>>57378834No, they want remakes because Genwunners and Johtoddlers got one and they CAN'T be left out. So hoennbabs screeched for one, Game Freak only greenlighting the project when they saw internet fan demand (indicating a market for one still) and it ended up a project leeching heavily off XY (contrast HGSS, where they actually tried and intended it to be a farewell to the need to remake older games, due to everything then being part of the transfer ecosystem) that also sold 2m off the total sales of RS. But the fact it was based so heavily around XY just proved how finished GF were with remakes, again HGSS made in Gen 4's engine, but adding more than just what DP/Platinum did and calling it a day. Small wonder by the time Gen 8 rolled in and people once again cried for remakes, Game Freak gave them what they asked for and more - a remake of a game from 15 years prior at the time AND a wholly-new title, ushering in a new imprint of game in their series. Like I said, the only one uynable to be pleased with this is the entity too up its own arse to understand its place in the franchise and (more importantly) the fact the 2020's are not the 2000's and not when they binned the 90's-era game design template they used liberally up to Gen 8.