Let me translate for the guy ITT who says BW has a decent story, as well as other such people you met: what they can't articulate is that they don't actually think the STORY is "decent". What they actually feel is that the themes BW presents, and which are tied N, resonate. It is indeed very attractive for there to be a villain group, or atleast one of its admins, who has a cause for which you can think/feel:
>Liberate Pokemon? Yeah, I can see that movement in the Pokemon world if it actually existed
>Yeah from their viewpoint, they really are the good guys here
some might also add
>I myself care about animals, it's really not that terrible a cause, isn't it?
You just can't say the same for the causes of the other organizations like Team Aqua, who have grandiose sci-fi supervillain projects.
What also activates your neurons is that N is an unhateable anti-villain who is never actually mean or dismissive towards the trainer. In fact, he is the more level headed and good natured part of every encounter with him.
Added to that is his memorable gimmick of only using actual wild Pokemon in the area, purely recruited by his charm.
Imagine if a real world organization like Sea Sheperd would fight against whalers by allying with the local whales too ram their ships. How badass would that be?
This is why people say "BW has a decent story". They actually mean to say "BW has appealing and resonating themes and ideas".