>>57150799>He was a philanthropist who gave to poorfags, but when he saw how stupid and indolent they were with asking for handouts he decided it was better to just nuke them.Okay, then why does his miss out on his own subordinates being even worse? Why don't we see any evidence of what he thinks is wrong, when other Pokemon games are willing to at least put in a token effort (RS and BW come to mind immediately)? And why does he want to kill all Pokemon when they did nothing wrong there, and it's implied they can't really do anything wrong without bad people influencing them? Again, it makes him look insanely retarded by ignoring literally everything to make a point that isn't even fucking remotely true. Again, at least Cyrus being a fucking weirdo is internally consistent and he reacts to events in a way that makes logical sense based on his character. Lysander thinks the world is bad without any indication it really is, is saving the worst possible people, is explicitly killing the only group that would actually benefit from this genocide, with zero indication that he even remotely noticed any inconsistency. At least Rose being a fucking retard is explained by some lore that didn't make it to the games for some godforsaken reason, Leon is implied to be putting off the plan constantly, and Peony shows there's probably a better way to solve the problem even if his story is DLC only.