>>57474893The reason why that happens has to do with the fact that pokemon in sword and shield were not programmed with home in mind. Their data structure did not originally contain a Home ID tracker, which was then added later in a patch. If you send a Nincada before evolving it, it will be given a Home ID tracker, which will be duplicated when it evolves into Ninjask on to the Shedinja that is then spawned. No two pokemon are supposed to have the same Home ID number combined with all of its other data like trainer name and ID, etc. Because of that, Home identifies the Shedinja and Ninjask as clones of one another despite being different species. You can still deposit both of them in to home, but you can't do it at the same time. If you do, it will only deposit one of them at random, and the other one will be permanently deleted.
This is more the fault of SwSh not being optimized for home when it launched, as opposed to anything related to BDSP.