12/15/24(Sun)18:23:15 No.57079738
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Does anyone else here sleep with their pokemon?
12/15/24(Sun)18:24:22 No.57079740
braixencuck falseflag thread
>>57079749 #...Anonymous
12/15/24(Sun)18:26:49 No.57079746
/qa/: the failed board
>>57079749 #...Anonymous
12/15/24(Sun)18:28:28 No.57079748
>>57079738 (OP) #>Random schizo post about boogeyman anon...Anonymous
12/15/24(Sun)18:28:30 No.57079749
>>57079740 #Can't make a thread around these parts without meta drama getting in the way
>>57079746 #/qa/ won so hard the mods had to kill it
12/15/24(Sun)18:29:50 No.57079754
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Stop posting demonic images.