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The real reason why Pokemon sucks now isn't because of the lack of a national dex, or the ugly graphics or whatever. Pokemon Red and Blue were great because they presented a pretty effective illusion of a grand journey. You traveled across a world that felt large, even though it wasn't. You encountered plenty of dynamic and interesting monsters, even though they were really just static sprites. You crossed fists with a lot of powerful opponents - even a mafia, but there was no real depth to any of these characters. It was a game designed to LOOK like a great adventure, designed to SEEM like an incredible quest. But that's all it was, an effective illusion. Nowadays we have REAL adventure games. Things like BotW, Xenoblade, the Witcher, etc. These games aren't just making you FEEL like you are traveling across a huge world, you ARE traveling across a huge world. They have deep characters, incredible events, and so much to see and explore. With so many options to experience the real deal, the fake just doesn't cut it anymore. Pokemon is a cardboard cutout of an adventure, it's a hollow, shallow experience meant to imitate something greater. That worked when that greater thing was unobtainable, but now it just looks laughable. When you travel across a small linear cave you don't think "Wow this is amazing, it's like I'm really going on an adventure in a dark cave!" You think, wow this fucking sucks, why couldn't they make a real cave? Pokemon is a relic of the past, a dinosaur that should have gone extinct ages ago, kept alive purely by nostalgia. It can't stand up to new games and it needs to either reinvent itself or fuck off.
>>57127987 >now KEKAROOOOOO
>>57127992 gen 1-5 was peak rpg
>>57127994 >Pokemon >Ever being peak KEKADOODLEDOO
>>57127992 >>57128001 kys goreleaf you psycho
The first half of your reasoning makes sense, specifically when you say that Pokémon has been, up to around gen 5, an illusion. The problem isn’t that now we have games that actually show big adventures so we are not affected by illusions anymore, the problems is that now Pokémon still tries to be unrealistic but in a 3d world with more realistic mechanics, they make cities with literally three houses and 10 people total, which worked in a pixel art game, but doesn’t in an open world game.
>>57127987 Now compare pokemon on the DS to other DS games
>>57128031 better idea compare DS pokemon games with non-pokemon GBA games
>>57128045 >Dude let's cross compare because we all know Pokemon on the DS were some of the best looking DS games Sure, I'll get on that pronto
>>57128103 >better idea compare DS pokemon games with non-pokemon GBA games Anonymous
>>57128103 Meant for
>>57128031 because retard doesn't know how to quote the right person
>>57128139 >>57128123 This was hard to do, I'm gonna be honest. All of the Mario games, collection games, NES to GBA games, Wario Land, Yoshi's Island -- these games looked like shit, and I wanted to give you a fair chance, so I picked the three games I thought looked the best on the GBA, and still they don't beat Pokemon on the DS. Minish Cap could rival Pokemon, though
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>>57128150 the sonic one is laughable lmao
>>57127987 This is a nice sentiment, but Dragon Quest III (one of Pokemon's main inspirations) was presenting an actually grand adventure across an impressively massive world(for its time) with dynamic and interesting monsters and powerful opponents
Basically, Pokemon has always been behind the curve of its contemporaries, but it was much easier to hide its weaknesses and limitations with the excuse of being a franchise on a "limited" portable console
The second the console tech advanced to a point that GF's limited programming corps could no longer cover up their lacking ability, Pokemon was exposed as the always somewhat technically lacking franchise it has always been
>>57127992 >>57128001 Who is this guy? Is it one of our named schizos or someone else? I doubt it's a different guy each time
>>57127987 It's like it's a Zoomer that wasn't even born during Gen 1 trying to make sense of why people loved Pokémon. when in reality it was just an unexpectedly fun game you could play on a small pocket computer.
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>>57127992 >>57128001 The post that BROKE /vp/
>>57127987 Not sure what this image is trying to convey, USUM looks better than 2 of them and almost as good as 3d land.
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>i have no imagination and need to be told in flagrantly disgusting detail how to think about a game world Yikes.
>>57129036 Pokemon is driven entirely by the imagination of a child filling in the gaps
Without a child's imagination to make it more than it actually is, it falls flat on its face
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>>57129533 Alola was perfect. It was everything around it (6 8 and 9) that suck ass.
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>>57127987 >It was a game designed to LOOK like a great adventure, designed to SEEM like an incredible quest. But that's all it was, an effective illusion. Nowadays we have REAL adventure games. Things like BotW, Xenoblade, the Witcher, etc. These games aren't just making you FEEL like you are traveling across a huge world, you ARE traveling across a huge world. They have deep characters, incredible events, and so much to see and explore. With so many options to experience the real deal, the fake just doesn't cut it anymore. Pokemon outsells BotW.
>>57129589 imagination isn't something only children have
in the 90s people still read books
I was there playing the originals I remember exactly what made it appealing
BW were the closest to that original sensation Anonymous
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>>57130969 This. The NPCs leading me around and constant roadblocks preventing me from going anywhere but a straight line really sparked my imagination.
>>57128150 They canned 2D just when it was approaching success.
>>57130981 >They canned 2D just when they were filling it with 3D Anonymous
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>>57127987 personally i much prefer a smaller, more concisely curated, cartoonish world to travel through than something more open, vast or realistic.
i played xenoblade 1 recently and while the story and characters were engaging exploring around these massive generic environments just felt tedious, there are so many games like this now and they all kind of feel samey.
>>57127987 There were already games that offered a good sense of adventure before Pokemon was even a thing, botw wasn't the first zelda game you know?
What made pokemon stand out is that there wasn't anything else quite like it, other monster collecting games were either inferior, untranslated or didn't offer the same features like trading and battling with your friends, all in a portable console you could comfortably take anywhere you went. Once online connection massified and portable consoles died out Pokemon's gimmicks started to feel pointless and stale, so the flaws became much more noticeable than before.
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>>57131340 and I'd point out kids these days don't understand what the proto-internet days were like
games in that era had word of mouth rumors about secrets
like the kid in my class whos uncle worked at nintendo said there's a secret 4th evolution for charizard called charcolt and it turns black
turns out that sorta became true in the future
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>>57127987 Bet you felt really smart writing this whole essay OP
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>>57130969 The graphics of modern games don't allow players to use their imaginations, they aren't conducive to it
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>>57131025 Yes, a blended approach is peak. Glad you realized.