>>57242430But they did and they didn't need to waste studio time or dev wages to do so. This is the problem with you ESL's. You try to think natively but in a foreign language. No-one gives a fuck about yis, bar the companies invested in earning off ESL's in their own countries. Game Freak don't give a fuck about you, they have Ja\pan, Europe and the US to fund their ivory back-scratchers, Nintendo have long shown they don't give a fuck for ESL's, dealing with companies who charge top-dollar for importing Nintendo tech to third worlds. Yet here you are thinking your skin's milky white or asian tinted and expecting recognition equalent to them. WE didn't want a remake, WE didn't WANT Game Freak to waste time shitting more out and they listened to us, they got whobies to shit it out while they expanded the horizon of their series. Then they went and furthered that by announcing L: Z-A, because it's something new and interesting to do with the series instead of going back to a Gen that really doesn't need a remake, assuming you weren't a horrific bitch of a child and broke all your old toys and hardware (something the non-third worlders are more likely to have done, due to being raised to respect their things).