>>57100005Game Freak themselves was probably just throwing shit at all wall and trying to see what stuck before realizing that "what what the fuck are we doing?" and scrapped it. If they were trying to sabotage Typhlosion they wouldn't have scrapped the story ,and there wouldn't have had Slaking or Piloswine versions.
Twitter or whatever its called know was the one trying to cancel a badger out of petty spite. but the only people they managed to convince the sad bitter people who already hate Typhlosion. Typhlosion fans either doubled down on defending Typhlosion got angry at Game Freak for slander, Ignored it entirely, or took the yume pill. We can't even say if it caused TPC to blacklist Typhlosion because they never use it for anything in the first place.
tdlr:,TwXtterfags so are retarded they falsely accused a fictional badger of rape, and they couldn't even do that right.
>>57100089>T-diddy said "fuck them kids" the story only had one "kid" thoughbiet, and its doubtful she was even a kid.
>and licked his lips and did it.I feel that if he licked his lips the story would have mentioned
>did it there's no indication that "it" occurred, She just woke up with a baby. For all we know a Delibird brought it to them.