The memories of her adventures, all the secrets she learned of the world and all of what she still wished to uncover, hours of training and loving time spent with Lucario, the countless battles and time spent as Champion, snatched away, gone in mere moments as the last gasp of oxygen wanes from her worldly vessel, inches from freedom but unable to escape. As her final seconds of consciousness tick away, images of Seviper striking replay in her head over and over again as everything fades to nothing.
Seviper, unknowing of who it just ate or her importance in this world, is simply satisfied that its ravenous hunger has finally been quelled for the day and is ready for a nap.
"Garchomp?!?! Garchomp, my love, where are you?!?! Oh god, its so dark! It's so hot! God, my clothes melted! Someone help, I cant die like this!!! They can't do this to a champion! Lucario! Garchomp! Spiritomb! Grandma ! Steven! Professor Rowan! Dawn! Iris! Diantha! Leon! Please, ANYONE?!?! Girat- ARCEUS!!! MY SKIN!! AHH FUCK IT BURNS!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Aldith: "Ohh... Does your belly ache, dearie? Must be because of those nasty hairpieces. There there, one punch and kick should do the trick. Let me feel you there... Ahhh, how nice. What a plump lump! Feels so nice to caress it.
Be sure to digest well, dear. We don't want any bones puncturing the cloaca now, do we? And cough up those headpieces. Maybe we can make a killing selling them to a trophy collector