>>57364044You need to understand that zoomers don't actually like anything. They simply bandwagon off of whatever is popular and considered general consensus, pretend that they're avid fans, and then ditch whatever it is before hopping on the next bandwagon. Zoomers only care about trying to constantly ruin things for everyone else, because they themselves are incredibly bitter and self-centered narcissists that have nothing else going for them. Whatever the algorithm tells them to think or feel, that's who they are. They have no defining personality traits than the slave mindset that keeps them in constant fear of upsetting their peers. They know they're the biggest losers in the internet, which is why they have to find and invent new ways to destroy whatever it is that people like and appreciate. They have literal brain worms that prevent them from functioning logically and rationally, and when called out on this behavior, they'll utter some inane garbled negro nonsense as a defense and coping mechanism.