>>57031652Do you wish for Cynthia to be killed off for good or what
Cynthia grasps onto the ground, digging up roots and pulling out grass with – she can feel her legs enter into Nemona’s crackling stomach, bile bubbling up around her ankles and eating away at them, before being further lurched into a greedy set of bowels – all while she’s still fighting.
“SOMEBODY HELP ME!” A sob escapes Cynthia’s lips. Much to her dismay, there’s no response – it’s… empty here, after all. “This isn’t what you want, is it, Nemona?”
Managing to turn onto her back, Cynthia sinks her hands deeper into the dirt beneath her. She stares up at the young girl in horror, tears rolling down pale cheeks.
Seeing her cry only makes Nemona’s stomach growl louder, though. DAWN is almost all gone, and her gut only wants more champion-rich sludge to fill it. With a few more tight, crushing gulps – the only thing left poking out of Nemona’s mouth is Cynthia’s head.
“Y- You’re going to regret this, Nemona…!” Cynthia whines and cries, but with a single finger – Nemona shoves the remainder of her in her mouth, gulping her down to her demise.
Flopping back onto the bench and forcing it to creak – Nemona rubs her full belly with both hands, licking her lips in satisfaction. “Ah, who would’ve thought two champs would be so easy to take down? One tasted spicy, the other sweet~ Cynthia, actually, you kind of taste like a salty sweet Nacli helado! Mmhf~ You were already a little chubbier than Dawn, so it’s going to take me a bit to work you down, you know?
Hey, hey, don’t squirm around so much in there! You’re going to be going to a good place, okay? Now all that’s left is Diantha! And with both of your knowledge, she shouldn’t be too hard to take down… For now, though, we’d betterUUURRRPPPP–! … Sit back and relax, because we have a show to get to right after you’re done melting away in there!”
“Goodness… where are the other girls at, I wonder…”