>>57195034I have nothing better to do now, so might as well share the links to the Rosa Dakis I found. Maybe someone here would be a fan of them. And obviously no need saying, but they are all 18+.
Rosa if she was 12:
https://booth.pm/en/items/4705059Rosa if she had tits as big as Skyla. Talking about Skyla, I think you get hers too when buying this one. Rosa looks good here, and I don't mind the bigger assets, but any of her old outfits would have been way better.
https://booth.pm/en/items/5525351Rosa if she was a big fat cow who moos at you when you stared at her.
https://monjashop.booth.pm/items/6421348And yesterday I found this one releasing later this year. It looks alright, but something about her hair buns is bothering me. Is it the size? shape? I'll continue to follow this one cautiously.
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/124563587And pic related is an oppai mousepad that has been discontinue years ago. A shame there's no daki of the design, as it's the best one here.