>>57244150>What mon DOES say technician? There's no rhyme or reason to who gets that ability>Meowthsneaky, glowing eyes
>Persianwalks quietly, senses pokemon
>Scythercreates false images, moves like ninja
>Scizorscary pattern
>Smearglemarks turf
>Hitmontopdistracting kicks
>Ambipomhard to dodge
>Minccinodexterous tails
>Cinccinofur deflects attack
>Marshadowcopies movements
>Mr. Mimeconvincing gestures
>Breloomlight footwork, stretchy arms
>Kricketunecomplex sound with arms
>Roseradedancer movements
>Mime Jr.copies movements
>Toxtricityguitar sounds with body
>Clobbopuspunches and investigates with tentacles
>Grapploctgrappling tentacles
>Mousholdbuilds houses
>Fezandipitivoice from chain, alluring pheromones
My guess is that they are related by confusing or tricking their opponents with dexterous limbs, appendages, or deceptive movements, then they attack. They are jobmons like painters, dancers, ninjas, homemakers, boxers, musicians which have great dexterity and skill. They are not brutes that rely on pure strength, they are cunning, tricky hunters that do more damage with weaker moves because they can be deceptive. They are not unique, there are other Pokemon this could apply to but abilities, like moves, are not distributed exhaustively.