“Oh, jeez! People are staring!”
It was all Haley could do not to shriek in embarrassment as she realized how many looks she was getting. While her shirt from yesterday looked ridiculous with her tits swelling out so much, and her nipples poking out to boot, that wasn’t the main issue. The bigger problem by far was her skirt’s ridiculous fit. Her favorite red skirt barely so much as covered the top of her hulking cheeks, which were swallowing up her pink panties for good measure. Haley looked like one of those girls online promoting her OnlyPokéfans, but even those women presumably weren’t showing off their finer features so brazenly in public!
“Of course they are! You’ve got curves for days. Just look at your bubble butt!” Mary reassured her, doing absolutely nothing to remove her anxiety as she gave her ass a playful slap
“Hey! No slaps in public, Mary! And p-please, I’m not trying to flaunt them or anything!” she insisted, rubbing a slightly sore cheek. It turned out it wasn’t just her new chest that was sensitive…
“Well, you should! Let the world see where Sinnoh’s ex-Champion and the retired Aether Foundation president ended up~!” the Ace Trainer chirped.
Haley could only groan as she and Mary continued through the grass, walking towards what her friend had promised would be a great shopping opportunity in the nearby Verdanturf Town. This was going to be her life for the foreseeable future, wasn’t it? Feeling public shame as she got all sorts of looks from passersby, young and old? It wasn’t in the bathroom that Cynthia and Lusamine had gotten their real revenge—instead it was in the form of these curves that would give her so much unwanted attention, even with properly fitting clothes. At least Mary would be there to give her the one kind of positive attention from this new body she could possibly think of, especially as their relationship evolved further…