>>57139085>Its canon material regardless you like it or not.You're the ideal consoomer, like all ashfags. Not worth continuing this line.
>"Oh, lets leave behind my pregnant wife and son so I can train in other world all day".That's the dbza joke, not what happened in the actual content.
>I did watch those anime unlike you who didn't.You didn't. Otherwise you wouldn't be ignoring basic facts about them, nor would have standards so low you think ash was ever acceptable.
>I have always referred pokemon as an episodic slice of anime.Not really. In
>>57135760 you said otherwise. This was already addressed.
>He always gotten eight badges and compete in the league conference. Competing is different to winning. Everyone but ashfags knows this.
>So you admit that there was no measurements of progression No? You literally just said "He always gotten eight badges". You make no sense.
>That exactly what you asked for.Not really. That's not a measurement, that's just it showing Nobita being good in the future, so the goal already happened. Everyone knows what a measurement is, only ashfags ignore this.
>You simply never watched Doraemon beforeYou really can't accuse anyone else of not watching things anon. Not am I desperatly googling things up about shows i didn't watch to have a gotcha(and utterly failing at doing so).
At this point is clear its just a case of you being a regular ashfag who has a worrying lack of common sense or can't grasp basic ideas. And that you resort to the typical tactic of bringing other shows(that you don't even care about) to defend the ashnime. We've had this rodeo with doraemon in shin chan multiple times.
Make a new point that wasn't already addressed.