>>57422318Maybe because they A) started when the industry introduced it about 10 years prior to Game Freak, B) release games with usually greater than 3 years in-between entries, if not more (TES has been on a 154 year hiatus) and almost-assuredly are aimed at teenagers or adults, thus need to try more to achieve impact amongst those two demographics so chase memes.
Pokémon's the biggest kid's brand in the world, meaning meme visuals are irrelevant versus the cutesy cartoony monsters looking cutesy, cartoony and just the right kind of monstrous to make kids want to play with them, are contracted by Nintendo to release yearly games, to drive console sales and support their merchandising/marketing arm by releasing new shit for them to sell toys of and were limited to cheap handheld tech by Nintendo, deliberately to keep the portable consoles at a price point acceptable to parents buying it for their kids, due to the biggest kid's game on the planet releasing games on it. They don't need you, fuck off and find a series that DOES do what you want, complete with 8 year gaps in between releases and season pass paid-for content yearly.