>>57475235The less admins in a group the more memorable and easier it is for the fans to give a shit about who's there
>Archer, Ariana, Proton and PetrelI had to look the last one up because I thought one of them was named Apollo. That was Archer's JP name. It's a clever idea to name them after actual rockets, but they're unfortunately not strong characters because Johto doesn't really value Team Rocket's influence on the plot
>Tabitha, Courtney, Shelly, MattCarried ENTIRELY by ORAS' redesigns and PokeSpe. Courtney is particularly egregious because she's the only one you don't fight in Emerald. Shelly you fight the most so people probably remember her the most at least
>Mars, Jupiter, SaturnYou straight can't fuck up a gimmick like this. They're all unique and have a memorable bit. Plus they fundamentally contrast your friend group with Barry and Dawn respectively during the Lake events. Great theming, only fall behind the ORAS Admins in personality, specifically, but honestly they kind of accentuate the plot a lot better than the ORAS admins do
>Aliana, Bryony, Celosia, Mable, XerosicWe remember Xerosic because for some reason the Looker quest is the only part of the game with good writing. The rest are basically interchangeable Barbie Dolls. No value, XY is a victim of its rewrites. I don't count Malva because while she is an "admin" they don't really do much with it outside of the Looker quest and being the Holo-Caster anchorwoman
>Plumeria, GladionThey don't really function like regular admins, they're just guys Guzma trusts to be more responsible than the rest of Team Skull but honestly that's all they need to do. Great characters,
they probably fuckI don't know anything about SV so I won't comment on Team Star or whatever