>orevald beats the current version of hollow woods, he thinks it's a good political satire and enjoyed it >I also finished hollow woods, really enjoyed it and am looking forward to it being completed >mercury stops playing celia's stupid romhack after getting softlocked >president ose continues playing pokemon alden, helping the mayor stave off the silver marshals >wagie starts up hollow woods and beats the ice gym leader >rg continues his run of LAWDs, beating melia in blacksteeple I think >smeargle continues his rejuv run, beating divorced dad professor jenner in a cave >john vpposter gets to gets to chapter 2 of rejuv and is about to enter the mines >What is this? This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.
>How do I join? Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images of whatever fangame/romhack you're playing.
>Archive >Fangame Bingo Card Generator
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
good news, amethyst dev is a human being and is actually changing things about his game for the better
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
this guy uses a heracross that will attempt to bulk up 3-4 times, it has knock off/bullet seed/karate chop. he got me twice before I beat him the third time.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>cycling road doesn't exist what in the god damn
>>57309927 is that supposed to happen there or is that lawds fuckery
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
I WILL distract myself from my impending doom and I WILL NOT think about the acking V*larie will give me
>>57309942 Yeah, that's her telling you to meet up north for the gym battle
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
>It's already over ack
Smeargle !!Nnc2aXQ7cTU
>>57309956 oh heavens
best of luck! i'm taking this lapse in progress as me probably needing to take a break
that and balatro is the most addicting fucking game ever what the fuck
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
>>>Liquid Voice gets a mold breaker effect on water surfacce ACK
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57310069 you WILL buy wheel of fortune and it WILL fail everytime
Smeargle !!Nnc2aXQ7cTU
>>57310090 >Nope! >Nope! >Nope! >Nope! >Nope! and yet the one (1) time wheel of fortune works is on my fucking gros michel.
>>57310090 oh fuck me i forgot about that. i really really wish i had some kind of advice to give but most of the time i use fighting or fire types is if i'm using trick room
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
>Mold breaker doesn't apply to crest immunities (more importantly whiscash's sap sipper crest) aie
Whiteouts: 74 so I can keep count
>>57310141 I'm surprisingly making progress quicker than I thought I would tbdesu
granted I've still only seen 4 of her 6 mons kek , the shitty part is that it relies on bullet sneed hitting 4+ times on Primarina
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>Sneed Dondozo >>>Order Up (sharply) boosts Attack, Defense, or Speed at random if Dondozo does not have a Tatsugiri in its mouth. sigh No idea how I'm going to get over this nigger yet
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>57310226 Oh, nevermind, it gets simple as a pulse ability
Maybe if grappCHAD can live a couple of turns, octolock will ack it
>>57310250 haha...just another day in heckin awesome mode
Smeargle !!Nnc2aXQ7cTU
>>57310226 >>57310298 that is wretched, the dondozo was a pain in the ass in normal mode to the point where my best bet was just acid spray spam i think
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
his ace manetric used howl twice and then missed a thunder wave, the ai hasn't been that dumb so it's weird.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
I can't even think of the last game that had z moves
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>Get through the whiscash and bullet seed rngshit to get to dondozo again >It immediately gets the +2 attack roll I'm done for the night, might work on getting whiscash to be consistent tomorrow, fishing for night slash crits isn't gonna cut it
Whiteouts: 82
>>57310477 haha...I still haven't seen the last two yet either...
>>57310541 gg
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>slots, trash >roulette, garbage >voltorb flip, lame witness the best gambling of all time, pinball. you got 4 choices>meowth pinball, hit a cat with the ball and collect it's coins. if the ball drops out your score resets >gengar pinball, wipe out the waves of gastly and haunter before taking down the gengar boss. it has a time limit >seel pinball, similar to meowth pinball but your score doesn't reset if you drop out, but the game ends instead >diglet pinball, kill all diglet and dugtrio without dropping out once pinball should be the new hotness and replace triple triad I will die on this hill
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57310899 thanks bro. sorry that you're going through the peak nightmare version of dondozo
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>Another 3 day vacation I'm on some /v/ janny's shitlist. I really just need to stop posting on boards that aren't /vp/ when we're trying to schedule and sync playthroughs. I understand your pain, Orevald.
>>57309707 Told you it'd get better, bro.
>>57309828 GG
>>57310899 I believe in you bro.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57311052 thanks bro. you were right, based and optimismpilled
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>>57311052 also welcome back, sorry
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
So what's everyone up to right now?
>>57311128 A lot of Amethyst's missteps really do seem to me like the dev just punching in placeholder "yeah this is probably fine" values into systems after coding them, which is easily refined after a few runs. The design ethos of the rest of the game (and the overall spanish fangame scene in general) really want you to be invested into the stories they want to tell, so I figured he was very likely to chip away at annoying elements when pointed out rather than dig his heels in and autistically screech like the average Rejuv modder does. The spanish fangame scene seems far better at taking and implementing useful feedback as a whole from what I can see.
It does say something about how much Rejuv's rapidly declining state and all of its shitmods live rentfree in our heads when that type of behavior is our default expectation of developers though desu.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>57311188 >>57311052 It isn't just /v/, it's pretty much everywhere at the moment, even in completely non-political threads/boards/sites. Sadly, I expect it'll take at least until March for it to settle down. Welcome back and hopefully you don't get sniped again
I've been still working through Hollow Woods, I've just not been out of bed for the past few days (flu) and just wanted to rest. But I'll keep going tomorrow, if you want to start, it's good so far
>>57310899 >multiple layers of RNG on top of an awful field and LAWDS' awful mechanics Haha..
Good luck man
>2 hours and still no clear end in sight It's just like my heckin' Eclipse and Urmumium!
>>57310907 You'd think more people would program more cool little minigames or sovlfvl additons instead of just overindulging in battle autism mechanics and such
>>57310069 inb4 you delve into the world of balatro mods next kek
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Ended up getting extremely pissed off at dealing with nothing but filthy cheating chinks with FTK decks while making the mistake of trying to play Duel Links that I forgot I wanted to get back to playing Seaglass.
>>57309828 GG.
>>57310226 Holy fuck, how does it just keep getting worse? Best of luck. I don't recall if Surf is available pre-Valarie but there's Breloom I guess? Granted I'm sure they removed Spore from it's movepool, Scovillain is sadly way too frail and the LAWDS trannies ACKED weather so no Chlorophyll either and you don't get a singular Fairy type that could deny Dondozo Order up or a mon with Water Absorb like Poliwrath I think, best of luck getting through this one, I sadly had a similarly miserable experience on the F*ore gauntlet in Yang due to my shit dualtype.
>>57311052 Welcome back and sorry for that one, where you in the Yugioh/Master Duel threads that pop up on /v/? I saw someone gushing about Tearlaments and thought it was you, also the jannies keep prunning those threads in minutes and they hand out bans to people in it on a whim.
Being on a janny's shitlist is sadly pretty easy to accomplish right now considering how butthurt they are because of Trump or faggots like EM.
>>57311188 Seaglass and occasionally dipping my toes into working on learning coding while messing with Deso. Also, still highly recommend going through Hollow Woods if you want a good time, game's pretty simple but it's fairly enjoyable.
>>57311281 Hope you get better bro.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
The amount of time I'll have for the rest of the week is dubious, so I'll take your recommendations to heart and keep Hollow Woods in the backlog in the event I don't get around to it before you're all done.
>>57311281 Hope you feel better bro. Seems like a lot of people I know are under the weather this week.
>Faggot jannies I wonder if the order has come from on high from one of the glowniggers that choose the modstaff/jannies or if the mods are chimping out entirely on their own?
>>57311309 Thanks bro.
>MD Tearlaments No, I generally don't engage with Master Duel discourse about Tearlaments because the deck plays entirely differently than in the TCG. MD Tear is basically just Fairy Tail Snow Turbo whereas TCG Tear is somewhere between Kaleido/Sulliek/Scream Control and a highrolly combo deck depending on your hand, mills, and what interactions your opponent has. The biggest difference between the two, surprisingly, isn't Kitkallos; it's Snow.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>57310956 >>57311052 >>57311281 >>57311309 Thanks bros, and welcome back Ashime
>sorry that you're going through the peak nightmare version of dondozo Yeah, I almost want to say I'd rather be dealing with the ebin combo right now, but at the same time, a +4 omniboost sounds godawful
and knowing there's one later is already making me preemptively seethe a bit lel >>2 hours and still no clear end in sightNot 2 straight hours thankfully
only 1 haha , I don't want to get burned out after all, right? haha...
It's just a dogshit matchup, but we all knew it was coming too kek
>I don't recall if Surf is available pre-Valarie but there's Breloom I guess Surf is given post valarie unfortunately, and I'm pretty sure Breloom is too, according to the monotype guide at least. I might end up saying 'fuck you, it counts' and use crest simisage tbdesu
>or a mon with Water Absorb like Poliwrath I think Yeah, Poliwrath is also post surf, Camerupt gets water absorb via pulse ability at least, but as you can imagine it can't do much outside of HP Electric since it's stabs are neutered to hell
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57311188 playing seaglass and digging for other spanish fangames, might've found a couple we haven't done yet
>>57311281 hope you feel better soon. it doesn't even have to be much, the little dance your pokemon do when they kill something in this is great. imagine if your pokemon did the cursed fortnite dance after beating fern
>>57311309 thanks bro. are you thinking of getting that yugioh early games collection konami is putting out soon?
>>57311052 wb
things are tumultuous at the moment
>>57311309 I miss schizophrenic chinkposting in vg's master duel general, that was half the fun of playing
it's a shame it died and everyone flocked to the v general because you couldn't pay me to even open v
>>57311379 you're slogging through LAWDS if I recall, right?
with a fighting monotype?
maybe the devs forgot to remove counter from something you have access to and you can load six shots and some mach punches into your yakubian revolver so to speak
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
>>57311415 Fire/fighting, honestly arguably better because fighting has fuckall by this point, like barely a team of six I think kek
>maybe the devs forgot to remove counter from something you have access to and you can load six shots and some mach punches into your yakubian revolver so to speak The only one I technically have access to is Sawk, but I don't have access to a ditto to breed Throh yet, so I'd lose access to Throh for a very long time/forever if I traded now
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Holy mother of SOVL.
>>57311367 Yesterday one of the /v/ mods was samefagging on a thread and acciddentally gave himself away, so yeah they're definitely apping out on their own to an extent.
Ah noted.
>>57311379 That's rough, I say do it, it technically becomes a Fire type so screw it.
>>57311400 I have a soft spot for Duelist of the Roses and some of the older Yugioh games but I'm not sure, I'm super broke right now due to still lacking a job, been months and still no calls or communication.
>>57311415 I only go to /v/ to see the absolute shitshow threads that pop up due to some of the insanely retarded shit that's been happening recently, that and surprisingly a Top Gear thread popped up on /v/ thanks to Ymfah and it was one of the best threads I've seen on 4chan in ages, the absolute autism nearly killed my throat from laughing for hours on end.
Smeargle !!Nnc2aXQ7cTU
y'know, it'll never not amuse me how once i hit act 2, i get like hardly any new pokemon after both toxtricities
the things i could say about aevian toxtricity would not be approved by the vatican
>>57311379 at this point? just use crest simisage. this fight is a nightmare even with a mono poison team that has a respectable amount of tools
i can't imagine beating against a wall like this when half of your team is dead weight and the other half is Super Dead Weight against a team like hers
i think post-val, you get some much more worthwhile tools? i know toxicroak's been treating me well.
and then post-angie you're just fucking blessed
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
got some aloha pokemon eggs from pinball, one of them was this marowack. maxie is probably the best looking gen 2'd trainer sprite I've seen so far, the bottom part looks weird though. stopping here for the night.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
someone's making an alohan remake, we're getting every mainline game remixed at this point
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>ditto is a wild encounter in the excavation site >You can apparently go there without beating valarie yet >Dondozo is a physical attacker's time
>>57311449 >>57311621 Yeah if I get nowhere I'll backtrack for it kek
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>Poliwrath >Swift swim >>Reckless boosted field boosted wave crash >>>>>>>>>Damp also gets a mold breaker effect It's so fucking over
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>i know! let's make this really weak move confuse on top of trapping and dealing damage at the end of the turn!! Hate this dogshit effect, can't believe I didn't get sneeded once by it last night At least now whiscaash is consistent outside of that, and that's the only real bit of rngniggery for the first half of the battle (so far) Whiteouts: 88>Whiteout counter has nearly doubled during this chapter alone (and probably will by the time I get through this shit battle) haha...
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57314807 clearly wingdings deleted the trainer docs out of shame. can any of your pokemon learned entrainment to try and get one of the field boost abilities
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
If Camerupt can survive just ONE attack from it, I think I can win, and the only real bottlenecks in rngniggery are whiscash and dondozo
Whiteouts: 94
>>57314899 desu even if I could, it really wouldn't help much kek, my team's so spread thin that there's no chance to really use it
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Fucking hell
Whiteouts: 96 So, rng needed:
>Avoid both whirlpool sneeds from Whiscah (most of my whiteouts come from this) >Order up either needs to get +Atk, or +Speed and Sawk needs to win a speed tie (seems to not be absolutely necessary is camerupt can avoid getting poisoned) >Bullet sneed needs to hit 4 times vs Primarina >Camerupt needs to not get para'd twice from bounce (this never happened to me, but it could if it doesn't proc poison I'm not sure if Camerupt NEEDS to avoid poison touch from qwilfish, but it looks like it does, either that or maybe water absorb pivoting could barely eek out the hp needed to win
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>57311718 GG.
>>57315330 GG as well fuck this fight, I'd say you're free from Water spam but I just remembered how demented the Madelis fight was and also Od*ssa exists too.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
>Overworld sprite is a modified Falkner >It's a rich boy trainer class >Battle sprite is randomly one of Sinnoh ski trainers I have several questions, also fuck I'm lagging behind fairly hard, IV autism and the dexnav screwing me over hard didn't help.
Smeargle !!Nnc2aXQ7cTU
>>57315330 g fucking g
i'm glad you're finally out of this nightmare, though i imagine it's sort of like going out of a frying pan and into the fire, and then going out of the fire into another, bigger frying pan.
>>57315452 still insane to me how fucking long that quest lasts
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
The wishing well gives you Pokemon at random after you throw a wishing star into it.
Only interesting one I got so far is Cubone with Skill Link.
>>57315565 Yeah.....which is miserable because Od*ssa is by far one of the worst characters in Rejuvenation, bitch threatens to kill you, mindrapes people, is clearly capable of talking her father down but doesn't do it and instead makes the man who already lost a daughter and a wife's life even more miserable. I hate every singular thing about that quest, the only reason I'd do it again is because I have a soft spot for Phione.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Unironically I just can't play any fangame after playing reborn, rejuvenation and desolation. There is just something about those games that keeps me involved. Dunno, maybe it's the atrocious edgy writing, or their autism or something else. I tried playing something else like Empire or Soul Stones, but they were not only really bad, but also fucking boring.
>>57315330 G fucking G. Is that music added by you?
>Starmie firing off Blizzards and not freezing the water I know that's just what to expect now but it's still annoying
Would've liked to see how this would've gone without Water Absorb Camerupt kek, if it had even been possible without insane rng shittery
>>57315948 Take the spic fangamepill friend, go enjoy Unbreakable Ties, Realidea/Reminiscia, and Opalo/Anil/Z, among others
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
Been gambling and getting completely fucked by RNG and shit IVs, noticed a lot of changes, Arbok and Ekans are Poison/Dark now, oddly enough Seviper is still pure Poison, Fearow got Technician and Chingling is part Steel now.
Also I haven't brought it up much but the mon entry and victory animations are adorable.
>>57315948 There's something special about the rebornlike formula, T B H Empire and Shitstones are really terrible games, if we're lucky we might get episode 7 of Desolation somewhere in the middle of the year. Highly recommend Unbreakable Ties, Realidea, Crimson and Cobalt, Atlas and a few others if you want a fun time (granted C&C has some dogshit puzzles) and I highly recommend Reminiscencia if you like or can stomach roguelites, it's a fantastic game albeit a short one, Eevee edition is also a fantastic game but it's very Final Fantasy inspired so the gameplay is a fair bit different.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Time to start mopping about shitty IVs and move on. I really don't like these sprites, holy crap what were they going for here?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
>TMs are one time use Oh for fuck's sake, why do faggots keep trying to justify shit like this? Nobody liked it back then and now there's contrarian faggots in places like here on /vp/ that pretend that this and the lack of a physical/special split were actually "le good".
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
>>57315452 >>57315565 >>57316132 Thanks bros
>I'd say you're free from Water spam but I just remembered how demented the Madelis fight was and also Od*ssa exists too. Honestly I don't see those being too bad in comparison to this, especially because I'll have a lot more options by then
>though i imagine it's sort of like going out of a frying pan and into the fire, and then going out of the fire into another, bigger frying pan. least surf opens up a lot of shit for me to use, like both the aevian and paldea mystery eggs, poliwrath, etc.
>Is that music added by you? Yeah, iirc it's a mastersex track
>Would've liked to see how this would've gone without Water Absorb Camerupt kek It's likely still technically possible, but I imagine it'd be very hellish kek
>>57315948 For me, it's the gameplay that keeps me coming back, both the field effects and the general performance
Like the others have said, the spic games are probably your best bet for genuinely good games
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
Taking a break for a bit, really need to get some stuff done.>Fire/Fairy Vulpix Interesting, also->Trapinch this early AAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE, NONONONO REBORNXISTERS!!!!! I seriously don't understand why they still *ACK* so hard over Flygon.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57315330 congrats man, you're free from water hell
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57316361 gg. it seems like they put their effort into making good sprites for the gen 3 pokemon instead of the trainers, probably a safer bet
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
the artist definitely wanted his waifu to look good and not crunchy like roxanne. I guess this was a weather team. they did use sunny day but no solar beam, torkal didn't have drought though it did have a white herb so it could use overheat more then once. flareon had trop kick surprisingly, which is probably a better idea since even if you used rainy day it'd still have a quick option to get rid of a water type. least offensive weather team in awhile, it had other options other then being strictly tied to sunny day
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
>>57309686 >president ose continues playing pokemon alden, helping the mayor stave off the silver marshals I didn't actually, the Mayor is still rotting in the cave
The one I was forced to help was the ferryman
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57317532 sorry, my bad. you're talking about the fight at the ship museum that gets you the pass to the ship gym, right? mixed up the characters
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
>>57317555 Nope, it's right after the first(normal) gym
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57317568 I thought the mayor you abandoned was in the first gym town, the one where you take a boat to the swamp/forest?
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Quoted By:
>>57317598 Yes it's that one
Oh wait you said TO the ship gym not from the ship gym
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>yeah I'll use belly drum while slaking loafs >slaking then outspeeds hariyama next turn and facades it to death he's also the first to use type gems, didn't even know they were in this game. slaking and vigoroth had facade but weren't holding status orbs so it wasn't that bad.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Quoted By:
Hey now I didn't capture the guy, only left him there in a cave
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Quoted By:
>rest leftovers on a non truant slakoth I hate this guy already
Quoted By:
>infinite fusion's ng+ just gives you every pokemon you ever had in the previous save my main game rain team will be quite nice
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
this is probably the laziest thing this game has done so far, other then completely removing cycling road.
Quoted By:
>>57310907 >ports pokémon pinball mini games into the romhack. Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
b4k is back up not sure what the situation will be with the archive rentry, I see it's been swapped over to palanq
Quoted By:
>>57316956 Thanks bro
>>57319042 Noted, I'll replace it when I get back to my computer
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
the whole bit between leaving fortree and actually getting to mossdeep feels longer every time I do it. stopping here for now, it's kind of become emerald with a different coat of paint, just not much to say about it at this point
Quoted By:
Awaken my europoors
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
not just updating the character portraits, we're also getting updated battle sprites
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Forgot about this fag
Whiteouts: 101 Starlight Arena's neat, more than half my team just acks to it kek, and you have to watch a long cutscene every attempt, which isn't fun
Now I should have access to a lot more good shit
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57322111 gg. they just get to change the field for free now? I wonder how much more cancerous the saki fight is
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Now I need to decide between Pawmot and Ceruledge kek
On one hand, I'd really enjoy another good fighting type, and revival blessing could clutch some wins
On the other, Charcadet continues to suffer from tranny seethe and gets put way farther back than it deserves to, so I wouldn't get it ryland I'd like to say? I also have plenty of Fire/ghost types kek
Probably gonna go Pawmot
>>57322166 Thanks, this is probably one of the more "reasonable" field changes tbdesu, the reaching for justifications will get much worse as time goes on, if they bother to justify them at all kek
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
>>57322250 Oh, I guess Flamigo's an option too, but kek, I'm not passing up on potential Revival Blessing kino, I've never gotten the chance to use it
>>57322050 >vesta got her spine surgically repaired >celeste got bigger boobs spicgods won
still not sure if the fighting leader is supposed to be a girl or not though
>>57322111 GG
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Whiteouts: 104, all from Novae Sidequest cleanup (mostly) done, I'll probably try to do Carnigger before I move on though
>>57322616 Thanks
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Whiteouts: 109 Honestly not terrible for my team this time around, I had a lot of shit to hit the 4x weaknesses, just had to EV to survive hits
The breakthrough was finding out that using bulldoze before Lava plume stalls the SOS spawn a turn for some reason, and it let Oricorio come in and finish the job thanks to the stolen QD
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Whiteouts: 118 I found a really consistent clear for Neved really quickly, like 3 attempts, Zetta was being annoying though
>>57314737 are there any ds remakes for the other regions? i heard about a hoenn remake in ds but it's yet to release
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
First UB I find and I can't use the beastballs I got Kinda sad but I wouldn't use this guy on a team anyway
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Quoted By:
>>57323814 Oh,
it was the ditto I was looking for President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Quoted By:
What in the goddamn
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57322853 >>57323036 >>57323323 gg
>>57323345 there's one called pokemon royal that just released, it's a galar remake and getting an english version soon. alfpixel is working on a platinum remake/remaster in rpgmaker if that counts.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>57316970 Thanks bro.
>>57322111 >>57317649 GG.
>>57318300 This game is extremely lazy on the art department when it doesn't involve Pokemon sprites and the rare few characters that weren't drawn like shit, which is depressing considering how great a lot of the setpieces and art are in Hoenn.
>>57323950 Clearly ORAS didn't make Archie's skin dark enough.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57324014 thanks bro. he also doesn't have eyes apparently.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
they didn't make a demake cutscene for rayquaza coming down and stopping the climate bros, it's just the original. I admit that'd be a lot of work, but also cowards.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
What's this? A bait thread hook?
>>57324048 Some of these sprites feel like they were drawn by AI.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
dragon dance should be in aggron's canon level up pool
>>57324068 yeah, some kind of site that's like "upload your image and watch as it goes RETRO"
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Now this is a familiar sight, I wonder if he also happens to be guarding a weather rock
>Sirfetch'd gets Super Luck as a pulse ability >Mirror lure a G-Farfetch'd holding a stick critGODS,,,it's time
>>57323358 Whirlpool
>>57323857 >>57324014 Thanks bros
>>57323950 kek
>>57324063 gg
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
>got cut and started backtraking to get some stuff >random encounter ends up being a shiny shamin I don't think I have enough balls fug
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>>57324220 The best Pokemon
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>Forced rain >Swamp field >Near guaranteed 4-5 hit field boosted Mud Barrage spam another great day to have a half fire team i see
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
>>57324220 Forgot 4chan blocks your post if you say nigger too many times now
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Quoted By:
>>57324231 >found it on the next road Oh I get it, it's a roamer
One of the top 5 worst mechanics in the entire franchise
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Extremely overleveled Heracross clicks Bulk Up 6 times without taking any damage >Clicks a single move and one shots everything Wow, top tier fight design nigger.
>>57324126 Wouldn't help much sadly, poor lad is way too slow as is even with a +1 boost.
I respect gen 2 hackers, but their obsession sometimes really pisses me off.
>>57324220 Holy fug, I really love stuff like this were legandries are available as rare encounters, shame Aiden is such a retarded mess.
>>57324230 Best part is that they *ACKED* over the player getting Mud Barrage, because an unreliable Ground type that relies heavily on RNG to even do any damage is soooooooo broken.
Best of luck for this shittery bro, playing Yang made me truly fucking loathe rain niggery as well.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
>Heracross gets perfect fucking coverage alongside the cancer that is post gen 6 Knock Off >Takes no fucking damage >Will always outspeed, damage and tank every single one of your Pokemon >There isn't a single Pokemon fast enough to outspeed by this point in the game >Not a single one that can tank even a single hit from it >Grinding sucks dick even with an EXP share >TMs are one use only and there's very few of them I shouldn't be as pissed off but the agonizing climb from gold back to legend in Duel Links ruined my sanity. I wished for once these faggots learned a bit of fucking self-control when it comes to fights this fucking early in the game.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Quoted By:
>>57324312 It's a bit of a mess yes but I am enjoying it
Part of it is because I am crazy about doing side quests for some reason
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
>AI has accuracy cheats
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
KILL YOURSELF. The only reason I won is because I got a lucky crit on my Hoothoot, why? Just fucking why would you give Brawli a fucking overtuned, fully EV'd Heracross with a busted moveset ON THE SECOND GYM OF THE FUCKING GAME?!
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Whiteouts: 128 Really didn't feel like figuring out how to take out both of the dragoniggers while keeping the rest of my team in shape for the rest of the fight
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57324414 gg. you can't just demake a game anymore, it has to be annoying as hell as well
>>57324437 gg. does the greninja have a choice item? you'd think it'd use a water move against arcanine since it's raining
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Wonder if evolution requirements were changed for a few mons?
>>57324437 GG and based Crabominables and Revival Blessing coming in clutch is always nice, fight looked miserable.
>Ren has two Ground/Dragon Pokemon for literally no good reason >LAWDS trannies seethe over Ice coverage Sasuga, also pretty sure Crabominable used to have Mach Punch in earlier versions of LAWDS.
>>57324470 Thanks bro, yup, they could have just given Brawli a big team, but nooooo, giganigga Heracross it was.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
Dhelmise bros.......could it be.....?
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>More permanent rainspam my favorite
>>57324470 >>57324495 Thanks bros
>does the greninja have a choice item? you'd think it'd use a water move against arcanine since it's raining Grenigger has clear amulet I'm pretty sure, since it didn't get it's speed lowered by the swamp
I've noticed the AI choosing moves that just barely don't ko before, I assume it's a AI quirk related to lawds removing damage rolls
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
chimecho was the mvp of the whole game. it gets a steel typing, it learns revival blessing if you want it, it's just based. on the other end of the spectrum I sacked marshtomp, it never became useful, and swapped it out with wingull. This game felt more like a demake then a proper reimagining of hoenn in the gen 2 style. They found the perfect buildings for rustburo, but after that there were a lot of cut corners and crunchy sprites, basic buildings, outright removing things like cycling road and fortree's bridges. The quickest example I could give is the pokemon centers, they are very bland and empty in this game, but you can remember or google gen 2's center interiors and see that they're good for the artstyle. they didn't even try, it's the pokeball design and ms paint fill on the floor, no cross crossing or anything. the cool elite 4 rooms? ms paint fill. Most of the trainer sprites that aren't just from gen 2 look bad, except flannery. archie is missing his eyes for some reason. What gets me is that there are plenty of other fangames with this gimmick, pokemon and people from later gens remade in gen 2 style, and I remember them looking better then this one overall. removing the artstyle gimmick, it's really just emerald again. you get pinball, they put in a shop in petalburg that scales based on your badges but it doesn't really sell much even at 8 badges. they put in a bug-catching contest type thing in pacifidlog town, and a gatcha well in rustburo. I don't know if I would recommend it, as even though I'm a gen 2 fag this didn't do a lot for me since they only really put effort in the pokemon sprites, everything else was left on the wayside. This definitely doesn't deserve to make any top 10 lists based on the gimmick alone, remove it and you've got crunchy emerald. Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Been doing a few rounds of battle tent in-between having to handle chores and wow, I haven't played Emerald in ages but I don't remember movepools being this dogshit.
>>57324670 I'm surprised Flora's schizo uncle never used the Djinns in his fight in the base game, especially considering how much Terajuma spams legends your way.
>>57324676 GG and based team., shame it ended up being such dogshit, you can tell the fags or fag who made this hack loaded the early game with some of the prettier sprites and as soon as you reach Roxanne things start to slowly go down hill, as a Hoenn fag I'm really not liking it, thought it would be good from my sporadic experiences with it at the start but it's going to shit fast.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Whiteouts: 133 Took a bit to figure out how to maneuver around the thundurus, and had to figure out how to keep GODfetch'd alive long enough to ohko tatsugiri
Now I can finally get a hold on the aevian mystery egg
>>57324676 gg, shame it's as meh as I thought it would be
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
And there's only one choice since lawds changed A-Budew into something else I'm curious on how good it actually is, surely it can't be bad with intimidate + multiscale
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57324788 >>57324831 thanks bros, and gg RG. it does seem like they gave up at a certain point, the lake of rage from crystal doesn't look this shit. based sirfetch'd
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Groudon chads.......i-it isn't fair.......
>>57324831 GG, it's depressing a Pokemon as cool as Aevian Kommo-o is locked to the end of the game behind a hard to figure out sidequest.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>57324676 G fucking G
>This game felt more like a demake then a proper reimagining of hoenn in the gen 2 style B-b-b-b-but the spriterinos!!! You don't think white outlines and gen 2 style isn't more than enough??
Hopefully the actual new game coming out from the same team that made this is better
>>57324831 Also GG
>thundurus Epic. I guess they finally wanted to fix the sidequest bosses being barely altered from the maingame
>>57324414 And gg to you as well bro
>>57318843 This is not how I wanted to find this out. Fucking F. Fantastic year so far
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
>Rorim B's Altaria still has EQ on Swamp field fucking kek
Gonna put off crawli for now, I really don't feel like dealing with rainfaggotry again right now
>>57324882 >>57324891 >>57324915 Thanks bros
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>>57324915 thanks bro. if you don't already have them he did audiobook narration for a lot of hp lovecraft's works
Certainly not Groudon
>>57324891 Quality over quantity.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
Damn fucking shame I'm using Sceptile this run.
>>57324915 Thanks bro.
>>57318843 Dunno how I missed this but fuck, RIP, I've listened to some audiobooks he voiced over.
>>57325026 There's also LAND UNDER THE SEA.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Whiteouts: 136 Actually not too bad kek
Talonflame barely missed the ko on heracross during the last attempt, thankfully I found a sky plate while mining at one point
Now I'm probably done for the day
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57325104 gg. the honey reniculus looks cool
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
The scuba safari minigame and the fucking dexnav are such completely dogshit features, I don't think either of these were playtested at all due to how insanely janky and shitty both are, the dexnav goes full nigger mode sometimes and refuses to work and the scuba safari has encounters put at absurdly low rates, so you'll likely not even catch anything on a TIMED FUCKING CHALLENGE no less that also caps your movement to only 200 steps on a massive map, we fucking lost cycling road and great and varied visuals for this?
>>57325104 GG.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
How do you make a shitty underwater event that is SOMEHOW handled even worse than fucking Empire's? I barely fucking left the starting area and I'm already forced to fuck off without A SINGLE FUCKING ENCOUNTER HAVING POPPED UP ON THE SEA GRASS. I continue to lose my will to continue playing this crap.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57325453 you also have to do it for the waterfall hm.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
>>57325473 Dear fucking gods.....
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
seems like the atlas 2.5 update is getting delayed, but as we've seen it's better then rushing it out to look cool on discord rather then fixing issues
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>water/ice the dev behind legends mew, the very weird gen 2 version of PLA, is still going at it, no eta on a demo or anything though.
>>57324676 This team is based holy shit
Smeargle !!Nnc2aXQ7cTU
this entire sequence went a lot worse than it had any right to.
i mean, the trial itself felt so fucking hamfisted but then you add on LAWDS turning the ranger twinks into actual bosses that utilize rocky field
alex's team consists of
>drizzle pelipper >swift swim relicanth >a weird fully offensive skarmory? >eelektross >power herb meteor beam aevian rock palossand >swift swim vested armaldo i'm actually mad at myself at how hard this team fucked me up
and sam's team consists of
>crested druddigon (with flare blitz??) >shell smash crustle >crested samurott >vested no guard machamp >power herb meteor beam archeops >life orb sheer force tauros which for some reason was easier?????
also the tapu koko's charizard buddy has scorching sands i guess
anyway time for family drama!!!!! woo.
>>57324414 gotta get that nuzlocke youtuber crowd
>>57324437 gg! my god this fight looks fucking dreadful
>>57324831 that thundurus is a massive pain in the dick, gg
>>57325104 once again, gg! i've heard crawli is fucking rough in AM. i think gyarados is gonna be one of those benchmark power boosts
>>57324676 i've seen this hack here and there, but i've never really had much interest in it. it just kinda looked like yet another dime a dozen emerald hack but with some kinda neat graphical changes
Smeargle !!Nnc2aXQ7cTU
one more quick update- madelis was easy; melia actually uses the crystal cavern's gimmick well, and once again the jenner scenes are just charming. it's like they got a different writer for him. the neved mini-gauntlet went... shockingly smoothly. once i figured out the right things to do to preserve my team the rest was kinda history, his team is cool but not strong. anyway, time to rock climb a bunch!!! and then... sigh.......... not looking forward to angie.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>>57326208 >>57326406 gg on the progress. the graphical changes don't really go past the pokemon sprites either
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
ez, but I imagine it wasn't intended to be retarded either kek >>57325243 >>57325422 >>57326208 Thanks bros, and gg smeargle
>i think gyarados is gonna be one of those benchmark power boosts Probably, chapter 6 in general was a huge powerboost that I don't really see being topped for a while kek
>>57326000 >I always prioritize getting things out well and with care over getting them out quickly and badly Ayreikeks....Empirebros.....
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
also ez, rock climb backtracking time
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>57326000 Checked and nice, good to see one fangamer for once delaying a game for the sake of quality.
>>57326208 GG on the progress, also be glad this isn't Yang's take on the rocky field, because holy fuck.
Always the case with these sadly.
>>57328137 Reverting the bullshit Shedinja nerf for this fight was cathardic, shame they'll likely remove montext soon, GG.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Alright, I think that's everything
Whiteouts: 140, 3 to Nancy/Chandelure, 1 to Solrock/Lunatone Now it's trial time I think
>>57328370 Thanks
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>The singular point of failure is 1 rock slide flinch I'm really not liking this rerun bros...
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Quoted By:
Copium because you lost to a pigger
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Whiteouts: 147, 3 to Alex, 4 to Sam Not TOO bad, aside from the yang flashaback in the first battle, at least I only got sneeded twice instead of however many attempts over 40 minutes haha
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>They gave Mega Zard X Turboblaze >>This lets it hit Tapu Koko with EQ through Telepathy kek Whiteouts: 149 After that it goes down ez to intimidatespam
>>57309686 What are some good
easy fangames? I'm kinda retarded
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Quoted By:
>>57329630 Unbreakable Ties and Realidea are on the easier side
Quoted By:
>>57309686 what are some good motorcycle-inspired fangames? they don't need to actually have any motorcycle characteristics
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
>MM Stall haha...
>>57329768 Thanks
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Spent the whole afternoon trying to find out why my pump isn't pulling water from my well and ended up not having any free time.
Gave up on Seaglass, it does way too much wrong and it feels like a straight up inferior version of Hoenn, which doesn't sit well with me.
Not sure what I'll play now, I for whatever reason am having an itch to replay Rejuvenation for whatever reason.
>>57328761 >>57329064 >>57329209 GG.
>They still refuse to playtest any of these fights Sasuga.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Whiteouts: 157 Honestly the worst part about this is Noivern being inconsistent as fuck because of sun being up, so a few of my resets were dealing with that
Melia proves to be surprisingly competent outside of that, she usually outlived me in the attempts (mostly because of snorlax being a fat fuck admittedly) kek
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57330915 it really is just an inferior emerald game. rejuv is an abusive relationship but it was nice to you sometimes. regular rejuv or lawds insanity?
>>57330920 gg.
>normal gem wasn't used when snorlax whiffed on jellicent that's pretty considerate, I thought it would've wasted it
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
>Have to beat Neved's rainshittery again, this time with a damaged team from the first battle ack
>>57330915 >>57331034 Thanks bros
>>normal gem wasn't used when snorlax whiffed on jellicent It's part of the new effect in lawds, where gems don't get consumed on crystal cavern
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>Wasn't recording fuck Whiteouts: 162 Thankfully his team's much shittier this time kek, I would've been fucked if he brought A-Froslass and Blastoise
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>57331207 >>57326208 GG bros
>flare blitz To help with the Crest randomly giving Fire STAB I assume, since iirc it doesn't get any decent fire moves other than like Fire Punch kek
>been fucked if he brought A-Froslass and Blastoise Always time for that last fight, haha...
At least you should have Torkoal by then to stop rainshittery? Doubt the rainbow overlay will be anything "fun" to deal with
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Whiteouts: 164 Pretty simple, just had to keep Talonflame's HP topped off for Blaziken
>>57331289 >>57331328 Thanks bros
>Always time for that last fight, haha... At least I can (theoretically) counterteam that, whereas here it was essentially a 6v10 because of the gauntletshit
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>57331034 I'll stick to my word and refuse to ever touch LAWDS again unless I specifically need gen 9 Pokemon data from the files, so I guess regular Rejuvenation it is, though I guess I'l try and add a few gen 9 mons I'd like to use through a normal playthrough like Thorns, Skele and Scovillain.
>>57331207 >>57331373 GG.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57331373 gg, based yakub (forme kungfu)
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Anyone has the link to LAWDS' download page? I need to get a few strings of code from it again and sadly my link to it was erased due to arch getting deleted. Also->Reborn trannies are now for whatever reason pretending the Scarborough quest is somehow a "virtuous outlook into the struggles of trans folx" It's literally a quest about a tranny kid abusing an animal, I don't expect self-awarness from troons but holy fuck.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>57331508 >equating an eevee to trannies So kids are these magical gender neutral things that just choose their gender or have their parents choose their gender when they grow up? I'm glad the next 4 years are going to be so miserable for these "people"
>>57331588 >>57331508 To be fair, since Reborn is a secret chud game
>Sylveon is one of the biggest troon icons in Pokemon >the trainers was a pinkhair who raised the Eevee was addicted to television, was abusive, neglectful and also referred to it as a male multiple times even though it was born a female >the trainer forced the Eevee to become a Sylveon (tranny) against it's will There's a pretty easy alternative read on this situation kek
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>erm your leads vs angie automatically get -1 speed because....because.....because they just do,, ok Saving this for tomorrow
>>57331666 And I assume fire does 0 damage against the ice leader and fighting is probably not great with ice resists
Is it actually just a speed drop from trainereffect or the stupid Unnerve thing? If that's even in the game
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
>Some redditards also drew the same conclusions as we did after about the Interceptor correcting M2 during the section in Reniggade where she throws a fit and destroys a building I-I fucking kneel.........
>>57331588 >>57331648 It really is magical how hilariously and ironically chuddy Reborn can be sometimes.
>>57331688 IncineCHAD should be really good here, you can ignore Jan's shitty decision of locking it to post Strength and just grab if it becomes too much of a hassle, granted T B H I don't know if it even gets Fake Out anymore.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>57331688 Honestly even my firemons get 2hko'd by cold truth kek, not to mention chilling water
>Is it actually just a speed drop from trainereffect or the stupid Unnerve thing? Yeah it's the unnerve thing, Jynx gets it as a pulse ability
And of course, if you try to counter the lead with your own unnervemon (houndoom in my case), jynx has oblivious and arctovish is too fast to really be affected by it
>>57331719 You get access to a few mons with Defiant, maybe those with a sneed or a mon with priority? Could be useful.
Smeargle !!Nnc2aXQ7cTU
yeesh, rg's speeding past me. i think this game's making me feel tired.
this fight and the ensuing scene was honestly quite cute.
i genuinely love aelita's energy, but she just feels like she doesn't belong in this game. she feels like the ideal of what a friendly rival should be.
>>57331373 gg to all your stuff lmao
>>57331508 >scarborough quest ugh. as someone who doesn't tread in any particular gender binary, i can say with what little credence that lends me that the scarborough quest sucked eggs.
i've probably dug a hole for myself for saying this but. me faggot, me no likey weird sylveon shit.
honestly a lot of the fag shit in these games i don't care for. ryland's the only thing off the top of my head i'm kinda okay with and that's largely because he's the rare trans man.
i feel like there's a better way of making gender non-conforming pokemon characters anyhow.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
Quoted By:
so why would I ever believe anything this faggot says
if you're going to shit out a plot convenience forcing the party off on a different path just have part of the ceiling collapse
>>57332076 GG
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
Quoted By:
whoops I guess we were too late now that all that's taken care of can I get back to collecting my gym badges
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
Quoted By:
yeah don't you feel like an idiot for listening to him
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
Quoted By:
are you retarded it ate maria
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
Quoted By:
then say something????????????? block the dangerous path instead of the path forwards?? why would anyone take this edgy retard browbeating the party seriously I don't understand why this is even in the game am I supposed to be angry at edgytard? think she's a friendless loser tipping her fedora and chuckling as someone tries to help their friend? resolve myself to become precognizant and augur for incoming tragedy with the entrails of my local mareep? is this seriously just to show off how cool and ice cold and strong and bad bitch my mom's clone is? to show off that the player and his friends (ONE OF WHOM IS A REGIONAL GYM LEADER MIGHT I ADD) are weaklings too low on the totem pole to get anything done? I just don't get it
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
Quoted By:
>durr you wanted to save your friend that means you're setting yourself up for failure because something impossible to predict happened!!!!! v*nguard's writing was better than this
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
Quoted By:
uh, no? why would I ever listen to you
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
did jan take a three week break in between dialogue boxes she was just bitching at the start of this that we failed to protect maria how in the world did this situation not pertain to any of us even beyond that the fact that 'lmao our friend went missing' is a pretty strong tie to being involved in finding out that she got eaten by a mutated dimension hopping space pokemon thing I'm 100% convinced that this was written for something else entirely and got dumped into this part accidentally there's no way someone consciously codes and creates this scenario and then puts longhouse mcgrimdarktard at the end of it like this
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
Quoted By:
>you won against the space monster thing because you're WEAK!!!!!!!
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
Quoted By:
>you should stay in starter town beacuse you're WEAK!!!!!!!!! >hmm maybe we shouldn't stay in starter town anyways you remember that cave we were already in well at the other side of it is the next town you should go there I was JUST THERE
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
Quoted By:
>dei t*rra who watches me jack off like the cia awesome character
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
and there's my first whiteout to a level capped ambush
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
Quoted By:
... did jan really forget to put the character sprite back onto the map after the battle how do you mess that up it was right there beforehand
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
Quoted By:
I dunno I've been learning a lot about how not to write a story
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
is it because it turned day time mid-battle and she's not supposed to show up during the day
Quoted By:
>>57332589 Yeah that's exactly it
Sprites break in pretty much every time related cutscene, don't remember if it can cause permanent quest failures/softlocks but wouldn't put it past Jeetichroma
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>>57332451 >there's no way someone consciously codes and creates this scenario and then puts longhouse mcgrimdarktard at the end of it like this unfortunately yes they do
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Won't have much time today to really grind out a win
Primeape seems like a really strong contender for a lead because of Defiant + Anger Point, but the speed drop really hurts
Fake outmaxxing seems like an idea, I know I can get it on Scrafty and Salazzle
Whiteouts: 167
Also if there's one thing here I like about the ebin revamp, it's that this area doesn't play that shitty reversed track anymore kek
>>57331939 >Sneeds >In lawds haha...
Defiant/Competitive definitely seems like a good strat though, I might start grabbing egg moves for some mons now
>>57332076 Thanks, and gg yourself
>>57332589 I really don't get why Jan suddenly decided to timegate some quests
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>>57332076 >>57332573 GG bros
>why would anyone take this edgy retard browbeating the party seriously surely it wouldn't happen again...
multiple times...
>>57331719 >Chilling Water has 2x power It's so over
Hope you invested in Crabominable stocks I guess? I forgot if LAWDS decided to overautism about evo stones like M*to does
>>57333802 red yellow blue seems more like the legendary birds or dogs Tᗷ.Hdesu
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
>>57332076 GG.
>>57333802 Those are Soul Dews obviously but the colors of orange-ish, pink, blue and green together with wing/wind motiffs that are also pointed in cardinal directions very much seems to be related to the djinns in some way, unless this is a massive coincidence.
>>57334422 Holy mother of faggotry, this is just beyond petty.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Whiteouts: 178 Most of these were figuring out how to absolutely break the lead combo kek, after I did that it was basically over after a bit of optimization
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Whiteouts: 180
>Error when A-Arboliva triggers it's ability kek
>>57334760 Thanks
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
I'll save the kino for later/tomorrow
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>57334845 >>57334737 GG. Really can't wait until they remove literally all weather changing mechanics in the game
>man i sure do wish MY crabominable could get mach punch! kek
>:CRABCREST => "Powers up moves by 50% if holder takes damage before using them. Defenses raised by 20%.", kind of weird since honestly it seems like sneed crab would have been much more dangerous, i think that's what madame moto did, maybe they'll just shift it to accommodate for priority more and make sure the player never gets it anyway
Smeargle !!Nnc2aXQ7cTU
you wouldn't think mono poison would struggle to such a degree vs. angie, but you'd be surprised
i had to take a break lol
>>57334737 >>57334845 gg!
oh shit they added a cera fight to that playable aelita sequence that lasted like 3 minutes?
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>>57335374 >>57335490 >>57335806 Thanks bros
>kind of weird since honestly it seems like sneed crab would have been much more dangerous It didn't even occur to me that crabominable was crested kek, I guess they filled their sneed quota with the rotom
>you wouldn't think mono poison would struggle to such a degree vs. angie, but you'd be surprised Yeah, the leads + slush rushniggers are really strong if it's even a bit like awesomerino mode, good luck
>oh shit they added a cera fight to that playable aelita sequence that lasted like 3 minutes? I think there was already one? It was just a nothing fight that's now a boss for some reason
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>Decided to finally stop fucking around and get the mons I wanted from LAWDS to insert them in base Rejuvenation >Half of montext is filled with comments about the LAWDS trannies seething about random Pokemon, pretty much double the bitching from when I last checked it Kek.
Also I am still extremely confused as to why adding Pokemon works perfectly fine for Rejuvenation, fuck I barely had to prune and edit the code this time around, while in Deso it's a massive hassle and simply refuses to work no matter what, I'll try and see if I can add Torch Song as well to the game, though I'm way too inexperienced with move coding as of yet.
>>57334845 GG and hopefully Aelitakino distracts a bit from the dogshit, still really sad they removed the MC mogging Texen.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>They seethed about Klawf getting Rock Slide Fucking lmao.
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I need more Gardevoir pandering in my fangames.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
I saw that hyper emerald got an update a few weeks ago. it fixed that weird crash in slateport, so since it's been awhile I reset and am gonna give it another go. paul calls me a faggot outside of roxanne's gym and proceeds to challenge me to a battle, and his elekid with high speed and ice/fire/thunderpunch and brick break were very annoying. after that is grotle, and then guts makuhita with flame orb and facade. what a fucking asshole, 5 tries
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>57336289 GG, of course the Emerald hacks are kaizoslop as usual.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
How do I program in events and mon spawns? Do I just add it via RPGMaker? I'm sadly still pretty shit with messing with maps and such.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57336567 yes, in rpgmaker you open up whatever game you're editing, you click on the full cube near the layer options to enter script viewer, then you can just right click an empty square to add a new event or edit a pre-existing one. you can also copy over events to save some time
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
If I copy Rage Fist and Torch Song's data from LAWDS, it should work fine right?
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
I don't think I can do this one, this was the farthest I got. the only fighting type I can find is stufful, and it doesn't learn any fighting type moves. the lileep has storm drain which is why it tries to jape me at the start. maybe if I picked torchic at the start unironically, but whatever, wasted a lot of time on this as it is. Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>57336744 Rage Fist works differently in LAWDS iirc, a lower boost and it's not kept when you switch out. You'll want the gen 9 rejuv mod on that one
Torch Song should work perfectly fine though, unless for some dumb reason they seethe about that too
>>57336935 I'll maybe try it later once I feel better, looks like the kind of unhinged kaizo garbage that I'm somehow able to stomach. GG on getting as far as you did
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>57337217 thanks bro. you can catch a good number of starters early on but I couldn't find a torchic
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Ended up spending a good part of the night testing the waters with eventing, worked fairly fine, still not great with move coding though, had quite a few error messages when trying to port some moves from LAWDS.
Also, don't be surprised if I disappear, I might have pissed off a few too many niggers on /v/.
>>57336935 GG and sorry this ended up being a bust, Emerald hacks sadly have an insanely high likelihood of being dogshit.
>>57337217 Noted, I don't recall if the gen 9 mod actually adds the gen 9 moves, I have it installed though, so I'll give it a look tomorrow.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57337495 thanks bro. how'd you piss them off, did you try and actually talk about vidya on /v/
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>>57337520 That and I became inspired and went on a pretty long rant about double standards and faggots pretending to be victims that got a few too many jeets, chinks and nogs seething, thankfully it's pretty late so all the jannies are asleep.
Based This is everything Pokemon fans deserve and more
>>57337741 Kek!
I've been Ctrl+F some keywords daily but stumbled across this image that I just saw a couple minutes ago.
The videos not made by us were identified to be two YTers: Gohan's Tips and HM00.
>>57309686 While playing This Gym of Mine I saw some other fangames, Is Pokemon Reborn worth playing at all?
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>>57338092 That is a bit of a difficult question, while the gameplay is mostly good and the difficulty is hard but manageable outside of two or three sections the story and characters are dogshit
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>57337741 kek
pokemon and everyone who's ever enjoyed it was a mistake
>>57337850 glad you're enjoying the publicity I suppose
tell you what, if you somehow get voltsy or whatever annoying poketuber faggot to end up playing virtualization i will replay the entire thing on a stream and not use debug/items in battle at all
>>57338092 i'd say so, but it has obvious and very glaring flaws in terms of story and a lot of particularly annoying puzzles. would at least maybe recommend playing it just to experience the OG edgy fangame that basically has defined an era
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>>57338092 it's far from the worst fangame
I'd say you should at least give it a shot through the fourth gym (of 18) or so, by then you'll have been introduced to a lot of characters and will have a good idea of how future gameplay will go
the majority of the worst writing is in the postgame (after the pokemon league, it's all still one continuous story) but don't take that to mean the main story isn't bad it's instead that the postgame is exceptionally bad
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>57339001 i should say 'major annoying poketuber' not some dude with like 1k subs or whatever, tbf i don't really know any other than voltsy. maybe like adrive or pointcrow or whatever but that's a hard sell
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
I did it.
fuck roxanne
fuck kaizoslop
fuck the chinese
fuck carbink
fuck ivs
fuck evs
fuck natures
fuck 95% accuracy moves
fuck the element fang moves
fuck sleep not even working for one turn
so many team combinations, yelling at bad natures, the midway point when carbink revealed it uses screens with light clay, so many just awful things. in my old save I got to mauville so I have to assume it gets easier now, but holy fucking shit. tries immesasureable and my ass is blasted. Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>57339521 G fucking G
Hopefully this is one of those games where they overtune the shit out of the first gym and give you barely any mons for it and then the difficulty drops off a cliff once stuff starts evolving and getting moves
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>57339587 thanks bro. god I hope so
Smeargle !!Nnc2aXQ7cTU fuck. that is the best i can say for this entire segment and this boss.
it took a lot of weird little microadjustments to finally get a winning combination
>>57338092 it depends on how much you like edgy shitty characters and a bad story
like for me this fangame is like... a funny bad film. like a neil breen but not nearly as funny.
>>57339521 some day i really wanna try making a hack out of spite. hard enough to let veteran players have some new shit to deal with without being kaizoslop
is it wrong to say my opinion of pokemon emerald as a whole has dropped a little due to these awful fucking hacks
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Alright, time to start up the kino
Whiteouts: 184 >Ren, Aelita and Melia, all major characters and rivals, makes sense for them to have unique themes >>>>>Texen lel
>>57339521 gg, looks very retarded
>All shinymons RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>>57339653 Also gg
>i sure like struggling and getting nothing for it tee hee Many such cases unfortunately
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57339653 gg and thanks bro. you gotta love free mid dialogue boosts
>>57339658 gg. this was the same mod that removed hitting texen, right?
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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Whiteouts: 188, 2 to battle 1 and 2 to battle 2
God deep earth is annoying, why do I keep on picking Adam kek
>>57339707 Thanks, and yeah kek
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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Kino wells are almost fried up now...
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Whiteouts: 190 At least it's not a 6v6
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57339944 gg. how long until they remove sawkie due to your yakub shenanigans
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
It feels so much worse knowing that there's basically nothing left but dufficultyshit now
At least I can use it this time, and I WILL use it.
>>57339983 Thanks, I wouldn't put it past them kek
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Whiteouts: 193 Not too bad, not sure if the Fiery Dance proc was necessary
Probably gonna stop for now
Smeargle !!Nnc2aXQ7cTU
>>57340012 >What could have been a genuinely kino expansion is now just a difficultyshart mod honestly i think this is what's making me more and more exhausted with LAWDS
i like some of the new additions, but it gets drowned out by wanting to be the next big difficulty mod or whatever
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>57339653 >>57340148 GG. there's no shame in using the pulse3me password to give yourself a power boost if you're finding some of these fights annoying desu, it's why they added it
>>57340138 also GG. i didn't realize it before, but having them give you lucario right before a colosseum battle is actually kind of sovlfvl, even if colosseum is absolutely buttfuckingretarded
>>57339983 soon
by soon i mean 10 years if he's serious about the v14 thing, but we all know it's more likely 10 hours
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57340138 gg. what field is that, I've only remember it from when saki switches to it for one second in her battle
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Didn't get put on a forced vacation thankfully, I should probably stop tempting fate by shitposting on /v/ when I get drunk.
Anyhow, I got so caught up with mapping and events that I forgot to check LAWDS' movetext file, which is completely empty, great, awesome, I'm gonna lift up code from Yang and hope it works, I loathe this piece of shit of a mod so fucking much and everything that it stands for, remember when this was just a "quality of life" and gen 9 mod for Rejuvenation?
>>57338092 Reborn is an experience, it's the definition of cringe/edgekino, definitely recommend going through, if for no better reason than the gameplay being really solid and fields being pretty interesting to play with and around for the most part, fuck Ch*ss though.
>>57339521 GG and how the fuck was Lileep hitting so hard? Cripes I hate what kaizoslop has done to my beloved Emerald.
>>57339653 >>57339658 >>57340138 GG on the progress.
>Texen has an unique theme I'm starting to wonder if they removed the MC hitting Texen because someone who acts just like that faggot got pissy over it and demanded it be removed, wouldn't put it past that being Deefaggot himself.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>57339658 also i remembered texen had a new battle theme, is that the one in this vid? sounds hideous
>they finally gace sources for the replaced tracks >digimon and >>>cassette beasts not sending their best I see
>>57340301 colosseum
basically you can't switch out and everything gets beast boost, plus a random bunch of shit gives tons of free buffs. it only gets used in one major battle (in a sidequest) other than saki's autism and hopefully it'll stay that way in the basegame
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>57340351 oops image
>>57340326 it was wingdings and deeffect jointly i think, they really don't like people saying they want to commit violence against certain retards in rejuv because apparently rejuv-general in main reborncord does that a lot
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>missed posting image twice oh my joseph robinette biden
>>57340326 it was wingdings and deeffect jointly i think, they really don't like people saying they want to commit violence against certain retards in rejuv because apparently rejuv-general in main reborncord does that a lot
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57340326 thanks bro. I think it was just perfect, good nature/ivs/maybe evs, I don't know about evs though cause I was able to do some good damage
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Yang/Reborn's moves are formated the exact same way as Rejuvenation thankfully, so hopefully this will work when porting over stuff, though it remains to be seen through tests. Also-
>Gamefreak is entirely aware of the Typhlosion blowout that happened thanks to the leaks >They're now doubling down on by releasing official art of fem Hisuian Typhlosion in revealing kimonos and maid outfits Pokefuckers won, they keep winning, they literally can't stop winning.
>>57340374 I remember that one, but it really feels like someone took personal offense over it from how kneejerk the reaction to it was, granted that's LAWDS in general, but still.
>>57340375 True enough, I just found it weird because I'm used to using Lileep and Cradily a lot and they don't usually hit that hard.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>57340374 >still pulling from sa 2 even if it means using worse songs they have so many games to pull from. imagine they make a kaizofight with rorim, they could use this song to annoy the hell out of you on resets Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Gen 9 moves aren't stored in movetext Fucking bizarre, wonder where the fuck the Yang tranny put 'em.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Why the fuck aren't the gen 9 moves seemingly stored anywhere within the code? Are they hidden? Fucking hell this shite is pedantic.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57340556 is it in PBmoves?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>57340570 Nope, moves only go up to gen 8, no sign of gen 9 moves anywhere within the code even though they are present within the game, fucking bizarre.
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RPG Maker VX Ace is free on steam if anyone wants to grab it to make a game/mess around with a game btw
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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I guess I'll download Allgen and see if it works, I truly don't know what the fuck is going on with the lack of gen 9 moves in the coding with Yang, problem is Allgen has a fair bit of shitcoding.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>57340148 Yeah that was basically my opinion on it when I played it the first time, and since then they've now gutted basically everything new after the garufa chamber because they didn't give you anything or some shit which still irks me a lot when I think about it now kek
>>57340185 >>57340301 >>57340326 Thanks bros
>Pic Not surprised tbdesu
>>57340505 >>57340556 Reborn E19 still used PBS iirc, you're probably better off going through the beta rejuv gen 9 mod
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>57340687 I installed the gen 9 beta mod though and there's no trace of gen 9 moves unless I missed something.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>got to brawli >starts with sneasler >breloom >gallade >lucario that's just what I've seen so far, at least this time they've given me useful pokemon like beldum and mawile. fletchfinder also learned acrobatics, so I don't feel as completely fucked like with roxanne
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>these were waiting for me this entire game in the pc AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Wait what the fuck, I downloaded the gen 9 mod before, it was just an updater file and there was no data regarding the new mons or anything, just sprite files and sound files, but now I downloaded the same file via gifthub and suddenly there are patch files involved the gen 9 mon and move data? What? I mean it's great that I can avoid all the fucking stress from having to fly solo with modding and can just splice in the files, but I am so confused as to why this happened on principle.
>>57341415 Holy fucking mother of jewtuber bait.
Hopefully this kaizoslop hack allows you to get Crobat and breed it with Brave Bird, that sounds like one of the few things that can BTFO this atrocity.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>hawlucha is number 5 I think I can do it but I'm gonna chip away at it slowly
>>57341584 can't leave dewford until I beat him
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>57341637 Oh that is just miserable, most gen 3 hacks allow you to just go towards Slateport to at least get some stuff before this, best of luck with this one.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
I actually got the gen 9 mod to work for good this time I'm pretty sure, the only issue I suppose is that it runs on a different launcher, which is both good and bad depending on how you look at it, I'm considering adding the gen 9 mons as wild encounters in a few areas, granted I have no clue how to edit wild encounters right now, then I was thinking of creating a few events for special mons like Paradoxes, granted T B H I'm not sure how involved I'm gonna get with modding this since I can just want to play instead of just editing code for hours on end, but I still really need to get more experience.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Oh also, when I was looking through movetext, I found out there is a currently unused custom TM that's basically a Fairy version of Double Edge, it seems fully implemented too, which I'm pretty sure wasn't the case up until recently, so there's definitely some small things that got added via the patches by accident it seems. I guess we're facing Melia's non-femcel sister in v14, the fact Allen doesn't have an unique move means the poor kid is either getting pushed back even later into the game even though he shares a gym with his sister or he will die, considering what's happening next version, I think the latter is pretty likely.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57341724 you might be able to edit it in-game. if you go to debug, choose information editors, edit wild encounters, choose whatever map you want to edit. added sword dog to route 3 of vanguard as an example
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
after doing that it also updated the encounter txt file, so you might also be able to just do that, too
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>57341921 >>57341963 Noted, I want to make encounters natural instead of opening debug all the time, obviously I don't want to use busted legends early on, but having stuff like Scovillain and a few others available pretty early is nice, I want to create a fairly tough event battle for the Paradoxes that isn't super late into the game as it were, but I am still really shit with creating events.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Something didn't go right when I tried to set up the Capsakid encounter in Gearen park, I assume I need to add a corresponding tag in it's montext file? I'm not really sure how I do that though since the guides I read on it were really shit.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57342539 maybe you accidently put the encounter in the Neo version of the park?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>57342620 Nope, Gearen Park's encounters never change I'm fairly certain and the corresponding data is all early game anyhow, it sucks not having a PBS for these things.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>57342629 show a picture of your screen, how does it look?
you might need to hit F6 to bring up the in-game console and use 'compileAll' to actually compile the changes
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Oh nevermind I forgot to specify the spawn parameters like an absolute retard, this miserable fucking drought is fucking with my brain something fierce.
Oh also, I'm talking pointers for gen 9 mon spawns, obviously I'm not gonna try and sparse out the encounters evenly throughout the game, obviously I'm not gonna do something insane like making Tinkatroon or some other mediocre mons like Orthworm fucking postgame due to kneejerk shittery like LAWDS, but I'll at least try to handle it well.
>>57342648 I'm already doing that each an every time, I'm just being a bit of a retard.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
>>57342653 I'm taking pointers*
I'm gonna try and sparse out the encounters*
I'm not built to endure heat, my brain is fucking melting.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57342653 kingambit being attainable before the first dark gardevoir fight, cause fuck that fight
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
I have become death.......the destroyer of fangames.......
>>57342678 Not a bad call, I still don't get why Bisharp is fucking stuck to Goomidra of all fucking places at the end of the game, I'm just not sure were I'm gonna put the leader's crest.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57342689 a little off topic, can you reduce the price of the magnetic lure in the kek shop to only 5 bucks
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>57342723 Don't worry DemICE sama, just pack Electric coverage on everything and it will be perfectly fine, trust me.
>>57342732 I suppose I can, though I haven't gotten around to messing with prices and item spawns yet.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Calling it a night here, a quirk I discovered is that you sometimes need to reload a map or enter it again for spawns to work properly, I wonder if I could try and apply wild encounter methods to add mons to Deso, I frankly still don't understand what's the reason behind the game freaking the fuck out when you try to spawn in a new mon, especially considering how similar the codebase is to Rejuvenation that it might as well be the same thing.
Put down Rejuv for a long period of time and forgot what the hell was going on, so I'm starting over. I think I'm going to run a Dragon Gate team this time since I recall staying fairly low level for a good portion of what I played. Magikarp is a given for this theme.Ralts and Beldum are also wastes of space until they get to stage 3. I'm not too familiar with anything beyond gen 4 that has that whole early game ball and chain, late game powerhouse thing going on though. Anyone want to fill in my last 3? I would have gone with Feebas but I'm not sure if it can actually evolve in Rejuvenation and I already have 2 gen 3 mons. Maybe Dieno?
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>>57344405 Larvesta, Deino, Type: Null, Honedge and Cosmog come to mind.
I'm personally leaning Cosmog for the final spot because that think is actually useless until level 53. Deino is also a nightmare to use up until Hydregon because Hustle is the only ability it can have and Larvesta just explodes when you look at it.
Alright, here we go. Swapped out Magikarp for Larvitar because the fish evolves at level 20 and I want to be jobbing for a good chunk of the game.
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>>57344600 Already whited out in the first battle I've done. This is going to be a ride.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>57344600 Valarie and Angie look like absolute hell with this team, let alone whatever random boss might sneed you. godspeed anon
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57344600 gl. are you going for leo or lunala
How is it possible for me to put the LAWDS additions (with changes obviously) into Rejuv base? I want to also see what the fuck they're complaining about too.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
I don't know if it was worse or not. I had the ev items this time but these fucking teams are merciless.
>why yes lucario can learn water pulse >at some point the breloom just always outsped noctowl when it never did before >even when paralyzed hawlucha will outspeed anything once it drops the gem thanks to unburden >hariyama missed with rock slide once and proceeded to never use it again, throat chop or low sweep were enough to kill the bird >constantly forgetting gallade and getting mowed down by psycho cut >the amount of pokemon that learn useful moves at 24, cap for this was 23 >the game will heal you before the fight starts so no guts pranks >can't get hidden abilities unless I catch with a special ball that doesn't exist yet absolutely painful. my only hope for wattson is that I can get around the no two of the same pokemon rule by having both regional dugtrios and having a speedy sweep. I WON'T KNEEL TO THIS CHINESE TORTURE RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Whiteouts: 199 Not too bad, just fished for a hypnosis proc because that's the safest way to deal with froslass and that sneeded me a bunch while finding the strat to deal with the giga(faggot) blastoise
Dodging the burn proc might've been necessary, I'm honestly not sure if CHADfetch'd kos with a burn
>>57344405 >>57344600 Godspeed anon, assuming you can make it to post keta, I think Garde is gonna be doing a lot of heavy lifting for a while after that kek
>>57346285 gg, looks retarded
>>Sneasler at gym 2 kek, I think I said that last time as well thoughever
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Ended up getting conked out due to the heat and due to fucking up my throat something fierce by laughing like a maniac thanks to finding this. I'll probably continue Rejuvenation in a bit, sadly a lot of chores popped up.
>>57344600 Best of luck, this team gets demolished pretty hard even by the second gym I think.
>>57346258 Download Visual Studio Code and look up the scripts, best hurry too considering the LAWDS trannies are deleting a ton of shit due to seething.
>>57346285 GG and I am sorry you had to endure this bro.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57346302 thanks bro, and gg. blastoise getting that nonsense defense boost twice is nuts
>>57346305 thanks bro. that is way more argonian then I thought it would be
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
>Heatmor is fire/ground now ??? ok Lots of new firemons now, though most of them seems pretty shit due to no pulse3 abilities
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>>57346351 Thanks, I'm pretty sure that's just how the game is coded, either that or it's another bit of autism deeffect stole from moto, thankfully GODfetch'd gets 100% crits kek
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>57346302 GG, missed it due to 4chan's shit refresh rate on Bing.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
>>57346383 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Venam is bugged and can't send out anything after her lead is ko'd sasuga
>>57346381 Thanks
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Whiteouts: 203 Well, updating fixed it, so whatever, still really retarded though kek
>Removed Shell Smash from all learnsets except Shuckle and replaced it with Shelter Well it's a good thing my good friend Magcargo already learned it then
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57346476 gg. camerupt beating a boosted kyogre is nuts, I can't wait for this video to get hidden power or amnesia removed from the game. this game just keeps getting closer to having only one or two solutions to fights with how much it removes
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
kek Geara/Zetta time now, so that'll be "fun", if it's too retarded, I'll save it for tomorrow
>>57346511 Thanks, that's the power of having Water Absorb + max spdef investment kek
Both Wingdings and Deeffect cum over the ebin peak water absorb camel for some reason, so I doubt they'll actually nerf it
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
I'm probably not getting around to it today, but how is it you edit vendor inventories? I want to run a few tests with giving npcs more sellable TMs and certain evolutionary items.
>>57346476 >NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, CARACOSTA AND MAGCARGO CAN'T LEARN A MOVE THAT MIGHT MAKE THEM USABLE's all so tiresome.....can't wait for them to nuke Camerupt over something like this.
>>57346476 Do you even get White Herbs in this game?
>>57346305 >Visual Studio Code Ah now I'm not stupid but...oh god
# Lawds Mod: added a third ability to every starter
# Lawds Mod: removed LevelWalk evo method and replaced them with level ups.
# Lawds Mod: everything lost minimize. no more minimizemaxxing
# Lawds Mod: everything lost trick room by level up too, since you can just build strategies around oranguru and steamroll everything with little engagement to the enemy's team.
# Lawds Mod: everything lost access to OHKO moves
# Lawds Mod: limited sticky web's distribution
# Lawds Mod: limited baton pass distribution. WIP
# Lawds Mod: protect and detect have been heavily limited
# Lawds Mod: added pulse abilities - abilities which can only be obtained if Pulse3 is enabled for *either* the enemy or the trainer. pulse exceptions are abilities which are specifically not given to pulse 3 pokemon.
# LAWDS - everything lost sand attack and double team. i cant be bothered to remove them manually so i ctrl+f replaced it with splash lol
# LAWDS - CULLED belly drum
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57346597 gg. it's happened alot in these webms where the enemy just happens to survive on one hp even without a sash, that can't be a coincidence
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>Got rid of Tailwind on melia's noivern and gave it protect (that it's not used yet of course) >Zetta's flying sneedvally? nah he gets gale wings tailwind fuck you At least it's not the le funni 1 bajillion ability version (but it is crested and does get wind rider too)
Whiteouts: 207, I'll come back to this tomorrow
>>57346600 >>57346789 Thanks bros
>it's happened alot in these webms where the enemy just happens to survive on one hp even without a sash, that can't be a coincidence That's (usually) the price for running timid/jolly over modest/adamant kek, I've ended up missing a lot of kos that are usually solved by simply swapping to a +Atk/SpA nature or putting on a slight boost item like charcoal or whatever
>>57346674 I'm pretty sure you can buy them (a lot) later on in the game, unless they got removed
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57346600 I found the list of items and prices in itemtext.rb, the basic mart inventory in mart.rb, and the game corner prizes and prices in gamecorner.rb
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>57346760 that's just the start of it lel
they don't have a dedicated changelog since I suppose it's just an alpha and I suppose they want to keep everything in their sekrit discord
>>57346597 >>57346476 GG, as per usual, and GL for the shit fight, apparently they've made it like madame moto+ tier. hopefully will end up going better since you're using p3 though
>kyogre turned into a proper trainer fight pretty much every boss now I think kek
>>57346285 GG as well
i can only imagine wattson will probably end up being the turning point or at least the hardest gym in the game with everything decreasing in brutality after him
>>57346600 few things
>you can define stores within rpgmaker itself like so >there's a defaultMart setting you can call on that you'd have to define in Mart.rb in the scripts >item prices are determined in itemtext there are some stores that don't function like actual marts, like the kecleon shop but that's also just defining the prices in rpgmaker
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>57346864 meant to post image, but whatever
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>57346864 thanks bro. I can only hope the worst thing wattson has is that one lamprey thing that has levitate
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>57346904 if it's anything like the usual difficulty hack slop it'll probably be perma electric terrain and he might have mega manectric and/or zapdos, unfortunately
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>57346760 Honestly I recommend using the gen 9 mod and just editing in encounters in certain areas or using debug if you feel so inclined, LAWDS does some interesting things but it's so steeped in tranny tier retardation that it simply isn't worth the hassle. Grab whatever strings of code you need and just paste them into normal Rejuvenation, the issue with this for a good part is that the LAWDS trannies are deleting files like movetext due to kneejerk seethe, so actually getting the data you want can be a bitch. >>57346858 >>57346864 Thanks for the notes bros.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>>57346864 Thanks
>apparently they've made it like madame moto+ tier I can believe it, if only because there's no snowy mountain cheese this time around kek (not that I could do that on this type restriction anyway of course)
At the very least, Melia seems a bit more competent here than I remember her being in MM
she still eats shit pretty easily though >>57346916 >Zapdos Why stop there? There was a sneedler in gym 2, I could see something like Tapu koko or something equally retarded
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>eric has posted less and less game progress and more shilling his youtube channel it's claimed another
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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I'm back with an update It was relatively uneventful until after my date in the park. Froken learned dragon rage and deleted everything up until the Rift Gyarados and managed to flinch it to death with bite with the help of Deadweight's sacrifice for a potion top off.
This anon was correct
>>57346302 everyone but Aerith somehow folded to Keta, fortunately she's bold and I EV trained her to exploit that, so she was able to eek out the one 1v1 with the Lucario with draining kiss + berry heals. The team mountain base was pretty uneventful because Froken was once again able to flinch the rift mon to death with bite. Does bite get a higher flinch chance when boosted by field effects?
My goal now is to grind out to Psychic for Aerith and maybe try to get my hands on shadowball for her. The one I expected to spend most off the game KO'd is actually carrying the most weight here.
>>57345784 Lunala ideally since I have a steel psychic already.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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this time with the subject line fucking kek, i'm just going to blame being ill instead of being a retard
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