>>57496873I don't disagree, but also Pokemon has a fuckmillion Kantomons on the roster thanks to Pokemon Trainer so asking for more Pokemon would just upset Smashies. I'm sure if everyone was able to agree on one Hoennmon for the roster it would definitely be Gardevoir by now. It's even in Pokken
I think a major reason for the lack of Pokemon rep outside of shillmons is a fault of TPC desu. Pokemon doesn't really feel like it's integrated well into Smash outside of being a franchise to shill. TPC comes across as only giving a shit out of Smash to say "new game out" and it leads to embarrassing situations like revealing SwSh an actual fucking month after Incineroar's Smash reveal trailer
And generally maybe there just isn't as high of demand of new Pokemon in Smash versus other franchises even with how huge Pokemon is. Gardevoir probably wasn't pulling Sora's numbers