>>71313746>RATE THE RABBITCollabkin letting herself get third wheel'ed for half of it was pretty awful but she got alot better towards the end. 6/10
>RATE THE FISH PRINCESSAutisimaxxing/10 the banter between her and tileman was alright.
>RATE THE TILEMANDid better for the kahoot then he has the last few weeks of ranked in jong/10
>RATE THE KAHOOTNeeded a bit of work and obviously not a teaching method that works with mari.
>RATE THE JONGPippa's shit discards make me want to kill myself.
>RATE THE COLLABTook like 3 hours of Pippa to stop being a sperg and join in with the banter but when she did join in it was pretty good.
Pippa you owe mari a fornite collab.