>>57125576Yes anon, the target demographic are forbidden by law to own an email account until they're 13 years old, by which time a child has outgrown the narrow band of the pokémon demographic to turn into an irrelevance.
Which is why the polls aimed at children ALL put Decidueye dead last, while the ones aimed at manchildren, keyed explicitly to not hurt their fee-fees by staying open 10 days and allowing those with multiple accounts to vote multiple times put it firstest, only for it to still get re-drawn because it failed with kids. Pay better attention to reality, you don't see Pikachu or Eevee with mascots, just ignored, irrelevant or unloved shite.
>>57125589>>57125776Making it to the anime doesn't make it popular kid. The fact it was always after the hero and his Partner (who were representing the target demo) precluded that from ever happening. Then it got mogged by its second re-design by giving it a completely new evo that wasn't a hilariously bad shitmon.