that's for later), and 3 more annoying as fuck ghost/dark types that gain a huge buff from the terrain >near guaranteed sticky web >a stallfag that spams protect, toxic, shadow sky chip damage, and leftovers recovery >basically not allowed to use status on half this team and can't lower the stats of even more >everything gets a 20% accuracy buff, a 30% life orb buff, a 50% buff to their STAB dark/ghost moves, and everything has ridiculous speed >a 710 BST dark/ghost legendary with busted abilities and hits harder than mega mewtwo y casually and has more bulk than god this is not happening tonight
heading to bed so i can think without having a headache
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>57023123 thanks. i really don't know man, this might be worse than fucking CURIE
What are some fun non-kaizo fangame/romhacks?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>57023140 salt and shadow
Jagi !!vAq/4B8tWXO
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>monk casually sends out a fusion I wonder if you can actually catch fused humans in pokeballs I know you can't in game since no fun allowed but it's an interesting question
Jagi !!vAq/4B8tWXO
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the chud fears the samurai
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
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wack's pokedex entries are kino (not clearly displayed is the cropping artifact square around its sprite)
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>after many attempts I double check chess field's rules because for some reason every pokemon would be immune to dodrio's moves >dodrio was a king, which gives it increased move priority for everything >didn't realize that dazzling applied to EVERY POKEMON ON THE TEAM >candy up mold breaker craniados, swords dance, rock slide >win first attempt with that method literally one member of my team was actually useless every fucking run until I found that shit out. I hate dazzling, fuck chess field, I'm so fucking mad
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
Quoted By:
this was surprisingly not a curbstomp this time around because I was underleveled and didn't debug EVs onto everything to see how long it'll be until I actually need them
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>57023268 GG
That sounds like a bug or some shit, theres too many priority moves buffed by chess. It reminds me how LAWDS makes it so that enemy king pieces can pierce dazzling on your team kek
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>>57023339 thanks bro. I wouldn't put it past these modders to do that kind of shit though
Jagi !!vAq/4B8tWXO
Jesus Christ that took 5 tries
fuck valkyreon also why is that bisharp so bulky, eq did maybe 1/5th
also would >>57023268 gg
Jagi !!vAq/4B8tWXO
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Why the fuck did we fight if you and everyone else betrayed
Quoted By:
would be fun if something ever happened
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>57023470 gg, and thanks bro
Jagi !!vAq/4B8tWXO
>I can't sneed the giga nigga robot >it also halves all of my mons' HP it has never been more over
Jagi !!vAq/4B8tWXO
Quoted By:
>>57023518 >it also blocks ice damage through its item owari da
Jagi !!vAq/4B8tWXO
Quoted By:
>can't use items of my own so my epic power split strat doesn't work c'est fini
Jagi !!vAq/4B8tWXO
I'll figure this thing out tomorrow it's also fucking data
>>57022848 >that name >that hair color holy shit, it's GRUNT Gruntson from team rocket edition
Quoted By:
>>57023140 you just made me lose the game
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
>>57023518 >>57023592 From what I understand, the health reduction depends on difficulty. On hard it just outright sets your entire team to 1 HP. Good luck.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
Mods are asleep, post comfy Realidea. I appreciate the sidequests in this game. They're not annoying, give the player a bit more investment in the setting, and often have some silly dialogue like picrel.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>Join furry cult >Basement connects to the professor's lab >Be given screeching owl
>>57023998 meh
not a bird so why should i care
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
Canon character appearance and easy sweep of a battle.
>>57024015 I'm far more interested in why the tunnel connects to the professor's lab and who the other people there are than the obvious rowlett bribe I was given.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
What is it with spic fangames and chargestone caves?
>>57024044 pretty glowing crystals
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
>>>>>>That face Is Elena smuggie posting in a fangame?
>>57024047 Each one of them has the same sliding crystal gimmick to varying degrees too.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>Each one has a unique sprite
Quoted By:
>>57024081 gotta handhold them all
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Rate. Also get away from that cabbage before bad writing infects you.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>Similar short twintails to Alba >Same white iris She's future Alba with dyed hair isn't she?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
>Nihilego in the trash What did they mean by this?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>57024102 Oh I see. Just thematic parallels then. It's neat seeing when plot themes are referenced in the character designs themselves as long as it's not too heavy handed.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
>galar unrelated
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
>>57024156 I'm very happy to be immediately proven wrong.
Bless this yid-free (so far) game.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Only the highest quality CGs in this kino.
Quoted By:
>>57024166 Based and wackpilled
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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I-is the game telling me to CHEAT???? To save time???? MOTO-KUN, HELP!!!!
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
The rest matters a lot, but waifus definitely go a long way at making your game stand out in the ESG-slop landscape.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The player NTRs someone Unthinkable in an english game.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
Spanish Lusamine's breddy gud.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
I'll pretend to be shocked when Professor Simon is revealed to be Alba's father.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>>57024224 it works everytime, even for real shit games like cyberpunk, just give it an anime and suddenly your buggy piece of shit is goty
>>57024642 thanks bro
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Alright, time to start the CURIE 2.0 grind
>nigger's name is derek and has silver hair/dark clothes is this just the nigga from unbreakable ties when the NTR roulette spun too many times and eda ended up joining the MC's harem
>>57023470 >>57023592 GG
>DEUS It's basically just "fire move check: the battle" since it's 4x weak to it
If you don't have fire moves...good luck, or set the difficulty to easy
>>57024243 wouldbuthenwouldimmediatelyregret/10
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>first image is a +6 water gem boosted aqua jet on the spider off adamant base 103 attack stat >second image is still +6 aqua jet on the mummy (who then oneshots me with body press) this is going to be a long fucking day isn't it
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Might start up infinity today, not sure yet
>>57023268 >>57023470 gg
>>57024970 >>57024989 haha.....
godspeed bro
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57025016 thanks bro. in case nothing was fixed remember to save often
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>fairy gem doesn't even have any function whatsoever a very long day
>>57025016 thanks
Found this absolute gem while fucking around with the search function on Reborncord.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>>57025186 unironically the least mentally ill rejuvcord losers
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
>>57025070 haha...
I'll just stop playing if i lose 30+ minutes of progress again kek
>>57025186 >no don't put [best melia] in Still not the worst bits of reborncord thoughever
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
I'm probably gonna be really busy later today due to a job interview I'm gonna run through, so let's get a bit of Yang torture done.
Honestly, as painful as some of these fights are, the sheer release of adrenaline and endorphin I feel whenever I finally find a way to cuck the kaizo bosses gives me such a rush.
Also, does anyone remember what was the password here? I never figured it out.
>>57024989 Ymir's frozen balls......
Best of luck of luck dude, also question, did Moto ever upload any videos of xerself beating this absolute abortion? Because I fucking doubt that tranny has.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>57025223 good luck on the interview bro
>Also, does anyone remember what was the password here? Tania<3 iirc
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57025223 gl on the interview
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Oh right, Sobble is available now I think, I'll go check if it is, so it's time to get another Fire starter in it's stead, what do you lads say, Infernape, Blaziken, Typhlosion or Cynderace?
>>57025230 >>57025237 Thanks a ton bros.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
>>57025254 Bunne it is.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>57024970 Good luck bro.
>>57025252 Voting Cinderace as well.
>>57025186 >Insurgence is their point of reference Is mediocrity a competition to them?
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
This better also apply to trainers
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>>57025314 I think it does
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
I swear that if I didn't know better I'd say Fern was counterbuilding specifically to annoy me.
>>57025306 Noted.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Ah yes, Dudunsparce, truly a Pokemon that makes complete sense to be on Fern' team.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57025356 serene grace cancer probably
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
Fern wasn't too tough thankfully but-
>Coil gets boosted to a +6 boost move in grassy terrain because it just does >Dundusparce was getting healed by strangely large amounts despite not popping a seed or anything >>57025369 Probably that as well yeah.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>Rattled procs on both Intimidate and Terrify, the latter probably because moto jeetcoded it and copied the intimidate code bros.....i might have cracked it....>57025384 GG>Best of luck of luck dude, also question, did Moto ever upload any videos of xerself nah, but i'll give xer the benefit of the doubt, since he's done mega autistic monotype runs of urmumium before where you need like .0001% rng to win fights doubtlessly he played through that, found it 'fun', and decided to apply the same principles to his own game
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>gets rejected outright >"she didn't give me a proper answer" >pic dialogue >"she'll regret not accepting me" why the fuck was he invited to the nightclub? gale wing talonflame carried hard. he had the paradox volcarona and pheromosa but whatever. 2 tries
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>skill link STAB bullet seed off 111 base attack maybe does 70% to the fucking ground type last respects spamming elephant bro IRRELEPHANT: Ignores all type immunities on the opponent when calculating damage lol
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
No wonder the rival didn't want it
>>57025488 You WILL interact with the epic sticky webs and you WILL like it
>>57025496 gg, same could be said for a lot of the reborn cast d e s u
Though yeah, bennett magically becoming a heckin wholesome e4 is pretty fucking bad kek
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>uh my umbreon has moonlight and toxic >whischad has dragon dance and rest >umbreon starts using double team out of fear she has the fucking chinese fish from the chinese treasure trio, the snow leopard and green snail thing. that was annoying, but umbreon threw the game and let me setup whischad who then aqua tailed the other fish. 3 tries
>>57025528 thanks bro. a heckin' wholesome e4 that still talks back to his mom like a redditor and breaks the rule of e4 by working along with laura sharing the spot, it's nuts. literally keep shade "if you do a flip I'm taking a clip" a mute tranny ghost, but give the biggest blackpilled redditor incel an insane glowup. I'm fine with shade staying a liveleak pro but why fucking bennet
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57025550 also I didn't mean she had all three, I was just clarifying what I meant by the chinese treasure trio
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>57025550 GG
>>57025528 the best part is that there's maybe 6 pokemon i can get with rapid spin/defog and all of them are dogshit for this kek
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>57025550 gg
>>57025581 of course they are chuddie, you NEED to experience this heckin amazing battle in it's full glory with no unwholesome ch**se
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>>57024970 how many cucks are gonna join terrorist organizations after we steal their girls
>>57025186 >we must kill people that disagree with us why am I not surprised
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57025677 I always forget, it's not as obvious as adrienn
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Back, had to leave running due to needing to hitch a ride, interview was surprisingly short and thankfully the place is actually pretty close down the road from home like my last job, though I'm not exactly fond of the fact most of the workers in the farm I took an application in seem to be barely literate pajeets.
>>57025433 I can see it being both ways, Moto is an extremely autistic tranny, but that degenerate also strikes me as the type to bluffer his way through games like this.
>>57025488 Reminds me of the meltdown the LAWDS trannies had over Magic Guard.
>>57025496 >>57025550 GG and kek, very likely because the Reborn trannies act similar to this smogon moderator type of faggot.
>>57025677 To be fair, Luna was always a girl until E19 came around and C*ss very likely forced people to change Luna into a troon just cus.
>>57024243 that heat/shaped keyhole in her dress is perfectly positioned for titfucking
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>57025735 regardless, hopefully you got the job bro
also hopefully, being a competent huwite man means you might get promotions faster than the rest of the useless niggers
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
I'm back. Here's what the squad looks like for Lilliana's tournament.
>>57025677 >>57025689 In full fairness this was a blatant retcon for E19. Referring to Luna as a she isn't le heckin' validating trans rights so much as it is rejecting the garbage C*ss and his influence put into the game's creative pipeline.
>>57025720 I believe in you bro.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>57025735 >most of the workers in the farm I took an application in seem to be barely literate pajeets. This is every industry now, sadly. Hopefully you got the job and hopefully your jeets have more than 2 braincells collectively.
>Lunaposting We share a braincell apparently too kek
>>57025736 >She tries to hug people multiple times yjk
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
I'm sure she'll do better than the average yugioh YCS judge.
>>57025735 >>57025746 ok funny idea
for post-postgame stuff
un-retcon the shit where luna got turned into a tranny
and then have luna (forma actually biologically female) at some point in some post-postgame shenanigans have an actual, naturally born child concieved via heterosexual sex
this will cause double the trolling as a lot of trannies are anti-natalists (aka extinctionists) for some reason, likely jealousy
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57025735 thanks bro. it's unfortunate that the diversity quota isn't just an american thing it seems.
>>57025746 it really annoys me when it comes to drawn characters, cause no shit you can't tell no one is gonna draw the actual freak show that is someone on hormone therapy. they got bridget too, which is a shame. at least they failed at claiming naoto from p4, but they fucking tried despite her story being the literal opposite of tranny ideals
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
The other day when I was looking up some stuff in the variables with Yang I found called "Miltank love quest", I am morbidly curious what the fuck it entails since I don't think I've ever seen this variable in base Reborn.
>>57025742 >>57025763 Thanks bros. The issue is I quit my last job due to me being the only White man in a farm infested with niggers and I had to do and fix EVERYTHING to the point I was having to do overtime because the dumb nogs didn't how to operate equipment, constantly broke everything, constantly missed workdays, more than once showed up high up on crack or cocaine and got fucking nothing done and my very liberal boss would never scold the niggers or fire them.
Kek, we all share a braincell sometimes.
>>57025795 Kek, indeed it isn't sadly.....
>>57025763 i want a cute milf (or several) to hug and spoil me
>>57025806 it’s in base reborn afaik
and also a fetch quest
also dubs say you inject a blazichuck that you’ll definitely need
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
I was expecting this to be far sweatier than this. Imagine having a tournament arc in a game that's just a few fun fights in a row and not a pseudo-elite four gauntlet.
>>57025781 >Redeem Taka and Luna at the same time Unironically an amazing idea
>>57025795 I fully agree.
>Bridget This one is so funny to me because Bridget's backstory outright states they were pressured and bullied into crossdressing before eventually getting retconned into trooning out. That's not the W for them they think that is. In a really roundabout way, I think it's a net positive for culture as people will see them cheering on this type of "representation" and faster come to terms with the threat these people represent to irl children and impressionable teenagers.
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>>57025829 fug off by 3
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
>>57025825 You'll have to look elsewhere then haha.
>3 connection errors in a row Glowniggers stop hiring jeets to update the 4chan servers, treat your favorite honeypot better.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57025781 or just retcon the tranny part, and recreate the meme of that guy blocking the tranny from the women's bathroom but it's luna blocking shade from the nightclub
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
Currently in this fight right now I'm at the point where I literally just need a single fucking Pokemon to take off the last 60% of this thing's health You'd think it'd be incredibly easy, but Lvl 61 0 SpA Life Orb Dark Aura Sableye Dark Pulse (150 BP) vs. Lvl 59 0 HP / 0 SpD Meganium: 316-372 (174.7 - 205.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO Lvl 61 0+ SpA Mewtwo-Mega-Y Psystrike vs. Lvl 59 0 HP / 0 Def Meganium: 135-160 (74.5 - 88.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO this thing is literally over twice as powerful as fucking mewtwo y in this context, and just for a fuck you it's 100 BP signature move also inflicts torment as well and i can't lower this thing's speed or special attack, or status it, even throwing a focus sash on a fairy doesn't work because this thing also is massively bulky as well
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>Alba's design visually similar to Sara's inheriting her philosophy while using Lilliana's colors Unironic character design storytelling kino. Well done Elena.
>>57025854 probably because Alba is that milf’s daughter
can’t exactly have a true milf without her having at least one kid
Quoted By:
>>57025862 also i am adamant about the fact that cute milfs should be given multiple kids because only having one or two would be a waste
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>Sends out Level 50 Mega Steelix >Fight immediately interrupted I was expecting the funny mandatory loss fight and I think my team might've been able to overcome a +100% level difference mega steelix via intimidate stacking but alas.
>>57025862 Alba's colors are inherited from her mother (Lilliana), but her ideals are inherited from the person who overcame her mother (Sara) for the championship title. Lilliana and Sara's rivalry plays out in the visual motifs of Alba's design as well as being told in the story proper. If Alba's father ends up being the professor who developed the Realidea system, there's an entire extra layer to this as well.
This is legitimately some of the most creative subtle storytelling I've seen in a fangame in a very long time. Most fangame writers couldn't write subtle thematic motifs to save their lives.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>They actually gave each and every Miltank unique interactions Oh, I never noticed this-
>You WILL NOT leave TAVROS and Miltank alone, otherwise you'll have no idea where the gg came from And thinly fetishes it is.
>>57025833 GG.
We're living in a global neo-Weimar republic, which is very quickly coming to a violent end just like last time, which is (((those))) in charge of it are pushing for their poison as hard as possible as of recently.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
Jeremiah is easily the most reasonable 'evil team admin' character we've seen in a game in a while.
Quoted By:
>>57025889 i want her to amazon press me
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
FUCK. YOU. Whiteouts: 445, that's 84 whiteouts
>the total number of whiteouts more than doubled from when i finished the 7th gym up to when i finished this section 180k spent on hidden abilities to give technician to two of my mons that needed it as well
I don't know if that was as hard as CURIE or harder and I just got better, or barely easier
Just fuck this game kek, and fuck all fucking kaizomods, now and forever
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>Wingdings acking over GODtammefru's AI abuse again >>>>on a vanilla fight lel
Man it's really hard to play infinity knowing that the dogshit ending is there kek, I've barely done shit
>>57025954 G fucking G bro
can't wait for the next update to require you to bring a shitmon through that whole section to evolve it haha Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57025954 congrats. that glacier crash animation is kekworthy
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Fairly involved quest that feels very well tied to the greater story of the game >Sandy shows up early Yang despite it all has it's moments of SOVL.
>>57025954 G FUCKING G, I sincerely hope the tranny gives up on making a new update for this mistake.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>there's one more gym know what, I think I'll probably take a break until the final update for the E4
after the absolute bullshit of the last few days, I think I need a break before the next torture theme park kek
I'll just wait until we're all ready to start Bizarre (probably)
>>57025970 thanks
>can't wait for the next update to require you to bring a shitmon through that whole section there's about six or so lines left that can evolve via 'normal' levelups, then the pseudos which apparently he has set to evolve at level 90 so the player will probably never get them, unless he does your idea
I really don't hope I'm mentally ill enough to replay this entire game again if he does kek
I think whenever I redo my tier list I'm tossing this below Urmumium, the whole philosophy of "trying to one up all the retardation in Urmumium" honestly grew more nauseating than anything kek (it's still better than replaying rejuv)
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Elliot here has more than a passing resemblance to Simon as well.
>>57025954 G fucking G.
How much of that fight had to be scripted per turn?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>>57025982 >>57025983 thanks lads. yeah the animations are dogshit and I guess moto didn't feel like fixing them
>I sincerely hope the tranny gives up on making a new update for this mistake. the idea of having the first of these shitty kaizomods actually be complete I think is too appealing to him d e s u
if trips wagie must namefag as sisyphus instead of wagie for 1 week
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>>57025986 thanks
>How much of that fight had to be scripted per turn? all of it
that's literally just been the norm since like the 3rd badge or so kek, with the amount of pokemon that are viable for each fight growing smaller and smaller
>>57025984 i believe in the right to get pseudo legendaries fully evolved at a reasonable level
>>57025989 oops way too early
maybe rerolling
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
if trips all kaizoniggers get the rope
Quoted By:
>>57025997 off by 2
it's joever
>>57026000 gemmy gem
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
>the system thinks your post is spam Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>>57026000 absolutely beyond based, discord in shambles
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>57026000 Forgot picture. I offer the Magikarp of kaizACK to your achievement.
Jagi !!vAq/4B8tWXO
So anyone got a link to that Eclipse mod for SLLD?
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>Elena draws better zumi-bait than zumi does >>57025954 The more I rewatch this, the more ridiculous it is given what I'm assume are some very precise AI manips in the process. G fucking G once again.
Is that all the kaizo mods in the catalog or do they keep shitting these things out faster than they can be played?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>57026049 >>57026062 >someone's actually looking for a download for this abomination Oh fucking boy I can't wait for someone to bitch and moan about it being shit when everyone in the thread he found it in has been warning of how utterly cancerous it is
I hope the discord continues to make challenging kaizo games with trans characters so you mentally ill freaks seethe and mald about the scary brown pipo and scary trannies all day.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>last pic elena pls
>>57026081 See
>>57026009 .
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
I finally got my hands on custap berries. Suicide lead rock's time.....
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
this is peak bird, pidgeot cannot hope to reach this level of performance Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>57026081 >mentally ill freaks Uhhhhh, yikes. Transphobic much?
Quoted By:
>>57026081 Whoa there, language! What would your fellow discord xisters think if they heard you say that?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>57026064 the main AI manipulations were
>flying gem on my first mon to have the sw*mpnigger to come out early >rowap berry (rocky helmet for special moves) to break the screaming ghost's sash which makes it prefer weak priority for whatever reason (it could have easily killed my gecko with its STAB move), and also to do just enough damage so psychic + u-turn could kill it >the AI not reading that it gives +2 speed to my lead peacock when it mega evolves the spider when it chooses what to swap in after U-turn the rest ''''thankfully''''' was just finding the uber specific counters needed to deal with every mon on the team. the drizzle 170 attack power mon, the stall sw*mpnigger and the last respects GODbulk elephant were the worst. with of course the last absolute niggerfaggot lunar dog being just worse urayne
>Is that all the kaizo mods in the catalog i assume so. the main terrible trio (urmumium, slld eclipse, rejuv mm) have been done, and the questionable quartet (eoe, detergent, yang and lawds) has also been beaten. i don't know of any others at the moment
i guess at some point when LAWDS finishes AWESOMERINO mode we'll end up doing that....again.....
>>57026113 GG
>>57026048 thanks
>>57026049 good fucking luck man
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
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>>57026113 talonflameGODs we're so back
>>57026113 > what the fuck is that
la creatura (forma bara)
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>57026113 > Based talonflame enjoyer. GG.
>>57026111 Checked.
>>57026138 >>57026136 Thanks bros.
>>57026129 >i guess at some point when LAWDS finishes AWESOMERINO mode we'll end up doing that....again..... By that point it'll be as simple as just downloading a save file with specific mons per fight and a macro of each input since any deviation from that will be nerfed out of the game by then kek.
Go make yourself a nice pot of tea bro, you've earned a comfy rest after all that.
>>57026160 The last thing a young child running away sees. This game's mega typhlosion aged so well with the leaks.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>57026093 GG, missed this.
Speaking of that, you can tell Zumi is still very pissy over the election results considering how little lust OC art she's been pumping up recently.
>>57026113 Holy fucking kek, literally the exact same thing I did to Kiki, GG.
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>>57026160 Now he can just drag them to his cave instead of using trickery.
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
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>>57026160 Typhlosion (forma freakyleak)
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>57026160 he doesn't have a kino cave, he's got a whole kino mountain
>>57026169 >>57026170 thanks bros
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
The obligatory haunted mansion section.
>>57026170 Thanks bro.
>Zumi Isn't she european? Why does she give a shit beyond the obvious virtue signaling shit they like to do?
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>>57026160 >Typhlosion + Slaking fusion I forgot how retarded that looked kek
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57026184 that pause screen freaked the shit outta me when I played ngl
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>57026093 >>57026113 also gg, hit post too early kek
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>>57026184 Chud... don't you realise Blumpftdolf will LITERALLY give ALL of Europe to Putin?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>3 fucking attempts in a roll with Cain's Glimmora getting omniboosts via Ancient Power on the first use of the move OH JOY.
>>57026184 She's apparently from the Netherlands, though from the Q&A she made with Jan a while back she doesn't strike me as being a natural born European, she doesn't have a Nordic or Germanic accent at least.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>57026191 Thanks bro.
>>57026189 Is there anything to do here aside from grab the Shadow Ball TM and read the (untranslated) book?
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57026200 there should be a big event, maybe it only happens when you try and leave?
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>>57026200 Yeah, there's a bit more to do
I don't remember how to start it though
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>57026184 she's dutch, being annoying is 80% of her personality (the other 20% is being not a womanlet)
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
>>57026170 how do we redpill her into drawing art of cute tomboys in loving heterosexual relationships with the interceptor, instead of gay lust oc #284542
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>57026208 That did it. Thanks.
>>57026213 kek. Dutch or (((Dutch)))?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>The Toxic Debris VS Rapid Spin interaction is blatantly coded wrong just to fuck over the player BRAVO, FUCKING BRAVO.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>57026224 i don't even need an early life section on wikipedia for this one
i wondered why she didn't look the typical dutch woman
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>Ghosts that just want to play minigames with you Based and Stadiumpilled.
>>57026231 I've never seen or heard her, yet just contextual information from her interests, behaviors, and the development of Rejewv was enough to ping my jewdar kek. Specifically her reaction to people "stealing" from rejuv.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>57026231 So much suddenly makes sense......
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
>>57026222 >trips actually i think it might be faster to hope drawfag comes back
>>57026230 NO FUN ALLOWED
>>57026231 funny timing for you to post that while i'm investigating the basement of a (((Juvite))) owned building
>>57026240 remember a while ago when i said my favorite kind of trolling is causing people to seethe without actually doing anything wrong?
yeah I can't wait to see what kind of reactions the "differently sane" crowd has when I finally get to mod rejuv to be actually good
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Oh boy, the Arceus gauntlet........I am not looking forward to this.
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
rubber gym was ez since I had a fire type rate/10
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
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and for winning I get a 120bp TM with the only drawback being 90% accuracy kaizoshitters on suicide watch
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>57026264 forget knuckle it's a moosefist down there
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
What's the last step in the symmetry puzzle?
>pot >plate >flowers >books >poster >candle >painting What's left?
>>57026248 Add cute minigames with all of the cast members that you can do to get TMs and nice dialogue/extra scenes with them when you do.
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
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found one of Zaydolf's many wacky paintings
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>57026290 Nevermind I'm retarded
>crumple up the poster to put trash in the other pot Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
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>>57026290 will add at some point
not really gonna be one of the first things I do because first I'm gonna have to fix the main storyline content that the rest of the game is dependent on
but thanks for the suggestion
Musk !!B/VAIOT2xDG
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found a supposed cryptid hunter who's clearly lying because he's showing me a photo that isn't extremely blurry
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>57026317 If you're looking to try out the regionals the game has, there's one right outside the haunted mansion.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>57026317 wait is that the normal hex maniac pose? didn't notice that before
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Jagi !!vAq/4B8tWXO
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>>57026113 the bravest bird, gg
>>57026317 gg