>>57539368Seeing the protomons helps me better understand the final Pokemon, for example Seedot is a low-ranking tengu soldier who carries a kabuto, Altaria's dragon type is inherited by Rairai which is a Chinese dragon, in Clampearl you can see that they are two creatures a clam and inside the egg of a fish or fry (Based on a real symbiotic relationship), in Huntail it's more obvious that the tail is a lure imitating a small fish, in Makuhita it's better noticed that his necklace is actually a Sumoka's Mawashi, you can also better see that when Makuhita evolves his skin breaks and it becomes Hariyama's Keshō-mawashi, and in Sharpedo you can see that they didn't want to abandon the concept of a Shark with an anchor as a tail, but in the end it was eliminated, perhaps due to aesthetic reasons.