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Pokemon has kept the utopia setting even until now, but the original setting has such a feeling of technological advancement, and that lead to personal advancement for the characters as well. Pokemon are newly discovered, mysterious creatures that just appeared one day... There's more we don't know about them than we do. But we have learned, in our short time together, to be partners, to love and respect them, and seen firsthand the rapid societal changes they have brought us.
All of this was used to reflect on the young gamers, to motivate them and keep them playing. To keep us wanting to succeed and try again with our virtual monsters, to help us bond to crude sprites with radio-static voices. Pokemon, in all the wordless ways an indie project does, touched the hearts of its audience with profound feelings, known only to the designers who put their all into the game, and to the players who reciprocated.
The Pokemon franchise had a soul, once upon a time.