I met this lizzer during my retread of X in 2020, and I instantly fell in love with him. I love his design; gameplay-wise, it's also very fun to use him - he gets quite a bit of coverage; him being able to learn Surf was a very neat surprise.
>>57274592You are a James Bond villain. Deranged but also drawn to cute things. Probably schizophrenic. Honestly, I can respect that. Take care and remember to take your meds.
>>57275894Something about a gigantism fetish or wanting to be stepped on.
>>57275941You're a simple man. Arcanine is a cool mon - it's a fire dog, what's not to love? Just as a dog is loyal, you've been loyal to Arcanine throughout the years. Very based.
Sorry about not replying to the others, I just don't know what to say haha