Your dream sucks, it should be this.
>Man divorces wife and gets the Slowpoke in the deal
>She gets the Shellder
>It follows the man trying to get by and the Slowpoke not understanding because he's well slow
>It does its best to try and cheer up the man and doesn't really understand
>Years go by and eventually the Slowpoke finally gets the idea of what happened and makes a journey to find the wife again
>She's remarried but offers the Shellder to the Slowpoke out of kindness and former love
>Slowbro returns to the man showing that like him, love will always exist in some form and that the man can 'evolve' too and grow
>Heartwarming ending where the man gets back on his feet with the Slowbro and the two go off into the world to live once again
There, fixed your dream for you.