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I don't know anything about Pokémon Presents. I only got info about Masters. Not about the trailer, but the story chapter itself The new Arceus Arc will focus on Unova. The story starts with Iris defeating N using an Arc Suit in the Arceus Cup, and Alder wonders if it's time to fully retire as a Trainer and leave things to the younger ones. However, Marshal steps in and says that Alder can still aim to be Unova's strongest Trainer. Volo then approaches them, and suggests that Alder might also try to awaken his Arc Suit, pointing out that Arc Suits are so powerful that Leon defeated a living legend like Red. However, Rei eavesdrops on the conversation Alder then begins training with Marshal, and awakens his Arc Suit in a battle against Iris in the Arceus Cup, defeating her At the end of the chapter, Rei approaches Volo and asks him if it was all part of his plan. Volo reveals that he learned that Alder was defeated by N while retaining the Champion title, only to "lose" it to Iris. Actually, Alder had already retired as the Champion, but after defeating the Elite Four, Iris still wanted to battle him as if he were still the Champion. Volo then wondered who deserved the Champion title between N and Iris in front of her, in order to push her to battle N in the Arceus Cup and make her awaken her Arc Suit, and then push Alder to do the same against Iris Rei wonders why Volo wants as many Sync Pairs as possible to receive Arceus' blessing, even though during their battle at the Temple of Sinnoh in Hisui he couldn't stand the thought of anyone other than himself receiving such a blessing. He doesn't know whether to stop Volo right away, or wait for Arceus to make a move Arc Suit Alder & Volcarona and Arc Suit Iris & Hydreigon are probably the Sync Pairs for 5.5 Anniversary. I don't know about a third one, but maybe there could be a Story Event unrelated to the Arceus Arc, with another Anniversary Sync Pair? I only heard about the Arceus Arc part, so I don't know
>>57415822 Iris and Hydreigon and not Haxorus?
>>57416020 Makes sense if they want her arc suit to be based on her champion outfit. And until now we only got arc suits based on poke and master fairs. The Hydreigon one was poke fair iirc
>>57416123 It was also dragon type. I'm not believing in dark arc Iris unless it shows up in the datamine.
>>57416132 Oh I thought of it more as "Iris decides to prove herself worthy of the title in front of everyone" more than "dark Iris" lmao
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>>57416182 I don't think Iris is going to be evil either, but I meant that I don't think she'd get the dark type arc suit because her ace isn't Hydreigon and her Hydreigon pair isn't even dark type.
>>57416132 The next Arc Rings were leaked a long time ago to be fire, dark, and bug. Fire already got one with Leon earlier this year. Even if this leak is fake, the next two arc suits should be dark and bug anyways.
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>>57416215 I don't know that we have enough evidence to tell if every ring will be datamined before the respective arc was added before we either get the dark and bug arcs or a different arc that contradicts the pattern. Whichever way it goes, I don't think the dark arc will be Iris specifically because she's a dragon type user whose ace is a pure dragon type.
>>57416215 Oh yeah I forgot about the datamined ones. However we only got champions as arc pairs until now, and we got 0 dark champion pairs except neo champions. So i dont think it's impossible for them to make a dark type Hydreigon pair. Also there are not that many pairs that would be good as arc pair except seasonals, neo champions etc
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>>57416359 Among dark pairs I mean of course
I forget, why is Arceus suddenly blessing some sync pairs with divine power anyways?
What a basic bitch """leak""" with only content that's already known (bug and dark are planned to get an arc) or has been theorized for months (alts for the 2 champs that didn't get shit in 5 and 3 years)
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>>57416374 Because the game is ending so they wanted to work Arceus in there somehow
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>>57416381 The point is Iris is actually a Dragon pair, and the previous Arc pairs kept their original types. So it would be weird to get a Dark-type Hydreigon pair. Not impossible, but weird
>>57415822 >shitsui arc Bait used to be believable
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>>57416404 The Arceus Arc with Volo as the villain started months ago and we already got 2 chapters lmao
>>57416404 its the current arc since 5-th anni and will probably last ~1.5-2 more years
Volo is the main villain, Cynthia (and Rei) are the main heroes opposing him
Masters loves Sinnoh and PLA
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>>57417067 >since 5-th anni The prelude started even before that
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>>57415822 Sounds believable, possibly bullshit. No Arc Suit N yet?
That's stupid. How could you have a story about Alder without his grandson Benga?
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Where's Drayden?
>>57415822 >Here’s the commonly speculated pairs everyone’s been speculating on since Arc Leon was released as a “leak” Anonymous
>>57415822 In fact, it would be very strange if this did not happen, arc is marked for bug and dark in the data, and coincidentally they are iris and alder the champions with those types.
To all this, I wonder when they will add the teracrystallization function, or maybe never?
>>57415822 >pointing out that Arc Suits are so powerful that Leon defeated a living legend like Red Masters actually let Red lose a battle rather than him mogging the opponent like Masters' version of Gold VS Red, or leaving it up to interpretation like Ash VS Red?
>>57417878 >I am confirming very likely thing to happen is in fact going to happen >REEEEE NOT A LEAK This is you right now.
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>>57417951 Yes. It was a Charizard dick-sucking contest and Leon knows how to suck massive dick.
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>>57418019 >I am confirming No you’re not lol that’s the point. Anyone can take obvious choices from the predictions of the community and pass it off as a leak. Give some proof if you don’t want your fanfic laughed at.
>>57417951 Leon lost at first and needed arc suit power-up to (barely) beat regular Red
as soon as Red gets his arc suit, he will be > Leon again
>Ash VS Red that never happened in Masters, they never even met
it was Red vs Cynthia and result was not shown/cut to black (which probably implies a draw)
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Didn't Red just 3v1 some champions
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no serena alt no reinstall simple as
>>57417929 >iris and alder the champions with those types. If you really want to stretch the definition of type specialist then you can maybe consider Alder a bug type specialist, but Iris is a dragon type specialist who happens to lead with a Hydreigon that knows no dark type moves sometimes.
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>>57418213 >that never happened in Masters I think he means the implication of Red getting a boner from the mere thought of fighting Ash
>>57418254 It's true but she is the only possible one for a dark type, she is a champion, from Unova, and has a sinister-dragon, I can't imagine another possible character, as well as fairy-diantha and rock-kukui the following arcs
>>57418365 N and Zoroark would work better as a dark arc because it's his most iconic Pokemon that doesn't depend on the game's version and stuck on an outdated seasonal.
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>>57415822 >more Unova slop Just give me Arc Suit Diantha already damn it
>>57418538 But he is not a champion, at the moment Arceus only blesses the official champions, maybe after the 6th year he will do it
>>57418561 The loading screens disagree.
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>>57418561 N is your champion fight in BW because he usurps the previous final opponent just like Blue did with Lance in Kanto, except Lance was acting in E4 capacity so you actually got to fight him anyway unlike Alder who loses his title to N
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>>57417643 Because they already used Benga to edge Lance into not being a shitter earlier in the story. Using him again to do the same thing to Alder would just be boring.
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>>57416374 For a show down with Giratina. Maybe in the form of a gym raid.
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>>57418772 I'm glad this was drawn before Geeta existed, Leon's bad enough.