>>57526393>sucks the fanbase for a pokemon you like is full of retardsThe difference between a true Chikochad and a faker is whether or not they appreciate Chikorita and its evolutions for what they are instead of what they could be.
I acknowledge that Chikorita is statistically an underpowered Pokémon, and I don't care. If anything, that makes me wanna choose it more. Pokémon isn't exactly a challenging franchise, so if I can make it just a bit more challenging, that's cool with me.
I'm open to the idea of Chikorita receiving a buff, but at the end of the day I'm just excited and happy I get to go on an adventure with my favorite Pokémon again. Faggy journalists and others of similar intelligence (or rather lack thereof) are the same people saying that Chikorita needs a "redemption" or that it "needs something more" like a better hidden ability. After all, it's in the nature of the tranny to want to change anything that doesn't match their delusional ideas of how things should be.
I don't care what the consensus about Meganium is. I don't care if people think it's a bad starter. I have no reason to care what they think, because they're wrong.
>stop blaming "pedophlosion" for all your problem and move on with your lifeNTA, but I don't blame Typhlosion for shit. I don't bully Typhlosionfags because of some scrapped lore, or out of jealousy, or anything of the sort. Being envious faggots is their thing. No, I bully Typhlosionfags because they make themselves an easy target. They're probably the most hilariously fragile Pokémon fans out there. There is not a subcategory of Pokémon fans easier to get a rise out of than them.
Wanna know a little secret?
I don't even hate Typhlosion as a Pokémon. I am rather ambivalent to its existence. I do consider it to be the least appealing Johto starter, but it's a pretty "whatever" design all things considered.
No, I just think that Typhlosionfag tears are glorious. Nothing makes me happier than seeing Typhlosionfags cry.