>>57419237I don't know, I think these beta designs don't click as much as the Gen 2 ones did for me. There are some I like, but I'm not even sure they'd work as official mons.
>BiVery cute if those things on the sides of its head are its eyes. That's the closest we've gotten to a mon that looks like a housefly.
>Komari and Beta BreloomHonestly look like monsters from the Mana series.
>NobinyobiI appreciate how it looks like an early, weird Jirachi.
>ShakokakuInteresting design. A snail with chinese dragon elements, maybe?
>Beta NincadaMore generic than actual Nincada, but I actually like it more.
>NinfuQ-Bee looking-ass. I love it, but its design really doesn't feel like Pokemon.
>ShedinjaBeta is just as great as the actual one, honestly, if not greater.
>SunounWhat the fuck is this, a snowman-fairy? Points for the concept if that's really it.
>TogepyonLove jerboas, and it stands like a jerboa. I'm intrigued.
>UezariIt's really cute.
>ZuruzuJust like Nincada, unironically prefer this one over Scraggy even if it's more generic-looking.
>YakkokoNot too upset that Trapinch replaced it in its line, but it's still a bit of a shame. Also, "Yakkoko" sounds so great, it makes me wish it was its name in every language if this mon actually existed.