>>57262614you can thank the Gatrtards and Fagayniums. They stupidly got Typhlosion canceled, not realizing that Typhlosion is one of the few Gen 2 pokemon that normies ever liked in the first place. Like Crabs in a Bucket, they couldn't cope with the mild success of one of their own so they dragged it down. No Typhlosion=No Gen 2 (outside of a small sprinkles like
>>57262736Ironically, had they stood a united front and defended the cartoon badger instead acting like retarded white women and lying about rape, Typhlosion could have become a respected pillar of the franchise instead of canceled pedo joke and the also-rans could have ridden its coattails and the entire group would have been better off. Johto starters might have gotten megas like the KantoKings and HoennChads. But Johtods are too dumb to that that right.
Johtods really are their own worse enemy.