>>57479418>Typhlosion was already used as a starter in PLAthat's obviously why It wasn't here, The issue is 2 Johto starters, which is especially weird because it mean no one in from Sinnoh got anything despite being "robbed" in LA, and I guess Kalos get cucked out of megas AGAIN, and what about Snivy?
It's actually comical how the only time Feraligatr and Meganium get anything from game freak is after their fans spent half a goddamn year acting like turds. They've always been lowkey bitter that despite Johto being the runt of the franchise Typhlosion managed to be somehow popular with normalfags despite being bland as fuck charizard clone (to be fair it kinda is), then they go the jugular at the first chance, its insane how they embody how everyone THINKS Typhlosion fans act about Charizard
>I have no idea what the fuck they were thinkingReal talk, they likely weren't. they're just criminally tone deaf, throwing out the first ideas that pop up, not thinking about the implications, that's how the Tera Leak fiasco happened. They didn't intended to add fuel to the Typhlosion cancel campaign, they just don't give a shit that they accidently did
>Stay strong Anon, don't let your love for a Pokémon wane because of this whole thingdon't worry I don't hate Pokemon. But Pokemon FANS can hang themselves. If I were in the woods and stuck between a bear and a Pokemon fan, I'd shoot the pokemon fan thrice. (unless they're from /kiki/ you guys are some of the only the good ones)
>Nothing in particular, I think it did look okay but also very unintriguing fair enough, I thought the moving in battle thing seemed interesting, a nice expansion on the free movement in LA. though it didn't really show enough for me to have any major opinion but I like to think GF is at least TRYING to innovate
>ruining /Kiki/ with my negativity is the last thing I'd want to dono need to apologize, you're allowed to had standards, especially about things you care about