Play the stock market til I'm rich enough to officially and unofficially the richest person in history.
Run for president of the USA.
Nuke Moscow, Beijing, what the fuck ever is in North Korea, Tehran,
Riyadh, Tel Aviv, London, most of Africa, and of course just for old times sake, Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Oh and let's not forget it's time to honor General MacArthur and complete his plan on how to deal with the China Question. All while loudly proclaiming we won't get hit with a single retaliatory strike. Honestly, anyone who is not performing the most scared of American rituals(clapping) while cities around the world are being bombed will also getting nuked.
Next I start my own Onlyfans. The gimmick is fucking enough celebrities in the Oval office to put JFK to shame. First Episode? Taylor Swift. After that it's a long journey of fucking every single J/KIdol. Just so I can see their fans hearts be ripped apart and their minds fractured.
Order gamefreak to give Castform an evolution that makes it the most powerful Pokemon of all time.