>>57501080>>57501148>>57501295I apologize, allow me to address your retarded "argument". First, the Pokémon franchise, you know, that tiny, obscure IP, has been a global phenomenon for nearly three decades? It thrives specifically because it appeals to players across countless cultures, regions, and backgrounds. The suggestion that having black and brown people in it is some kind of ethically indefensible betrayal of Japanese artistry is completely delusional.
Second, the notion that Japanese developers, who are perfectly capable of deciding what fits their artistic vision, are being held at gunpoint by shadowy "American investors" to forcibly add melanin to their character designs is the kind of paranoid fever dream that only festers in the minds of people terrified of a world that doesn’t exclusively reflect their own skin tone. Japanese creators aren’t fragile infants in need of your patronizing protection, they’re adults running an international business, and they’re perfectly aware and comfortable that non-japanese people exist.
Lastly, and perhaps most hilariously, you’ve managed to cloak your discomfort with seeing Black and brown characters in a fictional world about electric mice under the paper-thin guise of protecting "Japanese artistic integrity," as if you give a single damn about Japanese culture outside of when it’s useful for shielding your racism. If you actually cared about Japanese values, you might have noticed that respect, and cultural exchange are far more aligned with modern Japanese gaming culture than your weird ethnonationalist hang-ups.
In short, no one’s forcing Japanese artists to do anything. The world is simply bigger than your limited imagination. Cry about it you dumbfuck.