Is it over? It's okay right? It's ok. We are good. We are all good and we are all loved in every way. It's ok dude, ok? Dad? It's ok dude, we're just chillin'. Is everything ok guys? Ok, yeah I get it, I get it - we're okay. It's over. It's over. Nah, we're ok. What's over? Ok, yes yes yes. Ok I get it, yeah, and - uh, we're chillin' man. Everything's good. Ok, here we go - everything is okay, ok? We're going to be ok guys, everything is good. You know, I'm just making sure that we're okay. Yeah, I'm ok. Am I ok, dude? It is! Oh okay, I am ok! We're ok! Yes, I'm ok, I'm ok! I am ok, and everyone that I love and that loves me and every good person in this world - uh - feels ok. We're together and we are ok. But, are we okay guys? We are okay. Yeah, we're ok! It's ok, I'm ok. As far as I'm concerned, man, I think I'm okay. Yes I'm fine! No dude! Am I okay? Am I okay, dude? Am I okay? I think I'm okay. I am ok. I am ok, okay?