>>57356175Normies have taken over the internet thanks to smartphones. And all that normies care about is to appear "normal". Don't stick out, don't like weird stuff, don't be a pervert, don't like immoral things. Pair this with mental illness enhanced by covid lockdowns forcing these people to be permanently online and you get all these people who apply their absurd moral standards to fiction.
You see the results everywhere, not just in Pokémon. Everything media is as "safe" and "inoffensive" as possible, everything is sterile, there is no real conflict anymore. And even in the fandoms themselves, you have obsessed retards playing internet police to harass everyone who posts "controversial content".
>Oh you think this 17 year old fictional character is attractive? You need to burn in hell, wait until I tell my discord buddies about this so we can mass report youThis shit has been devastating in the art community because Asian artists are fucking tired of militant westeners. They are gatekeeping their content hard - which is smart, but sucks if you're not part of the mentally ill moralfags. It's just all so fucking tiring. I want to go back to the time where the internet was a niche interest for nerds with computers, not constantly part of everyone's life at any waking moment.