Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>say 'just have a bit more work before i can start' >it ends up taking the entire day then i get to stand outside in -20 for an hour epic
it's pretty fucking cooked these games are all seeming like boring duds kek
>>hopefully hollow woods is good, or else we might have to resort to...xenoverse kek, well, at the very least, xenoverse is actually probably worthy of a proper '/vp/ plays xenoverse' title in the OP
but yeah. i guess we can try hollow woods tomorrow
>>57265477 GG
basically, as orevald said, they really hard overcorrected on a lot of aspects of rejuv's difficulty
it is legitimately for the better in a lot of instances (especially gym 15, christ) but yeah it's clear a lot of it is just luring tards
Smeargle !!Nnc2aXQ7cTU
>it's so fucking refreshing IMMEDIATELY entering kakori instead of fighting valarie, geara, and then rift carnivine >i admit, i love kakori's vibes. it's a small thing but i really like the shitty tablecloths on the ranger building. gives it that smaller-scale feel that i'm all too familiar with >really i can't complain too much about vibes with new terajuma in general. maybe intense mode rotted my brain but i actually had resounding praises towards terajuma during my first run through v13.5 >anyway, home base set up, meet crawli, nim's feeling like shit which fucking relatable >i admit everyone gambling was a cute bit. >surely val won't be that bad right? >haha >hahahaha >i'm just gonna separate the fight from the recap and general thoughts bc there's a lot to talk about here >sashed swift swim qwilfish. destiny bond, poison jab, aqua tail, bounce >crested hydration whiscash. rest, whirlpool, chilling water, toxic >life orb starmie. hydro pump, thunder, ice beam, aura sphere >clear amulet swift swim poliwrath. power-up punch, close combat, ice punch, wave crash(!) >seeded water veil donozo. order up (seems to be boosted, and increases a random stat the tatsugiris boost), avalanche, aqua tail, test >seeded primarina. aquabatics, surf, moonblast, ice beam >all in all a very painful experience! but not impossible. >whiscash was ironically the worst part until i realized tentacruel completely ruins it. >>57265477 oh yeah, venam got nerfed pretty hard in 13.5.
in general the difficulty kinda took a hit, but if i'm being perfectly honest here i'm not complaining? maybe i'm not as used to ball-bustingly hard things
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57265805 boring duds are better then when we did the sors series at least. we could do xenoverse tomorrow instead, there's nothing coming out soon so this might be the better time for it
>>57265904 gg
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
>>57265805 thanks
>got nerfed seems a bit too much
I guess I've been doing too many 'hard' games lately but clearing the first gym of 6 pokemon without even switching off my opener is a bit too easy imo
I guess it's faithful to the mainline games in that sense but the mainline games aren't exactly paragons of difficulty
>>57265904 GG
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
Quoted By:
luckily the ai seems to always target the left mon
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>57265477 >>57265904 gg, I just realized I'm probably gonna ack really bad to valarie when I eventually get there kek
Maybe the heckin PEAK lawds camerupterino will save me, haha
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
I didn't see how far anyone got in Amethyst, so I'm basically going in blind here. Sorry I was held up this evening, but I'm good to go now.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>1 character too short for the hyphen. This bothers me more than it should.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
The game is clearly asking me if I want it to give me shawnlore and a jeeting beating before selecting a starter. How considerate of it!
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57266015 the prologue is pretty long
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
what the fuck is that ugly piece of shit I also encountered a shiny sentret in the woods leading up to the cave
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>Shawn Newton My immersion is already ruined, his last name is way too white for a shawnposting playthrough.
>>57266035 That's okay, I don't mind it if it's well made.
>>57266043 You don't like the sewage goldeen?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
Nevermind, the jokes are already writing themselves.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
Thread banner bait.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>This game has a working piano I'm impressed. I'd be terrified of the horrid puzzleshart potential if this was implemented into an english game, but I trust the spic's self-restraint enough to be cautiously optimistic.
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
Quoted By:
>oh man it's the story introduction of prism mons >awesome free prism >Nidorino knocked the ball away! >lost a greatball fucking faggot
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57266096 orevald and I tried to summon piano woman, didn't work
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
gee I wonder what pokemon that could be
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>Cyrus has a son Call it. Mars' or Jupiter's?
>>57266113 Alas.
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
>>57266125 >mural of arceus with an ocdonutsteel special snowflake magic space dust crown >mural of the player picking based victreebel(?) instead of KANTOzard or shillkachu >mural of the welfare office the ancient anti-pokemon civilization was actually vp all along
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>57266140 Niggered the picture.
>>57266141 Get ready for some ultimately irrelevant retcons to series' lore.
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
oh I don't know, literally anyone with a flying pokemon??
or perhaps one of the few and far between extremely rare to the pokemon world hikers/mountaineers?
also how did nobody ever have their good friend the ever helpful rock/ground type golem feel around with his magic bullshit to find a giant open cavity with man-made structures behind a thin rockface
surely an archeologist of any renown would have such a pokemon as a companion right
I'm not buying it
this is a setup
>>57266143 >cyrus' kid is a blue-haired bowlcut minion So you're telling me that the entire team galactic are all his kids? I guess chicks dig the 'retarded nihilist who wants to destroy the world' aesthetic
Smeargle !!Nnc2aXQ7cTU
not much of a story update, largely because i have a LOT of surfing to do
at least my options are opening
>nim's DEFINITELY not doing well here >so not well that she turns into stone and horks up geara, zetta, and jenner out of her pocket dimension >wait does this count as vore >battle geara, only to find that the beach i prepared for ABSOLUTELY did NOT happen because the twerp commands his grimmsnarl to use dazzling gleam... >which turns the field into a starlight arena! >his team takes advantage of it about as well as you'd expect, with his crew being grimmsnarl, persian, spiritomb, skeledirge, clefable, and gengar. >hard, but not unbeatable. snatch is hard to make work due to the AI reading movesets, but it makes for a wonderful stopgap to keep the AI from using a status move >after that debacle, team xen escapes. >rejuvenation in a nutshell >as if the news can't get any worse, team xen has a bounty on everyone's heads. fortunately(?) people are smart enough to not want to kill the gang. >20 days till something or other happens, the gang takes the terajuma trial or whatever >really i'm just zipping through this really quickly to get to helojak so i can grab my next few poisons before going back to do surf-related stuff. >>57265950 >>57265970 thank you!
>>57265977 i dunno what kind of run you're doing, but best of luck. val is a shitshow in LAWDS quite frankly
>>57266141 be sure to remember the location you arrive at because it'll be relevant WAY TOO FUCKING LONG later!!!
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
nigga a CASTLE??????? an entire fucking fort just so happened to go undiscovered despite being in a big open clearing visible from the sky????????????? are you fucking with me?
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
Quoted By:
I too wonder what a statue is doing in the center of a castle's courtyard
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>57266096 Surely there has to be SOMETHING tied to the piano, even if c*nthia somehow isn't
>>57266163 gg again
>i dunno what kind of run you're doing, but best of luck Thanks, I'm running Fire/Fighting on heckin awesome mode, haha
The only real boon is I'm also doing pulse3me so I'm not at THAT severe of a disadvantage (hopefully, it's been pretty manageable so far at least kek)
>>57266168 haha...
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
>melia has an entire party of shiny pokemon wowza...>gets three into four sleep turns with yawn kill yourself hate this bitch now melia is now my enemy
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>57266153 >I guess chicks dig the 'retarded nihilist who wants to destroy the world' aesthetic The least believable thing about gen 4 is that the turbosperg is the one with his own harem.
>>57266184 I want to believe there's a huge secret with it.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
>overworld absol fuck off
>>57266197 just uhh treat women like they're golbats or something
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
>and then you're stopped and forced to acknowledge the absol by a dialogue box glad this game's subtle foreshadowing is also accessible to the blind
Smeargle !!Nnc2aXQ7cTU
christ there's so much to do after getting surf
>>57266184 >fire/fighting oh hell
HOPEFULLY your options open up enough to have some answers for her...
>>57266193 >melia has an entire party of shiny pokemon haha...
>>57266207 i admit, there's a mildly amusing hidden gag involving this particular absol
besides, the vivillon are more this game's speed
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
Quoted By:
>we're going to have to fight our way out if evilbadguyteam is here! >we can do this! >immediately walks away and separates us come ON man
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
But what if I didn't have breakfast today?
>>57266211 Checked and I promise it only gets worse.
>>57266163 Enjoy Terajuma while it lasts.
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
so is the canon explanation for this that my character is retarded or that he's some sort of invalid who's too weak to turn a briefcase a petite girl was carrying around all day 90 degrees in a high-stakes scenario where he should be pumping full of adrenaline
why bother making this
was it really so much more effort to just make the briefcase turn like an npc would and allow the player to imagine wow my guy just turned it towards him so realistic
I'm not even going to bother finishing this part I'm just going to bed right now
>>57266213 >>57266234 >haha... >it only gets worse looking forwards to it
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
Cool battle backdrop.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Whiteouts: 22
Coalossal is really the only one who doesn't get acked by acrobatics kek, the flame body proc let everyone else live a hit to land an attack afterwards
Anyway here's team now that my general powerlevel skyrocketed after the level cap increase fully evolving a lot of my shit
>>57266213 yeah, h-haha...
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
The fate of joe merrick.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
Rejuvxisters, this game is already mogging us in terms of presentation.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
This game is John-approved already. I'm calling it a night soon. The prologue is long, but I'm liking what I'm seeing so far.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
Bumping with picking a fight with the cops.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
This truly is shawn's game.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
>Chrome browsers in the pokeverse grim
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
16 different outfit recolors for the main character, presumably for each gender too. I hope more devs do stuff like this in the future; it's a really nice touch.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
I'm not sure I like the catchrate of wild mons being tied to the difficulty settings, but I'm willing to put up with it.>No EV grinding Orevald bros... we're free.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>>>>> Yes they did write the entire copypasta in a book in spanish.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
Map of not sinnoh.
>>57267389 the irrational need of spics to insert or reference this copypasta in every game they make needs to be studied
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
I think I'll go with monke since I usually go with Piplup out of the sinnoh starters.
>>57267506 Fangame anthropologists are going to have a field day studying how severely this meme mindbroke them.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
The very first fight in the game out of the tutorial broke. A good omen for sure.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
I winced when I saw this and took a moment to realize just how thoroughly Data type in Empyrean had mindbroken me and my expectations for custom "defensive" types in fangames.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>Crafting >The tools to gather stuff are consumable and cost money to replace >Resource nodes are all timegated Oh no....
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
>Kick >Start Dancing >Do nothing Dancing opens a hole in the floor where this rock is.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
>Pick up crystal >Schizophrenia immediately starts haha...
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>57267802 >See old man's brother >He has his own chabad basement complete with hostage >Forcefully fuses trainers with random shitmons he teaches them how to catch Smeargle !!Nnc2aXQ7cTU
Quoted By:
i don't know how i feel about eizen. i'm just grateful he's a Weird Sidequest Guy
>>57266234 honestly? i probably will. last i recall it was the best part of the game for me.
>>57266238 i'm glad you're excited about wading through the shit.
rejuvenation is a ride. the best way i can describe the experience is like a bad anime.
>>57266281 best of luck with chapter 4's bosses. geara and narcissa both are rough!
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57267791 and you can fail on gathering
>>57267991 I couldn't find the fourth part of the code, if you can't the code is
0310 FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
>Explanation for why his brother had a rape dungeon is all in spanish >Something about Bill and Kanto It's Empyrean all over again.
>>57267998 I just used your spoiler to keep the playthrough moving along.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
[blocks your path]
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>decide to press forward in this one a little more >my reward is a sewer level, where the pipes spit you out in random spots >I ended up here, completely stuck okay for real I'm done
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
This game apparently has RPG mechanics and stats you can level.
>>57268193 It doesn't seem too bad so far. Does it get worse a bit later on?
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57268207 I don't like the crafting system works in this. needing tools that cost a good amount of money, gathering can just fail, you can't even craft things like antidotes (at the start at least) but one antidote is 1k. the game also makes the weird choice of having the poke vial cost points, points I don't know exactly how to get, instead of having limited charges that restore at a pokemon center. this is on top of the higher difficulty modes lowering money, nerfing your damage, making already expensive things cost more, etc. it just doesn't work with me, it just devolves into another fangame where it's more cost effective to other white out or run all the way back to the nearest nurse
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
>Triple Triad Oh no, my autism is flaring up again.
>>57268271 Understandable. I seem to be failing gathering attempts way less after making one of those books that raises a stat so it's not bothering me nearly as much, but the system is definitely pretty rough and unpolished. The Realidea-esque pay-to-heal is pretty pointless early on. I wonder if the dev intends to utilize it in proper dungeons later on.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Nice of him to use level appropriate mons and not bash shawn-kun's teeth in.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
>Baby Kangashkan preevo That's adorable and I'm amazed I've not seen this in a game until now.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
>Negro materializes out of thin air This new orleans voodoo is hitting different. It is nice to see the Elite Four doing things related to their job in the region on their downtime from battling challengers at the league. This league is already substantially more functional than the average rebornlike league.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
I'll give Hollow Woods a check, not expecting anything good by this point after the few lasts games we played, but I'm still mildly optimistic.
>>57265904 GG, the next few fights are where things get really fucking stupid like I said a few threads back, I don't know if Crawli has been changed too much, but his fight was especially shitty, you have Bug as one of your types, which thankfully get a boost on his gym, I am worried about Amber on your playthrough, because she hits ways too hard and Poison/Bug doesn't deal well with her bullshit field/signature move.
>>57266141 The funniest part is that the literal simplest description of Rejuvenation's lore in it's base is
llama kills sex. >>57267389 I have severe brain damage from reading the whole thing.
>>57266281 >>57266294 GG and what fight is this one?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
>You have to turn on the EXP Share on each pokemon I get why this is a feature, but I really do wish it would default to on rather than make you toggle every single mon you want to train as opposed to the few edge cases where you don't want EVs to spill over (which doesn't even matter on master mode).
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
I need to do some stuff before I continue. How long is Amethyst?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
>>57268524 So far it seems to be pretty early on in development, I think it said something akin of like 6-10 hours of content.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
>Ditto is copying Rilou Why are there two Mars?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Another fangame mixing politics and Pokemon
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Choice of 2 stage fake regional starters >MC's mom is a politician and an extremely incompetent one at that who has caused irreparrable damage to the region's ecosystem by ya know, being a woman I-I see........
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
For my neutral special, I WIELD A GUN-fish.
>>57268747 I am not sure so far, it hasn't gone down the sheer level of autism Empire has, but it sure is a hell of a start.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
>Son of a senator >Names my MC Jack by accident Meme magic is real.......
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
he better have a team of 6
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
YES, YES, YEEEEEEEEES!!! Also->Every single time you interact with the TV you get sensationalist news coverage parodies Kek.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
hope they aren't one use
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
>Early Aron encounters
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
that would be nice though, if a member of the senate does something stupid you know where they are at all times, just challenge them to a battle and oops my porygon aimed the hyper beam at the senate whoops heat of battle my mistake
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>items are normally priced >can already buy great balls and super potions >free key item rope feeling good about this game
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
I'm guessing this is rock poison because it doesn't even take neutral from fire anymore
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
The quest spam is something that seems to persist yet still, though it doesn't seem as bad as Alden or Amarista's cases.
>>57268862 You can also toss money in the well of the starting town, chucked my 3000$ right into it but nothing happened though.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>free escape rope and teleport for quick backtracking very appreciated
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>MC's mom is a libshit that keeps importing foreign labour, animals and materials >Completely refuses to cultivate and protect her own homeland >Forces her own son to have to deal with her shitty political affairs
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>You see chuddi-I mean son, the people wanting to preserve and protect the region are "le bad" >We NEED to import foreigners into our nation OR IT WILL NOT SURVIVE
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57268965 no way does this game let you side with the faction that wants to stop importing foreigners
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
I completely brute forced this puzzle.
>>57268965 >>57268984 >The first fangame to yeet the jeet Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
Dread it.......run from it........crafting in Pokemon fangames arrives all the same.........
>>57268984 Considering this game is still up on (not) Relic Castle, I think the answer is pretty obvious.
>>57269004 H-haha.....surely.......
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
My half-dead team was not ready for this, but I managed to pull through by repeatedly sleep powdering it, feather dancing it, and waiting for it to die a very slow death to Leech Seed. Seems like % damage moves do miniscule damage to solo bosses, which is understandable.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>one (1) pokeball to catch a murkrow does this game have actually good capture rates?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Gen 4 looking fangame with a section that is literally just Eterna Forest >Gardenia is here for whatever reason >>57269044 GG, "Crystal" type is insanely retarded.
>>57269045 Can't tell for sure, but catching mons feels easier than usual.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>guy on the right, "I can't believe you challenged me to this battle" I know this game has a page on expo but what if no one bothered to play it, this could end up being funny
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
Seems you can plant a bunch of flower mons on pots to change their types and pressumably also buff their defenses.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>57269086 >GG, "Crystal" type is insanely retarded. What does it even do? Weak to rock and ground, resistant to fire, water, grass from what I can tell. Anything else?
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57269102 if you hit Z on the pause menu you get access to more options, there should be a guide on the third page that explains it
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Yup, their types change and so do their abilities, my Budew now has Effect Spore.
>>57269102 Bunken screenshot it last thread, let's say it's A BIT overtuned.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
you can get the regular version but this one was a special encounter
>>57269116 it also loses absorb for acid. I appreciate the stab move but I don't like that it automatically chose which one to get rid of
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>get quest to find 3 musicians >upon finding the third one, the quest completes right then and there and I get the rewards, don't have to go back to quest giver OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
It's jarring seeing such reserved field effects that just slightly influence fights instead of completely dominate them.
>>57269107 Thanks bro.
>>57269116 Steel 2: Electric crystaloo.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
that and body spray, might as well throw tear gas in the room
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
>>57269133 It's bizarre because Roselia is obviously a plant first and poisonous second, I'm not very fond of potted Budew so far either.
>>57269148 Shitstones xisters.....t-this is illegal!
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>fisherman refuses to give me old rod because my bitch mom ruined the ocean with her policies AIEEEEEEE
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>whitecrest city seems like heaven on earth, huh? It may be hard to believe, but before the Pokemon Senate cleaned it up, it was a real dump. Poor people even lived here! maybe you do go against your mom/senate in this. it would also be funny if the dev was like "yeah fuck poor people" unironically
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
The merrick jokes write themselves.
>>57269258 kek
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
Found the secret well book, it was in the house with the professor's husband.
>Ghost type Snorlax Interessante.
>>57269258 Holy kek.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>57269294 What happens when you evolve it?
>Ghost/Fairy Marill hanging by its tail Please tell me they go all the way with the bit.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
other then a full restore use nothing too bad about this gym. liking this game a lot, then again I went through 3 bad games in a row kek. the politics part could either end up being really funny or empire part 2
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>>57269353 thanks bro. that game is seriously cursed
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>ORANGE-I mean hmmm GREEN MAN BAD! >Looks into the sprite files >Finds complete kino (not the Azumarill) >>57269300 Sadly nope.
>>57269350 GG, so far I've been liking it as well.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57269376 thanks bro. I expected just a spooky game but are we getting political kino?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
>We scientists an shiiiiiieeeeet I'm gonna do the gym and take a break, still gotta harvest some grapes and oranges from my garden and I also need to grind the Duel Links event that just dropped, not touching ranked with a 10 inch pole, fuck that.
>>57269396 Empire has been surpassed.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
A bit early for these, but interesting.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57269457 found an alakazamite in the secret spot east of the starting town, it'd be neat to get a mega ring by gym 2 or 3
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>have to show this fisherman "a big fish" based on weight to get an old rod seems a bit like asking for an egg without giving me a chicken
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
nvm it's any pokemon doy
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
Those sewers are very annoying.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Pretty easy desu, high levels on his team, but it was manageable.
>>57269463 Noted.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
For what Master Mode was claiming to be, this game is still throwing softballs compared to the crazy stuff we've played in other games.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>pay money to advance the plot boo
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57269595 gg. that's good to hear, your wallet may be always empty but it's not painful in the battle department
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it either. A lot of the systems are rough, but I think this game has incredible potential and with the right refinement, this game could legitimately be Spic Kino tier. The plot isn't really doing anything just yet, but that's okay for a 1 gym demo. Presentation is exceptional as par for a Spanish game. The fights are definitely on the easy side for the hardest of four difficulties, but I also understand the dev not wanting to blow his teambuilding load yet like most fangames do in the first few fights when trying to make a fight le challenging, and I much prefer this than seeing the same copypasted type-trope teams from every other fangame trying to be difficult.
We should watch the development of this one closely imo; I can see great things coming from it assuming the dev's changes trend towards improvement and not actively making the game worse like some over-ambitious english devs tend to.
>>57269608 The poverty doesn't matter much as long as you're okay just not using items. Getting poisoned repeatedly in the sewers was annoying, but I had enough Pecha Berries to push through.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Most of this game's biggest problems are just numerical tuning on a lot of the systems (money, crafting, gather point cooldowns, success rates, recipes etc etc) which are very easy to fix compared to systemic issues that plague other games. While they can certainly harm the experience when not implemented well, I'm optimistic that even a brief bit of refinement of these systems will have extremely good payoff in improved playability to dev effort ratio, which is good because this dev is clearly putting a ton of effort into his game. Nothing about this game feels lazy.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
clearly crying from the armegeddon sauce from waluigi's taco stand
>>57269630 >>57269656 congrats. you're right, numerical tuning is easy to do, and this game does interesting things, but I wouldn't say nothing about this game feels lazy. I'm seeing a lot of copied fakemon, some from shitstones, some from vanguard, the red worm thing from myth are some examples. I think bulgori is from one of eric's fangames. I know it's weird to say stealing mon designs is lazy even though that's the foundation of fangames, I'm not arguing on a moral platform, but it is still using someone else's fakemon for your own game. it's weirder when the regionals the dev has made themselves look great, not just the starters but I like the fish that jump on the bridge on route one as well, so idk why they'd use other ones when the ones they make are good enough. the quest rewards feel meh like shitstones as well, even though the quests themselves are more interesting.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Opens up Duel Links >3 fucking mainboxes in a roll in the last 3 months >Finally get a minibox >It's shit >Open my new event reward for a prismatic card >Another prismatic Harmonizing Magician PENDULUM GODS.......is Konami giving me a sign?
Also sorry for bringing up Duel Links so often, the jannies keep killing the Yugioh threads on several boards for whatever reason.
>>57269578 Thanks bro.
>>57269595 GG.
>>57269630 Congrats, I honestly don't have much faith on this one T B H, but I do agree the game could improve with some tuning, I don't know why so much just feels so wrong in terms of prices, locations and even general jank, granted it is in early stages, but couple that with the quest spam and all the rest and it becomes harrowing.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>57269703 >I'm seeing a lot of copied fakemon, some from shitstones, some from vanguard, the red worm thing from myth are some examples. I think bulgori is from one of eric's fangames They're new to me because I hadn't played any of those, but point conceded if they're actually ripped from other games.
>Regionals/fakemons I overall like them, but of course there's a few mediocre ones mixed in. The starters seem to be the weakest of them from what I've seen, but the nut Turtwig is adorable. The heracross and pinsir preevos were interesting concepts as well.
>Quest rewards I think the single biggest thing the dev could do to improve the feel of the main feedback loop of the game is drastically boost the reward for quests and make each completed one feel like a huge windfall for the player.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>57269746 see that was the weird one, cause I just got through alden and saw the same pinsir fakemon. different sprite but it can't be a coincidence with the same name, though I don't know which game came first. quest rewards really do need to be buffed up, maybe recipe upgrades where novel balls take less materials to craft ala satisfactory?
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57269736 wait are their tiers of lootboxes in duel links? sounds dreadful
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>57268487 Thanks, it's the Zoroark from mirage woods, it swaps from Zoroark > Steelix > Typhlosion > Zoroark as you get rid of it's hp bars
>>57269350 >>57269543 >>57269630 ggs
>>57269703 >I'm seeing a lot of copied fakemon, some from shitstones, some from vanguard, the red worm thing from myth are some examples. To be fair, I'd bet on those being public asset fakemon from somewhere else rather than le "stolen", I know Vanguard/Myth uses a few, and I wouldn't be surprised is shitstones does too
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>57269792 thanks bro. good point, keep forgetting about community asset packs. it's hard to know how much is original fakemon and shareware fakemon sometimes.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
can't wait to get the senate yacht to cruise the oceans
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>57269834 Is that a diamond minecraft axe?
Are you really going to
>in minecraft the senate?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Got a bunch of beautiful custom decals to use on my dragons >Can't fucking decide if I want to pamper my dragon waifus, draguns or my ED big boys Well, choice paralysis is a bitch.
>>57269783 It's rarity tiers, from normal to rare to super rare to ultra rare per box and there's 2 types of boxes, main boxes and miniboxes, mainboxes are big and take ages and/or a lot of money to get through, UR cards obviously had their drop rates reduced in recent versions, I think I spent 2 weeks or so grinding my soul away to dig through a box and get Chamber Dragonmaid, just got Remus a few minutes back, which one of the last cards of a 300 card main box, miniboxes only have 100 cards and are far easier to dig through, sadly Konami fucking hates people having good things, so they've been refusing to make minis anymore, now that they made a new one it's shit with a few crappy Salamangreat extenders, Battlin' Boxers and Morphthronic cards, not a single big dragon, staple or fun cards in sight. Being a Duel Links player is akin to being Sysiphus, gotta keep pushing that massive bolder up the hill and the climb keeps getting steeper and steeper.......
>>57269792 Oh shit I forgot about the Zoroark gauntlet.
Thanks bro.
>>57269834 Holy kek.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57269848 of course, we need to stop the senate letting foreigners take our jobs and letting disgusting frenchoid pokemon invade our routes (in minecraft)
>>57269871 good lord that's worse then I thought
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>you think you've been training harder then me? Let me prove you wrong >3 pokemon >used his full restore on timburr that was holding a flame orb for guts shenanigans >look at you, anon, having handed everything to you on a senate funded silver platter the silver-type rival doesn't really work when the rival isn't good at battling
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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you'll need honey to get this, so definitely do the beekeeper's quest at the start of the game.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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I think it's elec/rock, it looks really cool
>>57268953 >Already fucked up the ecosystem according to a previous post >Importing foreign pokemon and plantlife What????
>>57270515 Would Seviper improve the ecosystem?
>>57270650 >filename ...the losing contest.
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Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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dunno why but when I first saw it I thought of an oil refinery
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>walk into next city while mom and cronies are giving a political rally >she sees me and asks what kind of native species I saw on sharktooth island >I mention I saw the rebel army >she plays it off for the crowd, and literally says "only our senate can fix the nations problems" >proceeds to go on a tirade, all while evil sounding metroid-esque music plays in the background gonna find fucking anthrax in my lunchbox at this rate
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>(((Rich elitists))) who force the entire region to be "multicultural" shitholes >(((They))) meanwhile live in high gated communities were outsiders are not permited >(((They))) actively go out of their way to talk shit about the people (((they))) screwed over but play victim when things don't go their way >Attempts to insult hardworking bluecollar folk by calling them "Visigoths", a nation (((a certain group))) worked hard to destroy from the inside out Makes ya think.......
>>57269922 It's a gatcha game by technicality, of course it's awful kek.
>>57270015 GG and sad to see ripoff Silver is such a joke.
>>57270515 The MC's mom like I explained in another post is a libshit politician who fucked the entire region by introducing horribly destructive laws that fucked the enviroment and Pokemon that were native to the region, she went even further and started important both invasive species and foreign elements to work on the region, then she went EVEN FURTHER BEYOND and make the region rely on foreign imports instead of supporting national industry and business, which is also dogfucking the region's economy raw, in short, this game is surprisingly and hilariously (considering where this game is hosted right now) based.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>57271635 started importing*
and made*
Fucking typos, I need sleep.
>>57266015 >>57266053 >>57267286 >>57268411 STOP CALLING ME SHAWN COON
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57271635 thanks bro. you're gonna love the scene in roughview
>>57271649 is that the face you made while typing this cope post?
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Smeargle !!Nnc2aXQ7cTU
i put way too much effort into this stupid thing
at least this weirdo gives me one of my biggest power boosts in glimmet?
i don't usually use silvally in mono runs but i'm tempted
also these cynthia vore posts are something else
>>57268487 ah, i actually swapped to fully mono poison. as stupid as it sounds i was getting mildly overwhelmed trying to figure out the ideal bugs and poisons to put in my team and stuff
so i said to hell with it and just made the team mono poison entirely
>>57271635 So she fucked everything up and plans to continue doing the things that fucked everything up. Not even importing Pokemon to replenish the ones that were lost the first time.
How is this supposed supposed to be a good guy, how was she allowed to do it the first time and why would anyone vote for her again.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>57271218 >>57271635 This game looks like a gemerald. How long is it? If we haven't moved onto something else this weekend, I'll give it a go myself.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57271711 I went to look on the community page and found a post with a different download link to a more updated version from the dev. this new release has 6 gyms. idk why he didn't update the main link at the top of the page, unless he just didn't update the pokeharbor page.
https://mega.nz/file/WkYgUbRb#0i6pUbYSWPQ4VaAWzC0TTeyf9BDcRhXjHWCEMmw-HSQ Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Woah, that's early AND you can catch it too.
>>57271660 Kek, with how the game has been so far, I don't doubt it.
>>57271681 Nice drawing.
Shawn has more than likely been permabanned, it's a bunch of sharty discord tards pretending to be him.
Ah noted, T B H Bugs are still pretty good all around for quite a few fights.
>>57271707 She's a politician, a woman and a liberal, that's all the answers you need.
>>57271711 It currently goes up to gym 6, though that's on beta.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57271681 looks good. I have no idea who the top guy is
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>57271742 >>57271749 I might find an excuse to procrastinate and play this all day tomorrow kek.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>57271681 I missed it initially, but good art.
>>57271749 >Shawn has more than likely been permabanned Even the biggest retard can figure out how to turn on airplane mode on their phone. I bet he still posts, but I also bet there's also a large number of sharty imposters.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Disappointed Rotom immediately lost freezer form, but I got to spend time building a sandcastle with my doggie, so it wasn't all bad.
>>57271773 So far it's been pretty solid.
>>57271799 Lately the jannies have been going nuclear with handing out bans due to perceived VPN and proxy uses, I got banned for using an encrypted browser in Librewolf, I straight up can't use secure browsers anymore because my literal every post gets deleted otherwise, the jannies could see my IP either way, but I guess blocking their shitty adds was too much.
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FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>57271819 >Screencap Looks like the game has nice moments too and isn't just /vpol/ posting.
>Trannyjannies They likely have your mac address logged, but spoofing it doesn't really do anything if they can just cross-reference the IP/mac address of whoever's posting with your trip at any given time unless you intend to evade for every single post.
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>>57271802 >spams nsfw >stop getting me perma'd Are schizos not capable of taking responsibility?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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I might have some abysmal fucking luck overall, but my shiny finding luck is still as good as ever.
>>57271846 Surprisingly so, kinda reminds of Crimson and Cobalt to an extent, not as charming and in-depth though.
I even explained in my plea to remove my 3 month ban for shit I didn't do that they can see my IP and that I mostly stick to using a trip in this thread, so it's really easy to see it's me, but whoever it was that read my plea had a massive hateboner for me and still banned me for a whole 'nother day despite me proving I didn't do shit, likely Musk's friend if I had to guess.
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>>57271949 EXACTLY
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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bros...not like this
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Am I getting this lucky or is this a set encounter?
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57272080 it's not a set encounter
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Gym 2 down, this game oddly reminds me of Metal Gear at times.
Calling it a night, so far I'm actually really liking this one and even recommend it, Hollow Woods seems like a good time through and through.
>>57272122 Oh nice.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>"oh you saw your mom recently, what's their plan on stopping that terrorist attack on the great forest?" >explain that the senate is basically ignoring it >rival isn't accusing the mc of lying but instead comes up with this strain of copium
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>ice type gym >oct learned nasty plot and flamethrower before reaching him >one flame charge for some extra speed easy sweep.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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there are some chests with hints in a nearby cave to the ice town, boy am I gonna ignore these now kek
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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the code is 3551 if you want it but the hints really give it away, overreacted earlier
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
stopping here for the night. you might not believe it, but what if I told you that this pokemon fangame had a positive character arc
Smeargle !!Nnc2aXQ7cTU
slow day on my end. could have done this shit earlier but whatever
got some major power boosts in this run in after finally caving in and breeding shit/relearning moves. notably parting shot grafaiai, glimmora, earth power on nidoqueen, ect.
very excited for glimmora in particular
also i took out spirit keta, who fights in a double battle and kinda sorta has a sun team going on? mostly standard fare beyond the doubles scare, though. was hard enough to bring me to breeding up some mons though
>>57271749 thank you, thank you
ahh, i see. and noted. i may run a bug renegade run if i'm feeling spicy enough.
>>57271757 that's eizen, a Weird Sidequest Guy in rejuvenation. tl;dr researches inconsistencies, or things that are present in the world at one point but are gone the next.
version differences basically.
i admit, it's an interesting concept for a character
>>57271799 thank you as well
>>57272671 oh my god, actual positive arcs in a fangame?
most of the time a character is just sent through the torment nexus. or they just become worse characters.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57272754 gg on the progress. oh the guy down the river near xenophobic town, don't remember him getting the detailed cutscene treatment.
>or they just become worse characters don't remind me
possessed aelita is so tragic Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Time to get some progress, it's starting to storm again and I'm not sure I'll have power for very long.
Spent a good few hours brainstorming a few Dragonmaid Dragon Link builds on DL as well with a bit of success, not having Twin Triangle and Striker hurts, not helped by the utter lack of good dragon monster with special summoning conditions, which often makes things pretty bricky.
>>57272246 GG.
>>57272754 GG as well on the progress.
>>57274256 He's one of Zumi's lust OCs, of course he's gonna get preferential treatment, bastard is fucking everywhere in 13.5.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>57272246 >>57272754 gg
>>57274256 Yeah that cg only pops up if you answer his questions about previous versions correctly iirc
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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I'm still not certain how the sandcastle minigame works, it appears to not be based on friendship despite making your mons like you more. I'm not sure, maybe it's type dependent or some specific moves are required?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>My Kirlia gets frozen by the first Power Snow Spheal used >It's been 14 turns and it still hasn't defrosted >Meanwhile all Spheal does is spam Rest and Snore Why are there "people" out there who think this dogshit is even remotely tolerable?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
The Onix regional reminds me of those weird stone worm things near Limgrave and also fuck, this bastard hits fairly hard thanks to it having Electric Surge.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57274942 >>57274959 thanks bros
>>57275198 no one played PLA to find out about frostbite status
Smeargle !!Nnc2aXQ7cTU
balatro has really been eating up a lot of my time. curse this addicting thing
otherwise i've just been chipping away at terajuma's help quests.
>>57274256 thank you
>possessed aelita god, don't remind me. quite literally felt like a completely different character
like another anon says, he gets Weird if you answer his questions correctly.
he also gives you an aevian munna afterwards, though in LAWDS it's changed into a paldea mystery egg and munna is available post-fly
if i'm being honest here it could be a lot worse. the choices in the egg aren't bad. ESPECIALLY glimmet.
>>57274942 thanks
if i'm being honest here i can't blame her? if i make a character i find hot and also have the opportunity to put them in things i probably would. eizen could be a lot worse but we have plenty of game left so...
>>57274959 thank you!
>>57275303 that is actually a ridiculously cool onix what the fuck
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Didn't have much luck with the fishing competition, caught a pretty big Magikarp though.
>>57275448 People are aware of it but most tards still think freeze is somehow better as a status according to several polls, which is just absurd to me.
>>57275616 That's because she was, Jan has a massive hateboner for Aelita.
The problem is when said characters overstay their welcome, which is very much the case with Eizen, the fucking versions crap is so obnoxious as is.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Sigh indeed.......
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Still trucking through when I have time/motivation to play, bit by bit
Whiteouts: 24
https://streamable.com/4dt5j5 Pretty simple tradefest still, biggest problem is the hawlucha and lucario, hawlucha for being a hawlucha, and lucario in that situation needs to get hit by skillnosis, otherwise it easily cleans up my team
>>57275448 I''m honestly surprised frostbite didn't catch on, in both the mainline games and fangames, like I can get Drowsy not catching on, but frostbite is so much better than freeze it's unreal
>>57275664 d e s u it'd be kino if there was a ByeEizen password that completely removes him from the game, the only thing you'd really miss is the glitch memory in eclysia iirc
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Volkner developed a taste for electrorape Huh.
>>57275732 GG, it's impressive how much worse this mod keeps getting with time.
True enough, funny how Talon, the other lust OC, turned out be a pretty cool dude.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57275732 gg
>>57275758 I mean maybe he visited
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>A red and purple faction >Scarlet and violet Hmmmmmm.......
>>57275809 Lmao, I guess it makes sense now.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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The region has fallen......millions must Explode.......
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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This game continues to be either sneakily or accidentally based.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>Ghost/Normal Munchlax had Prankster >Evolves in Snorlax and gets Shadow Shield Shame it's other abilities are fucking dogwater.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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If anyone here does the quest for the old man in the dump, you can find his glasses near the football players.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>beat another evil admin >they escape >senate arrives too late but they gotta meet that quota this is reaching S tier for a completely different reason then opalo
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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I am not fond of politics in games, no thanks in great part to Empire, but this game surprisingly handles it thoughtfully.
>>57276548 It's definitely a lot better than I thought it would be.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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This game hands out Mega stones like it's candy on Halloween.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
got really lucky with this one, even after making a team for it. I should be mad with this one but I can't be, it's almost fitting. 7 tries.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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no mega ring but fly hm secured
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>quiz based gym gimmick, but it's acting the most like a sleazy senator answering media questions this was an incorrect answer, I was supposed to say I was wearing a bag made from mareep wool that was farmed in west oblar, showing I support local produce
I don't think I mentioned Brock's gym. Went well, the big puzzle involved using a special move that wasn't water type. Mt Moon had a poison/dark pokemon with wonder guard as the end trainer. A sign mentioned how there were five different ways to have handled them. I went "teaching Mankey Mudslap". Looked like another option involved the Pidgeotto. In Celulean training right now, the Gary battle involves a level 80 Moltres with a move that counters FEAR. Misty's gym "focuses" on the TCG.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
another tough one. 8 tries
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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I mean I don't want them to bomb the forest but
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Progress has been a bit slow since I'm having to prepare for the massive storm outside and also cooking dinner, the snow mountain sucked absolute dick to traverse, but I've seen worse.
I also really don't get the point of the ace route trainers.
>>57276729 >>57276818 >>57276860 GG.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>57276928 thanks bro. sometimes they'll give you a reward if you speak to them again but it's usually nothing noteworthy.
>>57276932 a marked improvement
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
>you can encounter a pokemon in this grass huh...
that gives me an idea...
>>57276860 GG
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57277037 thanks bro. what's the prank plan
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
>>57277056 well I was going to whiteout and run back to see what happens but now I'm just really confused
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
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>it just puts me right back into the briefcase zone boooooooooooooo
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57277073 >>57277084 oh bro how could you forget about the soul hotel, it's in every game dontcha know
On my way to Vermillion!
>>57277084 I wonder if you were supposed to lose to a battle later on for this?
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
goofy thing
>>57277093 is this some kind of ayrei brand idea theft from some anime
>>57277101 no idea
I hit the reset button because there's no way in hell I'm losing 160 pokebucks on a joke
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
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oh this is the thing that I'll never use beyond this and the next chapter
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Alright. The Fan Club president loves pokemon so much. I can't wait for Chapter 3 to include Gen 9 being laggy.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>57277126 theft or original idea it's still terrible
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
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>player-kun that's a snag machine! >you need to snag that shadow meowth!!!!!! >just push it's face in with honest and honorable rollout >game just calls me retarded but continues without making me redo shit didn't expect that
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
wow look at all those magikarp surely I'll be allowed to take one once we're over there and won't be forced to wait until gym 16 for one
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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ay another positive character arc. I'll bake
>>57277193 I legitimately don't know if you're ever allowed to get one
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
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>Damn... my Finneon is gone >I've had that Finneon for as long as I can remember. >Maybe I shouldn't have turned it into a Shadow Pokemon... So am I supposed to feel bad or conflicted about this because the only thing I feel is annoyed that I spent so much time (<10 minutes) fishing for a shiny Finneon only for it to end up looking nearly identical to this one
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
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>have to actually turn around and talk to photography to get healed >she doesn't automatically heal me after every battle but why
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU